Without a doubt, including citations is an integral part of writing an academic paper. However, since researching and writing the paper itself can be quite challenging, ensuring that all citations are duly mentioned can be tricky, especially if you have to manually note and save them at every stage.
Bartleby Write simplifies this process for you with its useful ways to manage citations for your documents. This includes features like saving citations, checking if your document has citations, viewing citation count, and downloading citations. Note that all these features are available only to premium users of Bartleby Write.
Saving Citations
1. Begin by generating a citation first. Choose one of the two options to create a citation (from the Tools menu or from a Plagiarism error card). Clicking on “Create a citation” in the Tools menu requires you to manually fill in the fields, while selecting “Create citation” in a Plagiarism error card autofills the fields, allowing you to edit them if required. Picking either option results in the citation tool appearing in a new panel.
2. After filling in/editing all the details and selecting the required citation style (MLA, APA, or Chicago) from the dropdown, generate the citation by clicking on “Create Citation” at the bottom of the tool. This leads to the citation appearing at the top of the tool in a “Works Cited” or “References” section.
3. Repeat the process to add more citations.
4. Every citation created is saved by the system automatically with the draft. You can see the system toggling the status between “Saving” and “Saved” (much like it does with the paper) for each citation generated.
Citations generated are saved for all users in real-time.
5. If you are a premium user, hovering over “Saved (number of) citations” in green at the top right corner of the citation tool will display the text “Citation changes saved to your account along with above essay.” You can now access the draft with autosaved citations from the Document Dashboard at any point.
For premium users, the tool saves each citation created to the system.
6. For free users, however, the same action displays the text “Saved to your browser on this device.” While Bartleby Write does save the citations with the paper to your browser in real-time, starting a new session will open a blank editor for free users.
For free users, the tool saves every citation generated to the browser.
Checking for and Viewing Citations
Identifying if a document has citations is quite simple on the dashboard. All you need to do is check for a green quotation marks icon at the top right corner of the card for your document. If the card has the icon, the document contains citations; if not, the card will display just the option to bookmark the card as shown below.
Citations in a document are indicated by a green quotation marks icon on the corresponding card.
Further, to view all citations for a particular document, navigate to the corresponding card on the Document Dashboard and click on “Edit Draft.” This opens the document in the editor with all the citations generated previously under the “Works Cited” section.
This aside, Bartleby Write also allows you to do a quick check for the number of citations a document has. This information is available in Quick View (shown below) for each paper in the Document Dashboard.
The Quick View for each document is accessible from the Document Dashboard cards.
You can access the Quick View for a document by following these steps:
- Click on the card of the document you want to access the citation details of in the Document Dashboard. This reveals several options including Quick View – the first icon appearing at the bottom left of the card.
- Clicking on the icon opens a read-only window where the number of citations generated using the tool is displayed along with other details like grammar, writing, and plagiarism error counts and more for your document.
Downloading Citations
Premium users also enjoy the added advantage of downloading the citations created with a paper.
Simply click on the Download Draft option under the File menu in the toolbar of the editor. This opens the Download Draft dialogue from where you can choose to either download the draft to your device or to Google Docs. The downloaded file will list all the citations generated under a “Works Cited” section for MLA format or “References” section for APA or Chicago formats at the bottom of your paper.
Note: Remember to verify the preferred style guide for citations with your instructor or university before working on any academic paper.
In addition to managing citations, Bartleby Write also provides Citation Analysis to premium users. Learn more about the Citation Analysis feature here.