Problem 12.1CYU:
Check Your Understanding Using Example 12.1, at what distance would P have to be to measure a...Problem 12.2CYU:
Check Your Understanding The wire loop forms a full circle of radius R and current I. What is the...Problem 12.3CYU:
12.3 Check Your Understanding Using Example 12.3, keeping the currents the same in wires 1 and 3,...Problem 12.4CYU:
12.4 Check Your Understanding Two wires, both carrying current out of the page, have a current of...Problem 12.5CYU:
Check Your Understanding Using Example 12.5, at what distance would you have to move the first coil...Problem 12.6CYU:
Check Your Understanding Consider using Ampere’s law to calculate the magnetic fields of a finite...Problem 12.7CYU:
12.7 Check Your Understanding What is the ratio of the magnetic field produced from using a finite...Problem 12.8CYU:
Check your Understanding Repeat the calculations from the previous example for I0=0.040A .Problem 1CQ:
For calculating magnetic fields, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the Biot-Savart law?Problem 2CQ:
Describe the magnetic field due to the current in two wires connected to tire two terminals of a...Problem 3CQ:
How can you decide if a wire is infinite?Problem 4CQ:
Identical currents are carried in two circular loops; however, one loop has twice the diameter as...Problem 5CQ:
How would you orient two long, straight, current carrying wires so that there is no net magnetic...Problem 6CQ:
Compare and contrast the electric field of an infinite line of charge and the magnetic field of an...Problem 8CQ:
Is the magnetic field of a current loop uniform?Problem 10CQ:
Two concentric circular wines with different diameters carry currents in tire same direction....Problem 11CQ:
Is Ampere’s law valid for all closed paths? Why isn’t it normally useful for calculating a magnetic...Problem 13CQ:
Explain why B=0 inside a long, hollow copper pipe that is carrying an electric current parallel to...Problem 14CQ:
A diamagnetic material is brought dose to a permanent magnet. What happens to the material?Problem 15CQ:
If you cut a bar magnet into two pieces, will you end up with one magnet with an isolated north pole...Problem 16P:
A 10-A current flows through the wire shown. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field due to a...Problem 17P:
Ten amps flow through a square loop where each side is 20 cm in length. At each comer of the loop is...Problem 19P:
The accompanying figure shows a current loop consisting of two concentric circular arcs and two...Problem 20P:
Find the magnetic field at the center C of the rectangular loop of wire shown in the accompanying...Problem 21P:
Two long wires, one of which has a semicircular tend of radius R, are positioned as shown in the...Problem 22P:
A typical currant in a lightning bolt is 104 A. Estimate the magnetic field 1 m from the bolt.Problem 23P:
The magnitude of the magnetic field 50 cm from a long, thin, straight wire is 8.0T . What is the...Problem 24P:
A transmission line strung 7.0 m above the ground carries a current of 500 A. What is the magnetic...Problem 25P:
A long, straight, horizontal wire carries a left-to-right current of 20 A. If the wire is placed in...Problem 26P:
The two long, parallel wires shown in the accompanying figure carry currents in the same direction....Problem 27P:
The accompanying figure shows two long, straight, horizontal wires that are parallel and a distance...Problem 28P:
Repeat the calculations of the preceding problem with the direction of the current in the lower wire...Problem 29P:
Consider the area between the wires of the preceding problem. At what distance from tire top wire is...Problem 30P:
Two long, straight wires are parallel and 25 cm apart. (a) If each wire carries a current of 50 A in...Problem 31P:
Two long, straight wires are parallel and 10 cm apart. One cans a current of 2.0 A, the other a...Problem 32P:
Two long, parallel wires are hung by cords of length 5.0 cm, as shown in the accompanying figure....Problem 33P:
A circuit with current I has two long parallel wire sections that carry current in opposite...Problem 34P:
The infinite, straight wire shown in the accompanying figure cans a current I1. The rectangular...Problem 35P:
When the current through a circular loop is 6.0 A, the magnetic field at its center is 2.0104 T....Problem 36P:
How many turns must be wound on a flat, circular coil of radius 20 cm in order to produce a magnetic...Problem 37P:
A flat, circular loop has 20 turns. The radius of the loop is 10.0 cm and the current through the...Problem 38P:
A circular loop of radius R carries a current I. At what distance along the axis of the loop is the...Problem 39P:
Two flat, circular coils, each with a radius R and wound with JV turns, ace mounted along the same...Problem 40P:
For the coils in the preceding problem, what is the magnetic field at the center of either coil?Problem 41P:
A current 1 flows around the rectangular loop shown in the accompanying figure. Evaluate BdI for the...Problem 43P:
The coil whose lengthwise cross section is shown in the accompanying figure carries a currents I and...Problem 44P:
A superconducting wire of diameter 0.25 cm carries a current of 1000 A. What is the magnetic field...Problem 45P:
A long, straight wire of radius R caries a current I that is distributed uniformly over the...Problem 46P:
