Week 1_ Lab Report Template



University of California, Irvine *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Aerospace Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by AmbassadorBearMaster835

MAE 107 Lab Report #? Spring 2023 Your Name (or names of Team members) (10 pt) 1 Your Name (or names of Team members): (# ID/#IDs) Instructor: TA: Prof . Sherif Hassaan Corresponding to the lab session (12 pt) Summary (14 pt) Title (16 pt) A summary is required at the beginning of each report. It is an important part of the report. It should be thought of as a report to your boss informing them about the results and conclusions. It should concisely describe the lab experience and work, the procedure, the main results (including important actual numerical results), and the conclusions and recommendations. The summary must be double- spaced and 1-2 pages long. The entire report, including sample calculations, must be typed using Times New Roman as font. Pages need to be numbered. (12 pt)
Your Name (or names of Team members) (10 pt) 2 Questions (14 pt) Answer the questions with concise and complete sentences. MAE 107 Lab Report #? Spring 2023
Your Name (or names of Team members) (10 pt) 3 Tables (14 pt) Results and data are often presented in tables. Every table should be self-explanatory; it should have a title, columns should be labeled with symbols and units as appropriate. Take care to format the tables so that they are readable. Do not submit tables that spill over to extra pages. Voluminous tabular data can be put in an Appendix. Table 1: Experimental data sorted into bins. (10 pt) Run Time (s) Volume (ml) Q (ml/s) 1 10.2 540 52.9 2 13.3 685 51.5 3 11.4 580 50.9 4 10.8 565 52.3 5 10.3 530 51.5 6 9.9 515 52.0 7 12.4 650 52.4 8 11.8 605 51.3 9 10.0 520 52.0 MAE 107 Lab Report #? Spring 2023
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