Establishing Buyer Relationships in Real Estate: Assessment



TAFE NSW - Sydney Institute *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jun 13, 2024





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Assessment event 1 of 3: CL_SellSales_Knowledge Criteria Unit code and name CPPREP4104| Establish buyer relationships (1) CPPREP4105 | Sell property (1) Qualification/Course code and name Student details Student name UMAIZA YUSUF Student number 881099987 Document title: CL_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS Page 1 of 23 Resource ID: TBS_19_001_Cl_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS
Version: 20240209 Date created: 09 February 2024 © TAFE NSW 2023 RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E This assessment can be found in the TAFE NSW Learning Bank . The content in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2023 and should not be reproduced without the permission of TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time of printing: 11 June 2024. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher or assessor as appropriate. Document title: CL_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS Page 2 of 23 Resource ID: TBS_19_001_Cl_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS
Student declaration Acknowledgment Each student is required to read and sign the form below to acknowledge their understanding and agreement of the statements included in this declaration. I (the student) declare that: I am aware that the TAFE NSW Student Guide and Every Students Guide to Assessment is available and how to access it. My obligations and responsibilities as a student completing training with TAFE NSW have been explained to me. The Qualification/Course Assessment Guide (CAG) and/or Unit Assessment Guide (UAG) for the unit above have been explained and made available to me. I understand and will comply with the instructions for this training and assessment. I have been provided access to all required learning materials and/or resources. Table 1 List of student names, dates, and signatures No Student name (please print name) Date Signature 1 Umaiza yusuf 2/5/2024 U.Y Document title: CL_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS Page 3 of 23 Resource ID: TBS_19_001_Cl_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS
Assessment instructions Table 2 Assessment instructions Assessment details Instructions Assessment event overview The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and performance as would be required to establish vendor relationships to support property sales, to appraise residential property for sale or lease and to present information to clients in real estate in a planned, structed and professional manner. This assessment is in one part and is supported by: Assessment feedback Unit assessment guide Refer to the unit assessment guide (UAG) before attempting this assessment event. The UAG contains information including assessment requirements and how to achieve a satisfactory result. Special assessment conditions NIL Submission instructions When you complete this assessment, submit it for marking via the TAFE NSW online learning platform.: keep a copy of all the electronic and hardcopy assessments you submit to TAFE NSW make sure you have completed the assessment declaration before you submit. Document title: CL_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS Page 4 of 23 Resource ID: TBS_19_001_Cl_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS
Part 1: Knowledge questions 1. Outline in the table below techniques for agents and agencies, including their fees, charges and conditions can promote and establish and maintain buyer relationships. How to promote buyer relationships How to establish buyer relationships How to maintain buyer relationships Agents -In order to promote buyer relationships you must promote/advertise your success stories. - provide a service guarantee -use happy existing clients. -build reports -ask open ended questions -confirm their needs and wants. -uphold communication and stay on contact with clients. -stick to your words. -maintain eye contact and focus. -professional correspondents. Agency including fees, charges and conditions In order to promote buyer relationships you must promote/advertise your success stories. - provide a service guarantee -use happy existing clients. -offer a referral fee -offer a discount is client has multiple -Maintain consistent and professional advertising for the company. -comprehensive database -keep up with latest listings and sales Document title: CL_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS Page 5 of 23 Resource ID: TBS_19_001_Cl_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS
properties. Assessor feedback Satisfactory Unsatisfactory [Insert comments] Document title: CL_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS Page 6 of 23 Resource ID: TBS_19_001_Cl_SellSales_AE_Kn1of3_LMS
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