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The process of data collection, presentation, and interpretation is an integral part of any scientific study. The data collected during the course of the experiment is presented in the results section of a lab report in textual and non-textual forms, which helps make the data comprehensible. While the results section is used to present the collected data, the analysis and interpretation of data is presented in the discussion section

Why is Data Collection and Presentation Important? 

Simply put, data is evidence and evidence is a key aspect of scientific research. Research data provides the information necessary to better understand the outcome of an experiment and also backs the findings. Not just collecting the data, but presenting and formatting the different types appropriately is also important.

Types of Research Data

Various kinds of data included in a lab report depending on the subject of the type of research. Based on how the data is collected, it is divided into five categories: 

Compiled Data

As the name suggests, compiled data is that which is derived from different sources or data sets. When multiple sources are referenced in a lab report to back an experiment, then the sources are considered compiled data. 

Observational Data 

This type of data is obtained in real time by observing something or someone. Examples include observing a person’s behavior during a psychological experiment or monitoring a chemical reaction without actually controlling or influencing the variables or subjects. 

Reference Data

Any data source referenced in a lab report to substantiate the outcome of an experiment is called reference data. It’s important to provide appropriate citations while using references to avoid the consequences of plagiarism and free from grammatical errors

Experimental Data

Data derived from an experiment conducted in a controlled environment, like a laboratory, is known as experimental data. An example is data obtained when the variables of a study are controlled to get a desired result. 

Simulation Data

Simulation data refers to the large amounts of data used to simulate a real-world scenario to predict an outcome or arrive at the best possible course of action. For instance, in a computer science lab, when large quantities of accessible data is used to mirror an existing phenomenon to predict future outcomes, then the data used to create computational models is simulation data. 

Tips to Collect and Present Data in a Lab Report

While experimental and observational data are presented in the results section of the lab report, references and supplemental data can be included in other sections. Irrespective of the type, any crucial data provided in the report should be properly presented. Below are some tips to keep in mind when providing scientific data in a lab report. 

  • Data format: Data can be presented in one or more of the formats listed below.
    • Textual data such as lab notes, transcripts, worksheets, and survey responses
    • Graphical data like images, videos, and figures 
    • Numerical data in the form of spreadsheets, tables, and measurements. 
  • Context: Simply presenting the data won’t suffice. It’s important to provide context to make the data understandable. 
  • Arrangement: All data should be arranged in a chronological order, which helps establish a proper sequence, making it easier to understand the data. 
  • Confidentiality: If there’s a need to maintain confidentiality while using certain types of data, then such information should be substituted with codes or proxies. 

Collecting, analyzing, and presenting data helps answer the research question and reach a decisive conclusion on the study that was conducted. Also, contextual and well-organized data makes solving a research problem easier. It’s therefore crucial for students to not only know how to collect data, but also present it in a comprehensible and useful manner along with thorough grammar checks.

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Presenting data in a lab report
Data is an important aspect of a lab report.