Problem 14.1CYU:
Check Your Understanding. A current I(t)=(5.0A)sin((200rad/s)t) flows through the solenoid of part...Problem 14.2CYU:
Check Your Understanding. Current flows through the inductor in Figure 14.8 from B to A instead of...Problem 14.3CYU:
Check Your Understanding. A changing current induces an emf of 10 V across a 0.25-H inductor. What...Problem 14.4CYU:
Check Your Understanding (a) Calculate the self-inductance of a solenoid that is tightly wound with...Problem 14.5CYU:
Check Your Understanding (a) What is the magnetic flux through one turn of a solenoid of self-...Problem 14.6CYU:
Check Your Understanding How much energy is stored in the inductor of Example 14.2 after the current...Problem 14.8CYU:
Check Your Understanding (a) If the current in the circuit of in Figure 14.12(b) increases to 909 of...Problem 14.9CYU:
Check Your Understanding For the circuit of in Figure 14.12(b), show that when steady state is...Problem 14.10CYU:
Check Your Understanding The angular frequency of the oscillations in an LC circuit is 2.0103rad/s ....Problem 14.11CYU:
Check Your Understanding In an RLC circuit, L = 5.0 mH, C=60F , and R=200 . (a) Is the circuit under...Problem 1CQ:
Show that N m /l and el(dl/dt), which are both expressions for se1f-inductance, have the same...Problem 2CQ:
A 10-H inductor carries a current of 20 A. Describe bow a 50-V emf can be induced across it.Problem 3CQ:
The ignition circuit of an automobile is powered by a 12-V battery. How are we able generate large...Problem 4CQ:
When the current through a large inductor is interrupted with a switch, an are appears across the...Problem 5CQ:
Does self-inductance depend on the value of the magnetic flux? Does depend on the current through...Problem 6CQ:
Would the self-inductance of a 1.0 m long, tightly wound solenoid differ from the self-inductance...Problem 7CQ:
Discuss how you might determine the-inductance per unit length of a long, straight wire.Problem 8CQ:
The self-inductance of a coil is zero if there is no current passing through the windings. True or...Problem 9CQ:
How does the self- inductance per unit length near the center of a solenoid (away from the ends)...Problem 10CQ:
Solve that I I 2 /2 has units of energy.Problem 11CQ:
Use Lenz’s law to explain why the initial current in the RL circuit of Figure 14.12(b) is aero.Problem 12CQ:
When the current in the RL circuit of Figure 14.12(b) reaches its final value /R, what is the...Problem 13CQ:
Does the time required for the current in an RL circuit to reach any fraction of its steady-state...Problem 14CQ:
An inductor is connected across the terminals of a battery. Does the current stance of the battery?...Problem 15CQ:
At what time is the voltage across the inductor of the RL circuit of Figure 14.12(b) a maximum?Problem 16CQ:
In the simple RL circuit of Figure 14.12(b), can the emf induced across the inductor ever be greater...Problem 17CQ:
If emf of the battery of Figure 14.12(b) is reduced by a factor of 2, by how much does the...Problem 18CQ:
A steady current flows through a circuit with a large induct3ve time constant. When a switch in the...Problem 19CQ:
Describe how the currents through R1and R2, shown below vary with time after switch S is closed.Problem 20CQ:
Discuss possible practical applications of RL circuits.Problem 23CQ:
In an LC circuit, what determines the frequency and the amplitude of the energy oscillations in...Problem 24CQ:
When a wire is connected between the two ends of a solenoid, the resulting circuit can oscillate...Problem 25CQ:
Describe what effect the resistance of the connecting wires has on an oscillating LC circuit.Problem 26CQ:
Suppose you wanted to design an LC circuit with a frequency of 0.01 Hz. What problems might you...Problem 27CQ:
A radio receiver uses an RLC circuit to pick out particular frequencies to listen to in your house...Problem 28P:
When the current in one coi1 changes at a rate of 5.6 A/s an emf of 6.3 × 10-3 is induced in a...Problem 29P:
An emf of 9.7 × 10-3 V is induced in a coil while the current in a nearby coil is decreasing at a...Problem 30P:
Two coils close to each other have a mutual inductance of 32 mH. If the current in one coil decays...Problem 31P:
A coil of 40 turns is wrapped around a long solenoid of cross-sectional area 7.5 × 10-3 m2. The...Problem 32P:
A 600-turn solenoid is 0.55 m long and 4.2 cm in diameter. Inside the solenoid, a small (1.1 cm ×...Problem 33P:
A toroidal coil has a mean radius of 16 cm and a cross-sectional area of 0.25 cm2; it is wound...Problem 34P:
A solenoid of N1turns has length l1and radius R1, and a second smaller solenoid of N2turns has...Problem 35P:
An emf of 0.40 V is induced across a coil when the current through it changes uniformly from 0.10 to...Problem 36P:
The current shown in part (a) below is increasing, whereas that shown in part (b) is decreasing. In...Problem 37P:
What is the rate at which the current though a 0.30-H coil is changing if an emf of 0.12 V is...Problem 38P:
When a camera uses a flash, a fully charged capacitor discharges through an inductor. In what time...Problem 39P:
A coil with a self-inductance of 2.0 H carries a current that varies with time according to I(t) =...Problem 40P:
A solenoid 50 cm long is wound with 500 turns of wire. The cross-sectional area of the coil is 2.0...Problem 41P:
A coil with a self-inductance of 3.0 H carries a current that decreases at a uniform rate dl/dt =...Problem 42P:
The current I(t) through a 5.0-mH inductor varies with time, as shown below. The resistance of the...Problem 43P:
A long, cylindrical solenoid with 100 turns per centimeter has a radius of 1.5 cm. (a) Neglecting...Problem 44P:
Suppose that a rectangular toroid has 2000 windings and a self-inductance of 0.040 H. If h = 0.10 m,...Problem 45P:
What is the self-inductance per meter of a coaxial cable whose inner radius is 0.50 mm and whose...Problem 46P:
At the instant a current of 0.20 A is flowing through a coil of wire, the energy stored in its...Problem 47P:
Suppose that a rectangular toroid has 2000 windings and a self-inductance of 0.040 H. If h = 0.10 m,...Problem 48P:
Solenoid A is tightly wound while solenoid B has windings that are evenly spaced with a gap equal to...Problem 49P:
A 10-H inductor carries a current of 20 A. How much ice at 0ºC could be melted by the energy stored...Problem 50P:
A coil with a self-inductance of 3.0 H and a resistance of 100 2 carries a steady current of 2.0 A....Problem 51P:
A current of 1.2 A is flowing in a coaxial cable whose outer radius is five times its inner radius....Problem 52P:
In Figure 14.12, =12V , L = 20 mH, and R=5.0. Determine (a) the time constant of the circuit, (b)...Problem 53P:
For the circuit shown below, =20V , L = 4.0 mH, and R = 5.0 . After steady state is reached with S1...Problem 54P:
The current in the RL circuit shown here increases to 40% of its steady-state value in 2.0 s. What...Problem 55P:
How long after switch S1 is thrown does it take the current in the circuit shown to reach half its...Problem 56P:
Examine the circuit shown below in part (a). Determine dl/dt at the instant after the switch is...Problem 57P:
The current in the RL circuit shown below reaches half maximum value in l.75 ms after the switch...Problem 58P:
Consider the circuit shown below. Find l1, l2and l3when (a) the switch S is first closed, (b) after...Problem 59P:
For the circuit shown below, =50V , R1= 10 , and L= 2.0 mH. Find the values of l1and l2(a)...Problem 60P:
For the circuit shown below, find the current through the inductor 2.0105 s after the switch is...Problem 61P:
Show that for the circuit shown below, the initial energy stored in the inductor, LI2(0)/2 , is...Problem 62P:
A 5000-pF capacitor is charged to 100 V and then quickly connected to an 80-mH inductor. Determine...Problem 63P:
The self-inductance and capacitance of an LC circuit e 0.20 mH and 5.0 pF. What is the angular...Problem 64P:
What is the self-inductance of an LC circuit that oscillates at 60 Hz 1ien the capacitance is 10 F ?Problem 65P:
In an oscillating LC circuit the maximum charge on the capacitor is 2.0 × 10-6 C and the maximum...Problem 66P:
The self-inductance and capacitance of an oscillating LC circuit are L = 20 mH and C = 1.0 F ,...Problem 67P:
In an oscillating LC circuit, the maximum charge on the capacitor is qm. Determine the charge on the...Problem 68P:
In the circuit shown below, S1is opened and S2is dosed simultaneously. Determine (a) the frequency...Problem 69P:
An LC circuit in an AM tuner (in a car stereo) uses a coil with an inductance of 2.5 mH and a...Problem 70P:
In an oscillating RLC circuit, R=5.0 ,. L=5.0mH , and C = 500 F . What is the angular frequency of...Problem 71P:
In an oscillating RLC circuit with L = 10 mH, C = 1.5 F , and R = 2.0 , how much time elapses...Problem 72P:
What resistance R must be connected in series with a 200-mH inductor of the resulting RLC...Problem 73AP:
Show that the self-inductance per unit length of an infinite, straight, thin wire is infinite.Problem 74AP:
Two long, parallel wires cy equal currents in opposite directions. The radius of each wire is a, and...Problem 75AP:
A small, rectangular single loop of wire with dimensions 1, and a is placed, as shown in the plan of...Problem 76AP:
Suppose that a cylindrical solenoid is wrapped around a core of iron whose magnetic susceptibility...Problem 77AP:
A solenoid with 4 x 107turns/m has an iron core placed in it whose magnetic susceptibility is 4.0 x...Problem 78AP:
A rectangular toroid with inner radius R1= 7.0cm, outer radius R2= 9.0cm, height h = 3.0, and N=3.0,...Problem 79AP:
The switch S of the circuit shown below is closed t =0. Determine (a) the initial current through...Problem 80AP:
In an oscillating RLC circuit, R = 7.0 L. = 10 mH. And C = 3.0 F. Initially, the capacitor has a...Problem 81AP:
A 25.0-H inductor has 100 A of current turned off in 1.00 ms . (a) What voltage is induced to oppose...Problem 82CP:
A coaxial cable has an inner conductor of radius a, and outer thin cylindrical shell of radius b. A...Problem 83CP:
In a damped oscillating circuit the energy is dissipated In the resistor. The Q-factor Is a measure...Problem 84CP:
The switch in the circuit shown below is closed at t = 0s. Find currents through (a) R1(b) R2, and...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Temperature And HeatChapter 2 - The Kinetic Theory Of GasesChapter 3 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 4 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 5 - Electric Charges And FieldsChapter 6 - Gauss's LawChapter 7 - Electric PotentialChapter 8 - CapacitanceChapter 9 - Current And ResistanceChapter 10 - Direct-current Circuits
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