Bio 203_ Blaye- W07_ Sensory Organs and Endocrine System



Brigham Young University, Idaho *

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Jun 8, 2024





Uploaded by AdmiralTitaniumNewt37

WO7: Lab Reflect: Which anatomy structures are the most difficult to remember? Why? (2 points) The most difficult structures to remember are most of the structures in the ears and eyes because I just haven't learned about them much except for this class. Which anatomy structures are the easiest to remember? Why? (2 points) The structures that are easiest to remember are the taste, smell, and the endocrine glands & hormones. These are structures that I have learned in previous anatomy classes so it's just a lot easier for me to remember. Describe how your taste/smell activity went. Did you have trouble identifying the juice types? Why or why not? (2 points) This activity was really interesting and fun! I did have trouble identifying the juice at first because the taste was pretty muted. Once I was able to smell the juices with my eyes closed, it was so much easier to identify which is which. It's crazy how much of a difference it can make when you can smell what you are tasting. Describe your results from the hearing and vision tests. (2 points) In the first hearing test I got 100% and no hearing loss. On the second test I had a bit more trouble. My results showed that I have some hearing loss in my left ear and significant hearing loss in my right ear. For the vison test, I got 100%. I wasn't surprised though because I just recently got my eyes checked and have 20/20 vision. Capture:
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