

Columbia University *

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Aerospace Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by MinisterWillpower16035

1 Columbia University: CORE Spring 2023 Course: HUMAUN1121_043_2023_1-MASTERPIECESOFWESTERNART : HUMAUN1121_043_2023_1 - MASTERPIECES OF WESTERN ART Nicholas Fitch Instructor:
1 - What did you learn - in terms of knowledge, skills, or perspectives - in this course? - that I hate paintings and drawings and art history - i learned a lot about art history. - I learned so much about art from a series of different perspectives including some technical, so much so it inspired me to create my own. 2 - What is your overall assessment of this course? Response Option Weight Frequency Percentage Percent Responses Mean Poor (1) 2 25.00% Fair (2) 1 12.50% Good (3) 2 25.00% Very good (4) 2 25.00% Excellent (5) 1 12.50% 0 25 50 75 100 Question Response Rate Mean STD Median 8/18 (44.44%) 2.88 1.46 3.00 3 - Please qualify your recommendations if you wish: - The number of readings and works provided was absurd. Why am I learning 50-plus artworks but there are only 9 works on the test? Absolutely ridiculous. Don't even get me started on the dates students are asked to remember. I laugh when I have to think about it it's so much of a joke. - Make it two semesters! 4 - How does the workload in this course compare to Columbia courses with a similar structure (e.g. a lecture, seminar, laboratory, or language course)? Response Option Weight Frequency Percentage Percent Responses Mean No basis for comparison (0) 0 0.00% Much lighter workload (1) 0 0.00% Lighter workload (2) 1 12.50% Comparable workload (3) 5 62.50% Heavier workload (4) 0 0.00% Much heavier workload (5) 2 25.00% 0 25 50 75 100 Question Response Rate Mean STD Median 8/18 (44.44%) 3.38 1.06 3.00 5 - How many hours a week did you devote to this course? (Note: Please include all time spent on this class including class time, readings, assignments, studying, etc.) Response Option Weight Frequency Percentage Percent Responses Mean 1 (1) 1 12.50% 3 (3) 1 12.50% 4 (4) 3 37.50% 8 (8) 3 37.50% 0 25 50 75 100 Question Response Rate Mean STD Median 8/18 (44.44%) 5.00 2.67 4.00 2 Columbia University: CORE Spring 2023 Course: HUMAUN1121_043_2023_1-MASTERPIECESOFWESTERNART : HUMAUN1121_043_2023_1 - MASTERPIECES OF WESTERN ART Nicholas Fitch Instructor:
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