MA101A ROW 2 Chapter 2 (2)



Ross Medical Education Center *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by AgentCrab7334

MA101A - ROW 2 Chapter 2 Body Cavities 1. Name the two cavities that make up the dorsal body cavity. 2. Name the two cavities that make up the ventral body cavity. 3. Describe the cranial cavity. 4. Describe the spinal cavity. 5. Describe the thoracic cavity. 6. Discuss the two cavities that make up the abdominopelvic cavity. Abdominopelvic Quadrants and Regions 7 . List three organs found in the right upper quadrant. MA101A Module 1 Clinic 92022.40
Chapter 2 Anatomy and Pathology Basics 8 . List three organs found in the left upper quadrant. 9 . List three organs found in the left lower quadrant. 10 . List three organs found in the right lower quadrant. 11 . Describe the advantage of using the abdominal regions compared to the abdominopelvic quadrants. 12 . Using the grid below, create a table showing the locations of the nine abdominal regions. In each box, indicate the region and one organ found in that region. MA101A Module 1 Clinic 92022.40
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