Problem 9.1CYU:
Check Your Understanding Handheld calculators often use small solar cells to supply the energy...Problem 9.2CYU:
Check Your Understanding Circuit breakers in a home are rated in amperes, normally in a range from...Problem 9.3CYU:
Check Your Understanding In Example 9.4, the drift velocity was calculated for a 2.053-mm diameter...Problem 9.4CYU:
Check Your Understanding The current density is proportional to the current and inversely...Problem 9.5CYU:
Check Your Understanding Copper wires use routinely used for extension cords and house wiring for...Problem 9.6CYU:
Check Your Understanding A strain gauge is an electrical device to measure strain, as shown below....Problem 9.7CYU:
Check Your Understanding The resistance between the two conductors of a coaxial cable depends on the...Problem 9.8CYU:
Check Your Understanding The voltage supplied to your house varies as V( t )= V max sin( 2ft ) If a...Problem 9.9CYU:
Check Your Understanding Electric motors have a reasonably high efficiency. A 100-hp motor can have...Problem 9.10CYU:
Check Your Understanding Is the efficiency of the various light bulbs the only consideration when...Problem 1CQ:
Can a wire cany a current and still be neutral—that is, have a total charge of zero? Explain.Problem 2CQ:
Car batteries are rated in ampere-hours (Ah). To what physical quantity do ampere-hours correspond...Problem 3CQ:
When working with high-power electric circuits, it is advised that whenever possible, you work...Problem 4CQ:
Incandescent light bulbs are being replaced with more efficient LED and CFL light bulbs. Is there...Problem 5CQ:
It was stated that the motion of an electron appears nearly random when an electrical field is...Problem 6CQ:
Electric circuits are sometimes explained using a conceptual model of water flowing through a pipe....Problem 8CQ:
The [R drop across a resistor means that there is a change in potential or voltage across the...Problem 9CQ:
Do impurities in semiconducting materials listed in Table 9.1 supply free charges? (Hint Examine the...Problem 10CQ:
Does the resistance of an object depend on the path current takes through it? Consider, for example,...Problem 11CQ:
If aluminum and copper wires of the same length have the same resistance, which has the larger...Problem 12CQ:
In Determining Field from Potential, resistance was defined as R=VI . In this section, we...Problem 13CQ:
Shown below are the results of an experiment where four devices were connected across a variable...Problem 14CQ:
The current I is measured through a sample of an ohmic material as a voltage V is applied, (a) What...Problem 15CQ:
Common household appliances are rated at 110 V, but power companies deliver voltage in the kilovolt...Problem 16CQ:
Your electric bill gives your consumption in units of kilowatt-hour (kW h). Does this unit...Problem 17CQ:
Resistors are commonly rated at 18W,14W,12W ,1 W and 2 W for use in electrical circuits. If a...Problem 18CQ:
Ail immersion heater is a small appliance used to heat a cup of water for tea by passing current...Problem 19CQ:
What requirement for superconductivity7 makes current superconducting devices expensive to operate?Problem 20CQ:
Name two applications for superconductivity listed in this section and explain how superconductivity...Problem 21P:
A Van de Graaff generator is one of the original particle accelerators and can be used to accelerate...Problem 22P:
A cathode ray tube (CRT) is a device that produces a focused beam of electrons in a vacuum. The...Problem 23P:
How many electrons flow through a point in a wire in 3.00s if there is a constant current of I= 4.00...Problem 24P:
A conductor carries a current that is decreasing exponentially with time. The current is modeled as...Problem 25P:
The quantity of charge through a conductor is modeledas Q=4.00Cs4t41.00Cst+6.00mc .What is the...Problem 26P:
The current through a conductor is modeled as I(t)=Imsin(2[60Hz]t) . Write an equation for the...Problem 27P:
The charge on a capacitor in a circuit is modeled as Q(t)=Qmaxcos(+) . What is the current through...Problem 28P:
An aluminum wire 1.628 mm in diameter (14-gauge) carries a current of 3.00 amps, (a) What is the...Problem 29P:
The current of an election beam has a measuredcurrent of I=50.00A with a radius of 1.00 mm2. What is...Problem 30P:
A high-energy proton accelerator produces a proton beam with a radius of r - 0,90 mm. The beam...Problem 31P:
Consider a wire of a circular cross-section with a radius of R = 3.00mm. The magnitude of the...Problem 32P:
The current of an electron beam has a measured current of I=50.00A with a radius of 1,00 mm2. What...Problem 33P:
The current supplied to an ail conditioner unit is 4.00 amps. The air conditioner is wired using a...Problem 34P:
What current flows through the bulb of a 3.00-V flashlight when its hot resistance is 3.60 ?Problem 35P:
Calculate the effective resistance of a pocket calculator that has a 1.35-V battery and through...Problem 36P:
How many volts are supplied to operate an indicator light on a DVD player that has a resistance of...Problem 37P:
What is the resistance of a 20.0-m-long piece of 12-gauge copper wire having a 2.053-mm diameter?Problem 38P:
The diameter of 0-gauge copper wire is 8.252 mm. Find the resistance of a 1.00-km length of such...Problem 39P:
If the 0. 10.0-mm-diameter tungsten filament in a light bulb is to have a resistance of 0.200 at...Problem 40P:
A lead rod has a length of 30.00 cm and a resistance of 5.00. What is the radius of the rod?Problem 41P:
Find the ratio of the diameter of aluminum to copper wire, if they have the same resistance pet-...Problem 42P:
What current flows through a 2.54-cm-diameter rod of Pure silicon that is 20.0 cm long, when 1.00103...Problem 43P:
(a) To what temperature must you raise a copper wire,originally at 20.0C , to double its resistance,...Problem 44P:
