Problem 7.2CYU:
Check Your Understanding What is the potential energy of Q relative to the zero reference at...Problem 7.3CYU:
Check Your Understanding Is the electrical potential energy of two point charges positive or...Problem 7.4CYU:
Check Your Understanding How much energy does a 1.5-V AAA battery have that can move 100C ?Problem 7.6CYU:
Check Your Understanding How would this example change with a positron? A positron is identical to...Problem 7.7CYU:
Check Your Understanding From the examples, how does the energy of a lightning strike vary with the...Problem 7.8CYU:
Check Your Understanding What is the potential inside the metal sphere in Example 7.10?Problem 7.10CYU:
Check Your Understanding What is the potential on the axis of a nonuniform ring of charge, where the...Problem 7.11CYU:
Check Your Understanding Which coordinate system would you use to calculate the electric field of a...Problem 7.12CYU:
Check Your Understanding What are the equipotential surfaces for an infinite line charge?Problem 1CQ:
Would electric potential energy be meaningful if the electric field were not conservative?Problem 2CQ:
Why do we need to be careful about work done on the system versus work done by the system in...Problem 3CQ:
Does the order in which we assemble a system of point charges affect the total work done?Problem 4CQ:
Discuss how potential difference and electric field strength are related. Give an example.Problem 5CQ:
What is die strength of the electric field in a region where the electric potential is constant?Problem 6CQ:
If a proton is released from rest in an electric field, will it move in the direction of increasing...Problem 7CQ:
Voltage is the common word for potential difference. Which term is more descriptive, voltage or...Problem 8CQ:
If the voltage between two points is zero can a test charge be moved between them with zero net work...Problem 9CQ:
Wliat is the relationship between voltage and energy? More precisely, what is the relationship...Problem 10CQ:
Voltages are always measured between two points Why?Problem 12CQ:
Can a particle move in a direction of increasing electric potential, yet have its electric potential...Problem 13CQ:
Compare the electric dipole moments of charges +Q separated by a distance d and charges +Q/2...Problem 15CQ:
In what region of space is the potential due to a uniformly charged sphere the same as that of a...Problem 16CQ:
Can the potential of a nonuniformly charged sphere be the same as that of a point charge? Explain.Problem 17CQ:
If the electric field is zero throughout a region, must the electric potential also be zero in that...Problem 18CQ:
Explain why knowledge of E(x, y, z) is not sufficient to determine V(x,y,z). What about the other...Problem 19CQ:
If two points are at the same potential, are there any electric field lines connecting them?Problem 20CQ:
Suppose you have a map of equipotential surfaces spaced 1.0 V apart. What do die distances between...Problem 22CQ:
Linder electrostatic conditions, the excess charge on a conductor resides on its surface. Does this...Problem 24CQ:
Can equipotential surfaces intersect?Problem 26CQ:
(a) Why are fish reasonably safe in an electrical storm? (b) Why are swimmers nonetheless ordered to...Problem 27CQ:
What are the similarities and differences between the processes in a photocopier and an...Problem 28CQ:
About what magnitude of potential is used to charge the drum of a photocopy machine? A web search...Problem 29P:
Consider a charge Q1(1+5.0C) fixed at a site with another charge Q2 (Charge +3.0C , mass 6.0g )...Problem 30P:
Two charges Q1(1+2.00C) and Q2(+2.00C are placed symmetrically along the x-axis at x=3.00cm ....Problem 31P:
To form a hydrogen atom, a proton is fixed at a point and an electron is brought from far away to a...Problem 32P:
(a) What is the average power output of a heart defibrillator that dissipates 400 J of energy in...Problem 33P:
Find the ratio of speeds of an electron and a negative hydrogen ion (one having an extra election)...Problem 34P:
An evacuated tube uses an accelerating voltage of 40 kV to accelerate electrons to hit a copper...Problem 36P:
What is the strength of the electric field between two parallel conducting plates separated by 1.00...Problem 37P:
The electric field strength between two parallel conducting plates separated by 4.00 cm is 7.50104...Problem 38P:
The voltage across a membrane forming a cell wall is 80.0 mV and the membrane is 9.00 nm thick. What...Problem 39P:
Two parallel conducting plates are separated by 10.0 cm, and one of them is taken to be at zero...Problem 40P:
Find the maximum potential difference between two parallel conducting plates separated by 0.500 cm...Problem 41P:
An electron is to be accelerated in a uniform electric field having a strength of 2.00106 V/m. (a)...Problem 42P:
Use die definition of potential difference in terms of electric field to deduce die formula for...Problem 43P:
The electric field in a region is pointed away from the z-axis and the magnitude depends upon the...Problem 44P:
Singly charged gas ions are accelerated from rest through a voltage of 13.0 V. At what temperature...Problem 45P:
A 0.500-cm-diameter plastic sphere, used in a static electricity demonstration, has a uniformly...Problem 46P:
How far from a 1.00C point charge is the potential 100 V? At what distance is it 2.00102V ?Problem 47P:
If the potential due to a point charge is 5.00102 V at a distance of 15.0 m, what are the sign and...Problem 48P:
In nuclear fission, a nucleus splits roughly in half, (a) What is the potential 2.001014 in from a...Problem 49P:
A research Vail de Graaff generator has a 2.00-m- diameter metal sphere with a charge of 5.00 mC on...Problem 50P:
An electrostatic paint sprayer has a 0.200-m-diameter metal sphere at a potential of 25.0 kV that...Problem 51P:
(a) What is the potential between two points situated 10 cm and 20 cm from a 3.0C point charge? (b)...Problem 53P:
Two charges 20Cand+2.0C are separated by 4.0 cm on the z-axis symmetrically about origin, with the...Problem 54P:
(a) Plot the potential of a uniformly charged 1-m rod with 1 C/m charge as a function of the...Problem 55P:
Throughout a region, equipotential surfaces are given by z = constant. The surfaces are equally...Problem 56P:
In a particular region, the electric potential is given by V=xy2z+4xy . What is the electric field...Problem 58P:
Two very large metal plates are placed 2.0 cm apart, with a potential difference of 12 V between...Problem 59P:
A very large sheet of insulating material has had an excess of electrons placed on it to a surface...Problem 60P:
A metallic sphere of radius 2.0 cm is charged with +5.0C charge, which spreads on the surface of the...Problem 61P:
Two large charged plates of charge density 30C/m2 face each other at a separation of 5.0 mm. (a)...Problem 62P:
A long cylinder of aluminum of radius R meters is charged so that it has a uniform charge per unit...Problem 63P:
Two parallel plates 10 cm on a side are given equal and opposite charges of magnitude 5.0109 C. The...Problem 64P:
The surface charge density on a long straight metallic pipe is . What is the electric potential...Problem 65P:
Concentric conducting spherical shells carry charges Q and -Q, respectively. The inner shell has...Problem 66P:
Shown below are two concentric spherical shells of negligible thicknesses and radii R1and R2The...Problem 67P:
A solid cylindrical conductor of radius a is surrounded by a concentric cylindrical shell of inner...Problem 68P:
(a) What is the electric field 5.00 m from die center of the terminal of a Van de Graaff with a...Problem 69P:
(a) What is the direction and magnitude of an electric field that supports the weight of a free...Problem 70P:
A simple and common technique for accelerating electrons is shown in Figure 7.46, where there is a...Problem 71P:
In a Geiger counter, a thin metallic wire at the center of a metallic tube is kept at a high voltage...Problem 72P:
The practical limit to all electric field in air is about 3.00106 N/C. Above this strength, sparking...Problem 73P:
To form a helium atom, an alpha particle that contains two protons and two neutrons is fixed at one...Problem 74P:
Find the electrostatic energy of eight equal charges (+3C) each fixed at the corners of a cube of...Problem 75P:
