Problem 6.1CYU:
Check Your Understanding What angle should there be between the electric field and the surface show...Problem 6.2CYU:
Check Your Understanding If the electric field in Example 6.4 is E=mxk . what is the through the...Problem 6.3CYU:
Check Your Understanding Calculate the electric flux through the closed cubical surface for each...Problem 6.4CYU:
Check Your Understanding Check that the electric fields for the sphere reduce to the correct values...Problem 6.5CYU:
Check Your Understanding A thin straight wire has a uniform linear charge density 0 . Find the...Problem 6.6CYU:
Check Your Understanding How will the System above change if there are charged objects external to...Problem 1CQ:
Discuss how to orient a planar surface of area A in a uniform electric field of magnitude E0 to...Problem 5CQ:
Two concentric spherical surfaces enclose a point charge q. The radius of the outer sphere is twice...Problem 6CQ:
Compare the electric flux through the surface of a cube of side length a that has a charge q at its...Problem 7CQ:
(a) If the electric flux through a closed surface is zero, is the electric field necessarily zero at...Problem 8CQ:
Discuss how Gauss's law would be affected if the electric field of a point charge did not vary as...Problem 9CQ:
Discuss the similarities and differences between the gravitational field of a point mass m and the...Problem 11CQ:
Is the term in Gauss's law the electric field produced by just the charge inside the Gaussian...Problem 12CQ:
Reformulate Gauss's law by choosing the unit normal of the Gaussian surface to be the one directed...Problem 13CQ:
Would Gauss's law be helpful for determining the electric field of two equal but opposite charges a...Problem 14CQ:
Discuss the role that symmetry plays in the application of Gauss's law. Give examples of continuous...Problem 15CQ:
Discuss the restrictions on the Gaussian surface used to discuss planar symmetry. For example, is...Problem 16CQ:
Is the electric field inside a metal always zero?Problem 17CQ:
Under electrostatic conditions, the excess charge on a conductor resides on its surface. Does this...Problem 18CQ:
A charge q is placed in the cavity of a conductor as shown below. Will a charge outside the...Problem 19CQ:
The conductor in the preceding figure has an excess charge of 5.0C . If a 2.0C point charge is...Problem 20P:
A uniform electric field of magnitude 1.1104 N/C is perpendicular to a square sheet with sides 2.0 m...Problem 21P:
Calculate the flux through the sheet of the previous problem if the plane of the sheet is at an...Problem 22P:
Find the electric flux through a rectangular area 3 cm x 2 cm between parallel plates where there is...Problem 23P:
The electric flux through a square-shaped area of side 5 cm near a large charged sheet is found to...Problem 24P:
Two large rectangular aluminum plates of area 150 cm2 face each other with a separation of 3 mm...Problem 25P:
A square surface of area 2 cm2 is in a space of uniform electric field of magnitude 103 N/C . The...Problem 26P:
A vector field is pointed along the z-axis, v=ax2+y2z . (a) Find the flux of the vector field...Problem 27P:
Consider the uniform electric field E=(4.0j+3.0k)103 N/C. What is its electric flux through a...Problem 28P:
Repeat the previous problem, given that the circular area is (a) in the yz-plane and (b) 45( above...Problem 29P:
An infinite charged wire with charge per unit length lies along the central axis of a cylindrical...Problem 31P:
Find the electric flux through the closed surface whose cross-sections are shown below.Problem 32P:
A point charge q is located at the center of a cube whose sides are of length a. If there are no...Problem 33P:
A point charge of 10C is at an unspecified location inside a cube of side 2 cm. Find the net...Problem 34P:
A net flux of 1.0104 N ? m2/C passes inward through the surface of a sphere of radius 5 cm (a) How...Problem 35P:
A charge q is placed at one of the comers of a cube of side a, as shown below. Find the magnitude of...Problem 36P:
The electric flux through a cubical box 8.0 cm on aside is 1.2103 N m2/C. What is the total charge...Problem 37P:
The electric flux through a spherical surface is 4.0104 N m2/C. What is the net charge enclosed by...Problem 38P:
A cube whose sides are of length d is placed in a uniform electric field of magnitude E=4.0103 N/C...Problem 39P:
Repeat the previous problem, assuming that the electric field is directed along a body diagonal of...Problem 40P:
A total charge 5.0106 C is distributed uniformly throughout a cubical volume whose edges are 8.0 cm...Problem 41P:
Recall that in the example of a uniform charged sphere, p0=Q/(43R3). Rewrite the answers in terms of...Problem 42P:
Suppose that the charge density of the spherical chargedistribution shown in Figure 6.23 is...Problem 43P:
A very long, thin wile has a uniform linear charge density of 50C/m . What is the electric field at...Problem 44P:
A charge of 30C is distributed uniformly a spherical volume of radius 10.0 cm. Determine the...Problem 45P:
Repeat your calculations for the preceding problem, given that the charge is distributed uniformly...Problem 46P:
A total charge Q is distributed uniformly throughout a spherical shell of inner and outer radii r1...Problem 47P:
When a charge is placed on a metal sphere, it ends up in equilibrium at the outer surface. Use this...Problem 48P:
A large sheet of charge has a uniform charge density of 10C/m2 . What is the electric field due to...Problem 49P:
Determine if approximate cylindrical symmetry holds for the following situations. State why or why...Problem 50P:
A long silver rod of radius 3 cm has a charge of 5C/cm on its surface. (a) Find the electric field...Problem 51P:
ne electric field at 2 cm from the center of long copper rod of radius 1 cm has a magnitude 3 N/C...Problem 52P:
A long copper cylindrical shell of inner radius 2 cm and outer radius 3 cm surrounds concentrically...Problem 53P:
Charge is distributed uniformly with a density p throughout an infinitely long cylindrical volume of...Problem 54P:
Charge is distributed throughout a very long cylindrical volume of radius R such that the charge...Problem 55P:
The electric field 10.0 cm from the surface of a copper ball of radius 5.0 cm is directed toward the...Problem 56P:
Charge is distributed throughout a spherical shell of inner radius r1 and outer radius r2 with a...Problem 57P:
Charge is distributed throughout a spherical volume of radius R with a density p=ar2 , where a is a...Problem 58P:
Consider a uranium nucleus to be sphere of radius R=7.41015 m with a charge of 92e distributed...Problem 59P:
The volume charge density of a spherical charge distribution is given by p(r)=p0ear , where p0 , and...Problem 60P:
An uncharged conductor with an internal cavity is shown in the following figure. Use the closed...Problem 61P:
An uncharged spherical conductor S of radius R has two spherical cavities A and B of radii a and b,...Problem 62P:
A positive point charge is placed at the angle bisector of two uncharged plane conductors that make...Problem 63P:
A long cylinder of copper of radius 3 cm is charged so that it has a uniform charge per unit length...Problem 64P:
An aluminum spherical ball of radius 4 cm is charged with 5C of charge. A copper spherical shell of...Problem 65P:
A long cylinder of aluminum of radius R meters is charged so that it has a uniform charge per unit...Problem 66P:
At the surface of any conductor in electrostatic equilibrium, E=/0. . Show that this equation is...Problem 67P:
Two parallel plates 10 cm on a side are given equal and opposite charges of magnitude 5109 C. The...Problem 68P:
Two parallel conducting plates, each of cross-sectional area 400 cm2, are 2.0 cm apart and...Problem 69P:
The surface charge density on a long straight metallic pipe is . What is the electric field outside...Problem 70P:
A point charge q=5.01012 C is placed at the center of a spherical conducting shell of inner radius...Problem 71P:
A solid cylindrical conductor of radius a is surrounded by a concentric cylindrical shell of inner...Problem 72AP:
A vector field E (not necessarily an electric field; note units) is given by E =3x2k. Calculate s...Problem 73AP:
Repeat the preceding problem, with E=2xi+3x2k.Problem 74AP:
A circular area S is concentric with the origin, has radius a, and lies in the yz-plane. Calculate s...Problem 75AP:
(a) Calculate the electric flux through the open hemispherical surface due to the electric field E...Problem 76AP:
Suppose that the electric field of an isolated point charge were proportional to 1/r2+ rather than...Problem 77AP:
The electric field in a region is given by E=al(b+cx)i, where a=200 N ? m/C, b=2.0 m, and c=2.0 ....Problem 78AP:
Two equal and opposite charges of magnitude Q are located on the x-axis at the points +a and a , as...Problem 79AP:
A fellow student calculated the flux through the square for the system in the preceding problem and...Problem 80AP:
A 10cm10cm piece of aluminum foil of 0.1 mm thickness has a charge of that spreads on both wide side...Problem 81AP:
Two 10cm10cm pieces of aluminum foil of thickness 0.1 mm face each other with a separation of 5 mm....Problem 82AP:
Two large copper plates facing each other have charge densities 4.0C/m2 on the surface facing the...Problem 83AP:
The infinite slab between the planes defined by z=a/2 and z=a/2 contains a uniform volume charge...Problem 84AP:
A total charge Q is distributed uniformly throughout a spherical volume that is centered at o1 and...Problem 85AP:
A non-conducting spherical shell of inner radius a1 and outer radius b1 is uniformly charged with...Problem 86AP:
Two non-conducting spheres of radii R1 and R2 are uniformly charged with charge densities p1 and p2...Problem 87AP:
A disk of radius R is cut in a non-conducting large plate that is uniformly charged with charge...Problem 88AP:
Concentric conducting spherical shells carry charges Q and -Q, respectively (see below). The inner...Problem 89AP:
Shown below ale two concentric conducting spherical shells of radii R1 and R2 , each of finite...Problem 90AP:
A point charge of q=5.0108 C is placed at the center of an uncharged spherical conducting shell of...Problem 92CP:
Re-derive Gauss's law for the gravitational field, with g directed positively outward.Problem 93CP:
An infinite plate sheet of charge of surface charge density is shown below. What is the electric...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Temperature And HeatChapter 2 - The Kinetic Theory Of GasesChapter 3 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 4 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 5 - Electric Charges And FieldsChapter 6 - Gauss's LawChapter 7 - Electric PotentialChapter 8 - CapacitanceChapter 9 - Current And ResistanceChapter 10 - Direct-current Circuits
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