Quiz_ The Thorax_ Overview, Superficial Thoracic and Deep Thoracic_ MSCI510_ Foundations of Medical



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Apr 3, 2024





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3/7/24, 8:24 AM Quiz: The Thorax: Overview, Superficial Thoracic and Deep Thoracic: MSCI510: Foundations of Medical Anatomy I (B02) https://canvas.liberty.edu/courses/590273/quizzes/2781454 1/10 Skip to Main Content Quiz: The Thorax: Overview, Super±cial Thoracic and Deep Thoracic Due Jan 28 at 11:59pm Points 100 Questions 40 Time Limit 60 Minutes Instructions Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 39 minutes 95 out of 100  Correct answers are hidden. Score for this quiz: 95 out of 100 Submitted Jan 26 at 11:55am This attempt took 39 minutes.  Question 1 1 / 1 pts True False  Question 2 1 / 1 pts The quiz: Covers the Learn material from Module 2: Week 2 . Contains 40 multiple-choice, true/false, short-answer, and essay questions. Is limited to 60 minutes. Allows 1 attempt. Is worth 100 points . Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module 2: Week 2. 75% of all Lymphatic drainage from the breast tissue passes through the Axillary Lymph nodes. Online Residential Athletics Sign In Request Info Apply Now Visit Us Create Guest Account
3/7/24, 8:24 AM Quiz: The Thorax: Overview, Superficial Thoracic and Deep Thoracic: MSCI510: Foundations of Medical Anatomy I (B02) https://canvas.liberty.edu/courses/590273/quizzes/2781454 2/10 True False  Question 3 1 / 1 pts True False  Question 4 1 / 1 pts True False  IncorrectQuestion 5 0 / 1 pts True False  Question 6 1 / 1 pts True False  Question 7 1 / 1 pts True False The Xiphoid process forms the inferior attachment for the 11th and 12th ribs. Another name for a collapsed Lung is Atelectisis. The sternal angle articulates with the anterior part of the costal cartilage of the second rib. Lymphatic drainage from the right leg drains into the Right subclavian vein via the Right Lymphatic Duct. The Inframammary Ridge is a normal ±nding with age. When performing a thoracocentesis, the needle should be places at the superior aspect of the inferior rib of the intercostal space that you are entering.
3/7/24, 8:24 AM Quiz: The Thorax: Overview, Superficial Thoracic and Deep Thoracic: MSCI510: Foundations of Medical Anatomy I (B02) https://canvas.liberty.edu/courses/590273/quizzes/2781454 3/10  Question 8 1 / 1 pts True False  Question 9 1 / 1 pts True False  IncorrectQuestion 10 0 / 1 pts True False  Question 11 3 / 3 pts Inferior border of the Latissimus Dorsi Mid Axillary Line lateral border of the pectoralis major Imaginary horizontal line from the nipple  Question 12 3 / 3 pts Internal Thoracic artery Aorta Axillary artery Pectoral branch of the Thoracoacromial artery The Sternal Angle is between the manubrium and the Clavicle. One of the products of Internal respiration is heat. Montgomery glands are the glands of the breast that produce milk. Which is not a boundary of the safe triangle? The anterior intercostal Artery is a direct branch off which artery?
3/7/24, 8:24 AM Quiz: The Thorax: Overview, Superficial Thoracic and Deep Thoracic: MSCI510: Foundations of Medical Anatomy I (B02) https://canvas.liberty.edu/courses/590273/quizzes/2781454 4/10  Question 13 3 / 3 pts Posterior Lateral Medial Anterior  Question 14 3 / 3 pts Anterior Posteior Superior Inferior  Question 15 3 / 3 pts Internal Intercostal External Intercostal Innermost Intercostal All of the above are involved with exhalation.  Question 16 3 / 3 pts Right subclavian vein Thoracic duct Right lymphatic duct Right Axillary nodes  Which is not a cord of the brachial plexus? The Lateral Cutaneous branches of the spinal nerves to the ribs comes off which rami? Which intercostal muscle is not part of exhalation? Lymph from the right hand will drain through all of the following structures except
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