The probability of fusion occurring is greatly enhanced when appropriate nuclei are brought close...Problem 76P:
A bare helium nucleus has two positive charges and a mass of 6.641027kg . (a) Calculate its kinetic...Problem 77P:
An election enters a region between two large parallel plates made of aluminum separated by a...Problem 78P:
How far apart are two conducting plates that have an electric field strength of 4.50103 V/m between...Problem 79P:
(a) Will the electric field strength between two parallel conducting plates exceed the breakdown...Problem 80P:
Membrane walls of living cells have surprisingly large electric fields across them due to separation...Problem 81P:
A double charged ion is accelerated to an energy of 32.0 keV by the electric field between two...Problem 82P:
The temperature near the center of the Sun is thought to be 15 million degrees Celsius ( 1.5107oC )...Problem 83P:
A lightning bolt strikes a tree, moving 20.0 C of charge through a potential difference of 1.00102...Problem 84P:
What is the potential 0.5301010 m from a proton (the average distance between the proton and...Problem 85P:
(a) A sphere has a surface uniformly charged with 1.00 C. At what distance from its center is the...Problem 86P:
What are the sign and magnitude of a point charge that produces a potential of —2.00 V at a distance...Problem 87P:
In one of the classic nuclear physics experiments at the beginning of the twentieth century, an...Problem 88AP:
A 12.0-V battery-operated bottle warmer heats 50.0 g of glass, 2.50102 g of baby formula, and...Problem 89AP:
A battery-operated car uses a 12.0-V system. Find the charge the batteries must be able to move in...Problem 90AP:
(a) Find the voltage near a 10.0 cm diameter metal sphere that has 8.00 C of excess positive charge...Problem 91AP:
A uniformly charged ring of radius 10 cm is placed on a nonconducting table. It is found that 3.0 cm...Problem 92AP:
A glass ring of radius 5.0 cm is painted with a charged paint such that the charge density around...Problem 93AP:
A CD disk of radius (R = 3.0 cm) is sprayed with a charged paint so that the charge varies...Problem 94AP:
(a) What is the final speed of an electron accelerated from rest through a voltage of 25.0 MV by a...Problem 95AP:
A large metal plate is charged uniformly to a density of a=2.0109C/m2 . How far apart are the...Problem 96AP:
Your friend gets really excited by the idea of making a lightning rod or maybe just a sparking toy...Problem 97AP:
(a) Find x L limit of the potential of a finite uniformly charged rod and show that it coincides...Problem 98AP:
A small spherical pith ball of radius 0.50 cm is painted with a silver paint and then -10 C of...Problem 99AP:
Two parallel conducting plates, each of cross-sectional area 400 cm2, are 2.0 cm apart and...Problem 100AP:
A point charge of q=50108 C is placed at the center of an uncharged spherical conducting shell of...Problem 101AP:
Earth has a net charge that produces an electric field of approximately 150 N/C downward at its...Problem 102AP:
Point charges of 25.0/ C and 45. C are placed 0.500 m apart. At what point along die line between...Problem 103AP:
What can you say about two charges q1and q2 if the electric field one-fourth of the way from q1to q2...Problem 104AP:
Calculate the angular velocity of an electron orbiting a proton in the hydrogen atom, given the...Problem 105AP:
An electron has an initial velocity of 5.00106m/s in a uniform 2.0010m/s electric field. The field...Problem 106CP:
Three Na+ and three Cl ions are placed alternately and equally spaced around a circle of radius 50...Problem 107CP:
Look up (presumably online, or by dismantling an old device and making measurements) the magnitude...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Temperature And HeatChapter 2 - The Kinetic Theory Of GasesChapter 3 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 4 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 5 - Electric Charges And FieldsChapter 6 - Gauss's LawChapter 7 - Electric PotentialChapter 8 - CapacitanceChapter 9 - Current And ResistanceChapter 10 - Direct-current Circuits
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