ACC 401 Exam 2 Fall 2023 Solution



University of Southern Mississippi *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jun 8, 2024





Uploaded by LieutenantFish881

1 Professor Beck Name______________ Fall 2023 ACC 401 Exam 2 Solution Point allocations are as follows: Maximum Points Points Earned Part 1 45 Part 2 48 Part 3 12 Total Points 105 You will have 90 minutes to complete the exam. You must show your supporting calculations to receive credit.
1 Part 1 (45 pts) On 1/1/X1, P Company had a market value of $1,200,000 acquired 80% of Slim Company for $960,000. On the date of acquisition, S reported the following equity balances: Capital Stock: $1 Par 100,000 Additional Paid in Capital 400,000 Retained Earnings 500,000 An appraisal of Slim’s assets on 1/2/X1 provided the following information: Asset Fair value Book Value Inventory $100,000 $90,000 Building (10-yr life) $150,000 $130,000 Land $100,000 $80,000 Additional Information: During year X1, Slim reported a $120,000 income and paid $20,000 of dividends. Required : 1. Calculate and Allocate the total Differential on the date of acquisition. (8) Capital Stock: $1 Par 100,000 Asset Fair value Book Value Differenc e P's 80% Share Additional Paid in Capital 400,000 Inventor y $100,000 $90,000 $10,000 $16,000. 0 Retained Earnings 500,000 Building (10-yr life) $150,000 $130,00 0 $20,000 $16,000. 0 total Book Equity 1,000,000 Land $100,000 $80,000 $20,000 $16,000. 0 Market Value 1,200,000 Total Allocatio n $50,000 $48,000 Total Differential 200,000 Goodwill 150,000 P's 80% share 160,000
2 2. Prepare P’s investment entries for year X1 under the assumption that the equity method is used and calculate the value of the Slim investment on 12/31/X1. Show supporting calculations. (12) Investment Entries: Calculations: Investment in Slim 960,000 Investment (1/1) 960,000 Cash 960,000 96,000 (9,600) Investment 96,000 (16,000) Investment income 96,000 Investment (12/31) 1,030,400 Investment income 9,600 Investment 9,600 (.8*[$10,000 +$2,000]) Cash 16,000 Investment in Slim 16,000 (Dividends) Amortization : COGS $8,000 (.8*10,000) Depreciation $1,600 (.8*20,000/10) Amortization $9,600 Investment Entries: Investment in Slim 960,000 Cash 960,000 Investment 96,000 Investment income 96,000 Investment income 9,600 Investment 9,600 Cash 16,000 Investment in Slim 16,000
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