Quiz- Anatomy Overview and The Back with correct answers to 97 question pool bank



Liberty University *

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May 28, 2024





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Module 1 Quiz: Anatomy Overview and The Back 1. (2/2 pts) You were instructed to read the Surgical Anatomy of the Uncinate Process and Transverse Foramen Determined by Computed Tomography. What is the range of the vertebrae the uncinated processes are found? From ____ to T1? a. C3 2. (2/2 pts) which vertebral region has no holes on its transverse processes but articular facets on its bodies? a. Thoracic 3. (2/2 pts) What bone opening does the vertebral artery pass when traveling in the neck? a. Transverse Foramen 4. (2/2 pts) Yes or No; You were instructed to read the Surgical Anatomy of the Uncinate Process and Transverse Foramen determined by Computed Tomography. Were the subjects being tested from Japan? a. NO 5. (2/2 pts) How many pair of spinal nerves are there in the body? a. 31 6. (2/2 pts) The lateral sacral crest is formed from what structures fused from the sacral vertebrae? a. Transverse Processes 7. (2/2 pts) The Foramen Magnum is found on what bone? a. Occipital Bone 8. (2/2 pts) The least common type of Spina bifida is: a. Meningocele 9. (2/2 pts) The fibrous outer part of the intervertebral disc is called the: a. Annulus fibrosus 10. (2/2 pts) The Adam’s Test is used to evaluate what condition? a. Scoliosis 11. (2/2 pts) The artery found just below the Rhomboids? a. Deep Branch of the Transverse Cervical Artery 12. (2/2 pts) You were instructed to read the Surgical Anatomy of the Uncinate Process and Transverse Foramen Determined by Computed Tomography. The vertebral artery is in danger of being cut when resecting the ___. a. Uncinated process
Module 1 Quiz: Anatomy Overview and The Back 13. (2/2 pts) The medial sacral crest is formed from what part of the sacral vertebrae? a. Sacral Spinous Processes 14. (2/2 pts) Which vertebral region has holes in its transverse processes? a. Cervical 15. (2/2 pts) The Ilium, Ischium and pubic bones fuse during developments and form what bone? a. Coxal 16. What is the type of Spina Bifida that has no m but clinically there is a hairy patch over the area of deformity? a. Spina Bifida Occulta 17. What bone contains the nuchae lines? a. Occipital bone 18. The mildest types of Spina Bifida that has no sac and hair on the lower back is? a. Spina Bifida Occulta 19. (2/2 pts) You were instructed to read the Surgical Anatomy of the Uncinate Process and Transverse Foramen determined by Computed Tomography. What country were the patients examined from? a. Korea 20. (2/2 pts) The hump on a person with Kyphosis is also called a ____ deformity. a. Gibbus 21. (2/2 pts) You were instructed to read the Surgical Anatomy of the Uncinate Process and Transverse Foramen determined by Computed Tomography. What artery is in danger of being cut when resecting the uncinated process? a. Vertebral Artery 22. (2/2 pts) The artery found just below the Trapezius and above the Rhomboids. a. Superficial Brach of Transverse Cervical Artery 23. (2/2 pts) How many spinal nerves are there in the body? a. 62
Module 1 Quiz: Anatomy Overview and The Back 24. (2/2 pts) The gel-like central part of the intervertebral disc are called the? a. Nucleus Pulposus 25. (2/2 pts) The nerve found just below the Rhomboids? a. Dorsal Scapular Nerve 26. (1/1 pts) The Radial Nerve passes through the Lower Triangular Space. a. TRUE 27. (1/1 pts) The Profunda Brachii artery passes through the Upper Triangular space. a. FALSE 28. (1/1 pts) The Latissimus Dorsi makes up the Inferior border of the Triangle of Auscultation. a. TRUE 29. (1/1 pts) The Axillary nerve passes through the Upper Triangular space. a. FALSE 30. (1/1 pts) Which is not true of the posterior root? a. It includes motor fibers 31. (1/1 pts) If the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal nerve were destroyed, a person would lose: a. Both reflex activity and sensation related to that pathway 32. (1/1 pts) which is not in the sub occipital muscle group? a. Occipitalis major 33. (1/1 pts) The spinal nerves are connected to the spinal cord and consist of: a. 31 pairs 34. (1/1 pts) which muscle is not part of the superficial back muscle group? a. Serratus Posterior Superior 35. (1/1pts) lumbaration of the annulus fibrosus can result in: a. A “slipped disk” or herniated disk 36. (1/1 pts) Cerebrospinal fluid is found in all except the: a. Subdural Space
Module 1 Quiz: Anatomy Overview and The Back 37. (1/1 pts) Which bones has a glenoid cavity? a. Scapula 38. (1/1 pts) The Trapezius muscle is part of what muscle group? a. Superficial 39. (1/1 pts) The Levator costorum muscle is part of what muscle group? a. Segmental 40. (1/1 pts) After an automobile crash, a 39-year-old man presents with a headache and midback pain. A radiographic examination reveals trauma to the thoracic spine and bleeding from the anterior and posterior internal vertebral venous plexus. In which of the following regions is this bleeding most likely accumulating? a. Epidural Space 41. (1/1 pts) The iliocostalis muscles are part of what muscle group? a. Erector Spinae 42. (1/1 pts) Vertebral bodies are connected together by the: a. Posterior Longitudinal Ligament 43. (1/1 pts) The rotatores thoracis muscle is part of what muscle group? a. Transverspinalis 44. (1/1 pts) The inner layer of meninges that serves as the outer layer of the spinal cord is the: a. Pia mater 45. (1/1 pts) a 56-year-old man present with a history of pain for the last 18 months over the right buttock and radiating down the posterior aspect of the thigh and leg. A radiographic examination reveals a herniated disc between the L5 and S1 vertebral levels. Which of the following nerves is most likely affected by this herniated disc? a. L5 46. (1/1 pts) Which muscle is not part of the Transversospinalis muscle group? a. Interspinalis 47. (1/1 pts) Besides his other apparent mental deficits and scoliosis, the “Hunchback of Notre Dame” also suffered from which of the following conditions? a. Kyphosis
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