Tech-157 Lab 55 (1)



Humber College *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Aerospace Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by DeaconPartridgeMaster673

DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BOX Please review ALL PAGES of this Lab before you attend your In-person Lab Session. It is preferable that you print-out ALL PAGES of this Lab, and “Tech-157 Connect to LVProSim and LabVolt Interface” and bring the printouts to your In-person Lab Session. Title Page & Checklist (to be completed by Student) Lab Number: 5, In-person Title: Rotameter and Paddle Wheel Flow Meter Date the Lab was performed (mm-dd-yy): 02-09-24 Student Number: N01594193 Name of student (First Name Last Name): Ugur Dag Group of Student: 0EG (In the Format = Tech-157-XXX, where XXX = YOUR Group such as 0AB, 0EA etc.) Professor: Zhengrong Chu Course: Tech-157 1. Complete THIS PAGE = Page 1 (Title Page & Checklist) 2. Complete Page 5, Page 6, and Page 7 3. Scan and create .pdf of Page 1 (Title Page & Checklist), Page 5, Page 6, and Page 7 4. Combine ALL Pages of your Lab Report into a SINGLE .pdf file. Meaning, do not submit Page(s) of your Lab Report as separate files 5. This Lab Report file must be named in the following format: Lab 5, In-person, Tech-157-XXX, First Name Last Name, where XXX = YOUR Group such as 0AB, 0EA etc. First Name = YOUR (Student’s) First Name Last Name = YOUR (Student’s) Last Name 6. Submit .pdf of Lab Report to Professor in Blackboard Learn > Course Messages If Steps 1 to 6 above were NOT COMPLETED by you, your Lab Report will NOT BE MARKED and a Grade = 0 % will be assigned to your Lab Report Your Lab Report will NOT BE ACCEPTED and a Grade = 0% will be assigned to your Lab Report if you did not attend the In-person Lab Session and complete the Lab DUE DATE FOR YOUR LAB REPORT IS A WEEK AFTER THE LAB WAS COMPLETED. Review the Lab Report before submitting. Put a check mark ( ) in the appropriate CHECK BOX ( ) ON THE LEFT if the corresponding item has been completed in your Lab Report To be completed by Student: ( ) Procedure Step 11 [ ] / 20 ( ) Procedure Step 12 [ ] / 30 ( ) Procedure Step 15 [ ] / 20 ( ) Procedure Step 16 [ ] / 30 Per Tech-157 Academic Integrity, Rev Winter 2023, you are allowed to discuss the Lab and Lab Report with your peers, but if Academic Dishonesty is found, the student(s) will receive a mark of zero and will face sanctions per Humber Regulations. By submitting this Lab Report, you agree to abide by this rule. Tech-157 Lab 5 In-person, Rev Winter 2023
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