A resistor made of nichrome wire is used in an application where its resistance cannot change more...Problem 45P:
Of what material is a resistor made if its resistance is 40.0% greater at 100.0C than at 20.0C ?Problem 46P:
An electronic device designed to operate at any temperature in the range from 10.0C to 55.0C...Problem 47P:
(a) Of what material is a wire made, if it is 25.0 m long with a diameter of 0.100 mm and has a...Problem 48P:
Assuming a constant temperature coefficient of resistivity what is the maximum percent decrease in...Problem 49P:
A copper wire has a resistance of 0.500 at 20.0°C and an iron wire has a resistance of 0.525 at the...Problem 50P:
A 2.2-k resistor is connected across a D cell battery (1.5 V). What is the current through the...Problem 51P:
A resistor rated at 250 k is connected across two D cell batteries (each 1.50 V) in series, with a...Problem 52P:
A resistor is connected in series with a power supply of 20.00 V. The current measure is 0.50 A....Problem 53P:
A resistor is placed in a circuit with an adjustable voltage source. The voltage across and the...Problem 54P:
The following table show the measurements of a current through and the voltage across a sample of...Problem 55P:
A 20.00-V battery is used to supply current to a 10-k resistor. Assume the voltage drop across any...Problem 57P:
A heater is being designed that uses a coil of 14-gauge nichrome wire to generate 300 W using a...Problem 58P:
An alternative to CFL bulbs and incandescent bulbs are light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs. A 100-W...Problem 59P:
The power dissipated by a resistor with a resistance of R=100 is P = 2.0 W . What are the current...Problem 60P:
Running late to catch a plane, a driver accidentally leaves the headlights on after parking the car...Problem 61P:
SI. A physics student has a single-occupancy dorm loom. The student lias a small refrigerator that...Problem 62P:
A 0.50-W, 220- resistor carries the maximumcurrent possible without damaging the resistor. If the...Problem 63P:
Consider a power plant is located 60 km away from a residential area uses Q-gauge (A=42.40mm2) wire...Problem 64P:
A wire is drawn through a die, stretching it to four times its original length. By what factor does...Problem 65P:
Digital medical thermometers determine temperature by measuring the resistance of a semiconductor...Problem 66P:
Electrical power generators are sometimes "load tested” by passing current through a large vat of...Problem 67P:
A 12-guage gold wire has a length of 1 meter. (a) What would be the length of a silver 12-gauge wire...Problem 68P:
What is the change in temperature required to decrease the resistance for a carbon resistor by 10%?Problem 69AP:
A coaxial cable consists of an inner conductor with radius r1=0.25cm and an outer radius of r0=0.5cm...Problem 70AP:
A 10.00-meter long wire cable that is made of copper has a resistance of 0.051 ohms, (a) What is the...Problem 71AP:
A nichrome rod that is 3.00 mm long with a cross sectional area of 1.00 mm2 is used for a digital...Problem 72AP:
The temperature in Philadelphia, PA can vary between 68.00F and 100.00F in one summer day. By what...Problem 73AP:
When 100.0 V is applied across a 5-gauge (diameter 4.621 mm) wire that is 10 m long, the magnitude...Problem 74AP:
A wire with a resistance of 5.0 is drawn out through a die so that its new Length is twice times...Problem 75AP:
What is the resistivity of a wire of 5-gauge wire (A=16.8106m2) , 5.00 m length, and 5.10 m ...Problem 76AP:
Coils are often used in electrical and electronic circuits. Consider a coil which is formed by...Problem 77AP:
Currents of approximately 0.06 A can be potentially fatal. Currents in that range can make the heart...Problem 78AP:
A 20.00-ohm; 5.00-watt resistor is placed in series with a power supply, (a) What is the maxim tun...Problem 79AP:
A battery with an emf of 24.00 V delivers a constant current of 2.00 mA to an appliance. Haw much...Problem 80AP:
A 12.00-V battery has an internal resistance of a tenth of an ohm. (a) What is the current if the...Problem 81CP:
A 10-gauge copper wire has a cross-sectional area A=5.26mm2 and carries a current of I=5.00A . The...Problem 82CP:
The current through a 12-gauge wire is given as I(t)=(5.00A)sin(260Hzt)). What is the current...Problem 83CP:
A particle accelerator produces a beam with a radius of 1.25 mm with a current of 2.00 mA. Each...Problem 84CP:
In this chapter, most examples and problems involved direct current (DC). DC circuits have the...Problem 85CP:
A current of I= 25A is drawn from a 100-V batteryfor 30 seconds. By how much is the chemical energy...Problem 86CP:
Consider a square rod of material with sides of length L = 3.00 cm with a current density of...Problem 87CP:
A resistor of an unknown resistance is placed in an insulated container filled with 0.75 kg of...Problem 88CP:
The charge that flows through a point in a wire as a function of time is modeled as...Problem 89CP:
Consider a resistor made from a hollow cylinder of carbon as shown below. The inner radius of the...Problem 90CP:
What is the current through a cylindrical wire of radiusR = 0.1 mm if the current density is J=J0Rr...Problem 91CP:
A student uses a 100.00-W, 115.00-V radiant heater to heat the student’s dorm room, dining the hours...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Temperature And HeatChapter 2 - The Kinetic Theory Of GasesChapter 3 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 4 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 5 - Electric Charges And FieldsChapter 6 - Gauss's LawChapter 7 - Electric PotentialChapter 8 - CapacitanceChapter 9 - Current And ResistanceChapter 10 - Direct-current Circuits
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