Problem 8.1CYU:
Check Your Understanding The capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor is 2.0 pF. If the area of...Problem 8.3CYU:
Check Your Understanding The radius of the outer sphere of a spherical capacitor is five times the...Problem 8.4CYU:
Check Your Understanding When a cylindrical capacitor is given a charge of 0.500 nC, a potential...Problem 8.5CYU:
Check Your Understanding Determine the net capacitance C of each network of capacitors shown below....Problem 8.6CYU:
Check Your Understanding The potential difference across a 5.0-pF capacitor is 0.40 V. (a) What is...Problem 8.7CYU:
Check Your Understanding When a dielectric is inserted into an isolated and charged capacitor, the...Problem 8.8CYU:
Check Your Understanding Continuing with Example 8.12, show that when the battery is connected...Problem 8.9CYU:
Check Your Understanding Repeat the calculations of Example 8.10 for the case in which the battery...Problem 1CQ:
Does the capacitance of a device depend on the applied voltage? Does the capacitance of a device...Problem 2CQ:
Would you place the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor closer together or farther apart to...Problem 4CQ:
If the plates of a capacitor have different areas, will they acquire the same charge when the...Problem 5CQ:
Does the capacitance of a spherical capacitor depend on which sphere is charged positively or...Problem 6CQ:
If you wish to store a large amount of charge in a capacitor bank, would you connect capacitors in...Problem 7CQ:
What is the maximum capacitance you can get by connecting three 1.0F capacitors? What is the minimum...Problem 8CQ:
If you wish to store a large amount of energy in a capacitor bank, would you connect capacitors in...Problem 9CQ:
Discuss what would happen if a conducting slab rather than a dielectric were inserted into the gap...Problem 10CQ:
Discuss how the energy stored in an empty but charged capacitor changes when a dielectric is...Problem 13CQ:
Water has a high dielectric constant. Explain why it is then not used as a dielectric material in...Problem 14CQ:
Elaborate on why molecules in a dielectric material experience net forces oil them in a non-uniform...Problem 15CQ:
Explain why the dielectric constant of a substance containing permanent molecular electric dipoles...Problem 16CQ:
Give a reason why a dielectric material increases capacitance compared with what it would be with...Problem 17CQ:
Elaborate on the way in which the polar character of water molecules helps to explain water's...Problem 18CQ:
Sparks will occur between the plates of an ail-filled capacitor at a lower voltage when the air is...Problem 24P:
What is the capacitance of a large Van de Graaff generator’s terminal, given that it stores 8.00 mC...Problem 25P:
The plates of an empty parallel-plate capacitor of capacitance 5.0 pF are 2.0 mm apart. What is the...Problem 26P:
A 60.0-pF vacuum capacitor has a plate area of 0.010 m2. What is the separation between its plates?Problem 27P:
A set of parallel plates has a capacitance of 5.0F . How much charge must be added to the plates to...Problem 28P:
Consider Earth to be a spherical conductor of radius 6400 km and calculate its capacitance.Problem 29P:
If the capacitance per unit length of a cylindrical capacitor is 20 pF/m, what is the ratio of tine...Problem 30P:
, An empty parallel-plate capacitor has a capacitance of 20F . How much charge must leak off its...Problem 31P:
A 4.00-pF is connected in series with an 8.00-pF capacitor and a 400-V potential difference is...Problem 32P:
Three capacitors, with capacitances of C1=2.0F , C2=3.0F, and C3=6.0F , respectively, are connected...Problem 33P:
Find the total capacitance of this combination of series and parallel capacitors shown below.Problem 34P:
Suppose you need a capacitor bank with a total capacitance of 0.750 F but you have only 1.50-mF...Problem 36P:
Find the equivalent capacitance of the combination of series and parallel capacitors shown below.Problem 37P:
Find the net capacitance of the combination of series and parallel capacitors shown below.Problem 38P:
A 40-pF capacitor is charged to a potential difference of 500 V. Its terminals are then connected to...Problem 39P:
A 2.0F capacitor and a 4.0F capacitor are connected in series across a 1.0-kV potential. The charged...Problem 40P:
How much energy is stored in an 8.00F capacitor whose plates are at a potential difference of 6.00...Problem 41P:
A capacitor has a charge of 2.5C when connected to a 6.0-V battery. How much energy is stored in...Problem 42P:
How much energy is stored in die electrical field of a metal sphere of radius 2.0 m that is kept at...Problem 43P:
(a) What is the energy stored in the 10.0F capacitor of a heart defibrillator charged to 9.00103 V...Problem 44P:
In open-heart surgery, a much smaller amount of energy will defibrillate the heart, (a) What voltage...Problem 45P:
A 165F capacitor is used in conjunction with a dc motor. How much energy is stored in it when 119 V...Problem 46P:
Suppose you have a 9.00-V battery, a 2.00F capacitor, and a 7.40F capacitor, (a) Find the charge and...Problem 47P:
An anxious physicist worries that the two metal shelves of a wood frame bookcase might obtain a high...Problem 48P:
A parallel-plate capacitor is made of two square plates 25 cm on a side and 1.0 mm apart. The...Problem 49P:
Suppose that the capacitance of a variable capacitor can be manually changed from 100 pF to 800 pF...Problem 50P:
Show that for a given dielectric material, the maximum energy a parallel-plate capacitor can store...Problem 51P:
An air-filled capacitor is made from two flat parallel plates 1.0 mm apart. The inside area of each...Problem 52P:
A capacitor is made from two concentric spheres, one with radius 5.00 cm, the other with radius 8.00...Problem 53P:
A parallel-plate capacitor has charge of magnitude 9.00F on each plate and capacitance 3.00F when...Problem 54P:
Some cell walls in the human body have a layer of negative charge on the inside surface. Suppose...Problem 55P:
A parallel-plate capacitor with only air between its plates is charged by connecting the capacitor...Problem 56P:
Two flat plates containing equal and opposite charges are separated by material 4.0 mm thick with a...Problem 57P:
For a Teflon ™-filled, parallel-plate capacitor, the area of the plate is 50.0 cm and the spacing...Problem 58P:
Find the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor having plates with a surface area of 5.00 m2 and...Problem 59P:
(a) What is the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor with plates of area 1.50 m that are...Problem 60P:
Two parallel plates have equal and opposite charges. When the space between the plates is evacuated,...Problem 61P:
The dielectric to be used in a parallel-plate capacitor has a dielectric constant of 3.60 and a...Problem 62P:
When a 360-nF air capacitor is connected to a power supply, the energy stored in the capacitor is...Problem 63P:
A parallel-plate capacitor has square plates that are 8.00 cm on each side and 3.80 mm apart. The...Problem 64AP:
A capacitor is made from two flat parallel plates placed 0.40 mm apart. When a charge of 0.020C is...Problem 65AP:
An air-filled (empty) parallel-plate capacitor is made from two square plates that are 25 cm on each...Problem 66AP:
Suppose that the capacitance of a variable capacitor can be manually changed from 100 to 800 pF by...Problem 67AP:
Earth can be considered as a spherical capacitor with two plates, where the negative plate is the...Problem 68AP:
A 4.00F capacitor and a 6.00F capacitor are connected in parallel across a 600-V supply line, (a)...Problem 69AP:
Three capacitors having capacitances of 8.40, 8.40, and 4.20F , respectively, are connected in...Problem 70AP:
A parallel-plate capacitor with capacitance 5.0F is charged with a 12.0-V battery, after which the...Problem 71AP:
(a) How much energy is stored in the electrical fields in the capacitors (in total) shown below? (b)...Problem 72AP:
Three capacitors having capacitances 8.4, 8.4, and 4.2 F are connected in series across a 36.0-V...Problem 73AP:
(a) An 8.00/F capacitor is connected in parallel to another capacitor, producing a total capacitance...Problem 74AP:
(a) On a particular day, it takes 9.60103 J of electrical energy to start a truck’s engine....Problem 75AP:
(a) A certain parallel-plate capacitor has plates of area 4.00 m2 , separated by 0.0100 mm of nylon,...Problem 76AP:
A prankster applies 450 V to an 80.0F capacitor and then tosses it to an unsuspecting victim. The...Problem 77CP:
A spherical capacitor is formed from two concentric spherical conducting spheres separated by...Problem 78CP:
The network of capacitors shown below are all uncharged when a 300-V potential is applied between...Problem 79CP:
Electronic flash units for cameras contain a capacitor for storing the energy used to produce the...Problem 80CP:
A spherical capacitor is formed from two concentric spherical conducting shells separated by a...Problem 82CP:
A parallel-plate capacitor is filled with two dielectrics, as shown below. When the plate area is A...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Temperature And HeatChapter 2 - The Kinetic Theory Of GasesChapter 3 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 4 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 5 - Electric Charges And FieldsChapter 6 - Gauss's LawChapter 7 - Electric PotentialChapter 8 - CapacitanceChapter 9 - Current And ResistanceChapter 10 - Direct-current Circuits
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