The accompanying figure shows a cross-section of a long, hollow, cylindrical conductor of inner...Problem 47P:
A long, solid, cylindrical conductor of radius 3.0 cm carries a current of 50 A distributed...Problem 48P:
A portion of a long, cylindrical coaxial cable is shown in the accompanying figure. A current I...Problem 49P:
A solenoid is wound with 2000 turns pet meter. When the cuiient is 5.2 A, what is the magnetic field...Problem 50P:
A solenoid has 12 turns per centimeter. What current will produce a magnetic field of 2.0102 T...Problem 51P:
If a current is 2.0 A, bow many turns per centimeter must be wound on a solenoid in order to produce...Problem 52P:
A solenoid is 40 cm long, has a diameter of 3.0 cm, and is wound with 500 turns. If the current...Problem 53P:
Determine the magnetic field on the central axis at the opening of a semi-infinite solenoid. (That...Problem 54P:
By how much is the approximation B=0nI in error at the center of a solenoid that is 15.0 cm long,...Problem 55P:
A solenoid with 25 turns per centimeter carries a current I. An electron moves within the solenoid...Problem 56P:
A toroid has 250 trims of wire and carries a current of 20 A. Its inner and outer radii are 8.0 and...Problem 57P:
A toroid with a square cross section 3.0cm3.0cm has an inner radius of 25.0 cm. It is wound with 500...Problem 58P:
The magnetic field in the core of an air-filled solenoid is 1.50 T, By how much will this magnetic...Problem 59P:
A solenoid has a ferromagnetic core, n = 1000 turns per meter, and I = 5.0 A. If B inside the...Problem 60P:
A 20-A current flows through a solenoid with 2000 turns per meter. What is the magnetic field inside...Problem 61P:
The magnetic dipole moment of the iron atom is about 2.11023Am2 . (a) Calculate the maximum magnetic...Problem 62P:
Suppose you wish to produce 1.2-T magnetic field in a toroid with an iron core for which =4.0103 ....Problem 63P:
A current of 1.5 A flows through the windings of a large, thin toroid with 200 turns per meter. If...Problem 64P:
A solenoid with an iron core is 25 cm long and is wrapped with 100 turns of wire. When the current...Problem 65AP:
Three long, straight, parallel wires, all carrying 20 A, are positioned as shown in the accompanying...Problem 66AP:
A current I flows around a wire bent into the shape of a square of side a. What is tire magnetic...Problem 67AP:
The accompanying figure shows a long, straight wire carrying a current of 10 A. What is the magnetic...Problem 68AP:
Current flows along a thin, infinite sheet as shown in the accompanying figure. The current per unit...Problem 69AP:
(a) Use the result of the previous problem to calculate the magnetic field between, above, and below...Problem 70AP:
We often assume that the magnetic field is uniform in a legion and zero everywhere else. Show that...Problem 71AP:
How is the percentage change in the strength of the magnetic field across the face of the toroid...Problem 72AP:
Show that the expression for the magnetic field of a toroid reduces to tlrat for the field of an...Problem 73AP:
A toroid with an inner radius of 20 cm and an outer radius of 22 cm is tightly wound with one layer...Problem 74AP:
A wire element has dI,IdI=JAdl=Jdv , where A and dv are the cross-sectional area and volume of the...Problem 75AP:
A reasonably uniform magnetic field over a limited region of space can be produced with the...Problem 76AP:
A charge of 4.0C .s distributed uniformly around a thin ring of insulating material. The ring has a...Problem 77AP:
A thin, nonconducting disk of radius R is free to rotate around the axis that passes through its...Problem 78AP:
Consider the disk in the previous problem. Calculate tlie magnetic field at a point on its central...Problem 79AP:
Consider the axial magnetic field Bv=0IR2/2(y2+R2)3/2 of the circular current loop shown below. (a)...Problem 80AP:
The current density in the long, cylindrical wire shown in the accompanying figure varies with...Problem 81AP:
A long, straight, cylindrical conductor contains a cylindrical cavity whose axis is displaced by n...Problem 82AP:
Between the two ends of a horseshoe magnet the field is uniform as shown in the diagram. As you move...Problem 83AP:
Show that the magnetic field of a thin wire and that of a current loop are zero if you are...Problem 84AP:
An Ampere loop is chosen as shown by dashed lines for a parallel constant magnetic field as shown by...Problem 85AP:
, A ray long, thick, cylindrical wire of radius R carries a current density J that varies across its...Problem 86AP:
A very long, cylindrical wire of radius a has a circular hole of radius b in it at a distance d from...Problem 87AP:
Magnetic field inside a torus. Consider a torus of rectangular cross-section with inner radius a and...Problem 88AP:
Two long coaxial copper tubes, each of length L, are connected to a battery of voltage V. The inner...Problem 89CP:
The accompanying figure shows a flat, infinitely long sheet of width a that carries a current I...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Temperature And HeatChapter 2 - The Kinetic Theory Of GasesChapter 3 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 4 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 5 - Electric Charges And FieldsChapter 6 - Gauss's LawChapter 7 - Electric PotentialChapter 8 - CapacitanceChapter 9 - Current And ResistanceChapter 10 - Direct-current Circuits
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