Problem 11.1CYU:
Check Your Understanding Repeat the previous problem with the magnetic field in the x-direction...Problem 11.2CYU:
Check Your Understanding A uniform magnetic field of magnitude 1.5 T is directed horizontally from...Problem 11.3CYU:
Check Your Understanding A straight, flexible length of copper wire is immersed in a magnetic field...Problem 11.4CYU:
Check Your Understanding In what orientation would a magnetic dipole have to be to produce (a) a...Problem 11.5CYU:
Check Your Understanding A Hall people consists of a copper strip, n=8.51028 electrons per cubic...Problem 11.6CYU:
Check Your Understanding A cyclotron is to be designed to accelerate protons to kinetic energies of...Problem 1CQ:
Discuss the similarities and differences between the electrical force on a charge and the magnetic...Problem 2CQ:
(a) Is it possible for the magnetic force on a charge moving in a magnetic field to be zero? (b) Is...Problem 3CQ:
At a given instant, an electron and a proton are moving with the same velocity in a constant...Problem 4CQ:
Does increasing the magnitude of a uniform magnetic field through which a charge is traveling...Problem 5CQ:
An electron passes through a magnetic field without being deflected. What do you conclude about the...Problem 6CQ:
If a charged particle moves in a straight line, can you conclude that there is no magnetic field...Problem 7CQ:
How could you determine which pole of an electromagnet is north and which pole is south?Problem 8CQ:
Describe the error that results from accidently using your left rather than your right hand when...Problem 9CQ:
Considering the magnetic force law, are the velocity and magnetic field always perpendicular? Are...Problem 11CQ:
A magnetic field exerts a force on the moving electrons in a current carrying wire. What exerts the...Problem 12CQ:
There are regions where the magnetic field of earth is almost perpendicular to the surface of Earth....Problem 14CQ:
Describe the primary function of the electric field and the magnetic field in a cyclotron.Problem 15P:
What is the direction of the magnetic force on a positive charge that moves as shown in each of the...Problem 16P:
Repeat previous exercise for a negative charge.Problem 17P:
What is the direction of the velocity of a negative charge that experiences the magnetic force shown...Problem 18P:
Repeat previous exercise for a positive charge.Problem 19P:
What is the direction of the magnetic field that produces the magnetic force on a positive charge as...Problem 20P:
Repeat previous exercise for a negative charge.Problem 21P:
(a) Aircraft sometimes acquire small static charges, Suppose a supersonic jet has a 0.500C charge...Problem 22P:
(a) A cosmic ray proton moving toward Earth at 5.00107 m/s experiences a magnetic force of 1.70l0l6...Problem 23P:
An electron moving at 4.00103 m/s in a 1.25-T magnetic field experiences a magnetic force of...Problem 24P:
(a) A physicist performing a sensitive measurement wants to limit the magnetic force on a moving...Problem 25P:
A cosmic-ray electron moves at 7.5 × 106 m/sinches perpendicular to Earth’s magnetic field at an...Problem 26P:
(a) Viewers of Star Trek have heard of an antimatter drive on the Starship Enterprise. One...Problem 27P:
(a) An oxygen-16 ion with a mass of 2.661026 kg travels at 5.0106 m/s perpendicular to a 1.20-T...Problem 28P:
An electron in a TV CRT moves with a speed of 6.0107 m/s, in a direction perpendicular to Earth's...Problem 29P:
(a) At what speed will a proton move in a circular path of the same radius as the electron in the...Problem 30P:
(a) What voltage will accelerate electrons to a speed of 6.00107 m/s? (b) Find the radius of...Problem 31P:
An alpha-particle ( m=6.641027kg , q=3.21019C ) travels in a circular path of radius 25 cm in a...Problem 32P:
A particle of charge q and mass m is accelerated from rest through a potential difference V, after...Problem 34P:
What is the direction of a current that experiences the magnetic force shown in each of the three...Problem 35P:
What is the direction of the magnetic field that produces the magnetic force shown on the currents...Problem 36P:
(a) What is the force per meter on a lightning bolt at the equator that carries 20,000 A...Problem 37P:
(a) A dc power line for a light-rail system caries 1000 A at an angle of 30.0 to Earth's 5.0105 T...Problem 38P:
A wire carrying a 30.0-A current passes between the poles of a strong magnet that is perpendicular...Problem 39P:
(a) By how many percent is the torque of a motor decreased if its permanent magnets lose 5.0% of...Problem 40P:
(a) What is the maximum torque on a 150-tum square loop of wire 13.0 cm oil a side that carries a...Problem 41P:
Find the current through a loop needed to create a maximum torque of 9.0 N.m. The loop has 50 square...Problem 42P:
Calculate the magnetic field strength needed on a 200-tum square loop 20.0 cm on a side to create a...Problem 43P:
Since the equation for torque on a current-carrying loop is =NIABsin, the units of N .m must equal...Problem 44P:
, (a) At what angle 0 is tlie torque on a current loop 90.0% of maximum? (b) 50.0% of maximum? (c)...Problem 45P:
A proton has a magnetic field due to its spin. The field is similar to that created by a circular...Problem 46P:
(a) A 200-turn circular loop of radius SO.0 cm is vertical, with its axis on an east-west line. A...Problem 47P:
Repeat the previous problem, but with the loop lying flat on the ground with its current circulating...Problem 48P:
A strip of copper is placed in a uniform magnetic field of magnitude 2.5 T. The Hall electric field...Problem 49P:
The cross-sectional dimensions of the copper strip shown are 2.0 cm by 2.0 mm. The strip carries a...Problem 50P:
The magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields in a velocity selector are 1.8105V/m and 0.080 T,...Problem 51P:
A charged particle moves through a velocity selector at constant velocity. In tire selector,...Problem 52P:
A Hall probe gives a reading of 1.5V for a current of 2 A when it is placed in a magnetic field of 1...Problem 53P:
A physicist is designing a cyclotron to accelerate protons to one-tenth the speed of light. The...Problem 54P:
The strengths of the fields in the velocity selector of a Bainbridge mass spectrometer are B = 0.500...Problem 55P:
The magnetic field in a cyclotron is 1.25 T, and the maximum orbital radius of the circulating...Problem 56P:
A mass spectrometer is being used to separate common oxygen- 16 from the much rarer oxygen-18, taken...Problem 57P:
(a) Triply charged uranium-235 and uranium-238 ions are being separated in a mass spectrometer. (The...Problem 58AP:
Calculate the magnetic force on a hypothetical particle of charge 1.010l9C moving with a velocity of...Problem 60AP:
An electron is projected into a uniform magnetic field (0.5i+0.8k)T with a velocity of...Problem 61AP:
The mass and chaise of a water droplet are 1.0104g and 2.0108C , respectively. If the droplet is...Problem 62AP:
Four different proton velocities are given. For each case, determine the magnetic force on the...Problem 63AP:
An electron of kinetic energy 2000 eV passes between parallel plates that are 1.0 an apart and kept...Problem 64AP:
An alpha-particle (m=6.641027kg,q=3.21019C) moving with a velocity v=(2.0i4.0k)106m/s enters a...Problem 65AP:
An electron moving with a velocity v=(4.0i+3.0j+2.0k)106m/s enters a region where there is a uniform...Problem 66AP:
At a particular instant an electron is traveling west to east with a kinetic energy of 10 keV....Problem 67AP:
Repeat the calculations of the previous problem for a proton with the same kinetic energy.Problem 68AP:
What magnetic field is required in order to confine a proton moving with a speed of 4.0 × 106 m/s to...Problem 69AP:
An electron and a proton move with the same speed in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic...Problem 70AP:
A proton and an alpha-particle have the same kinetic energy and both move in a plane perpendicular...Problem 71AP:
A singly charged ion takes 2.0 × 10-3 s to complete eaglet revolutions in a uniform magnetic field...Problem 72AP:
A particle moving downward at a speed of 6.0106 m/s enters a uniform magnetic field that is...Problem 73AP:
, A proton, deuteron, and an alpha-particle ae all accelerated from rest through the same potential...Problem 74AP:
A singly charged ion is moving in a uniform magnetic field of 7.5102 T completes 10 revolutions in...Problem 75AP:
Two particles have the same linear momentum, but particle A has four times the charge of particle B....Problem 76AP:
A uniform magnetic field of magnitude is directed parallel to the z-axis. A proton enters the field...Problem 77AP:
An electron moving along the +x -axis at 5.0106m/s enters a magnetic field that makes a 75° angle...Problem 78AP:
(a) A 0.750-m-long section of cable carrying current to a car starter motor makes an angle of GOP...Problem 79AP:
(a)What is the angle between a wire carrying an 8.00-A current and the 1.20-T field It Is in if 50.0...Problem 80AP:
A 1.0-rn-long segment of wire lies along the x-axis and carries a current of 2.0 A in the positive...Problem 81AP:
A 5.0-m section of a long, straight wire carries a current of 10 A while in a uniform magnetic field...Problem 82AP:
An electromagnet produces a magnetic field of magnitude 1.5 T throughout a cylindrical region of...Problem 83AP:
The current loop shown in the accompanying figure lies in the plane of the page, as does the...Problem 84AP:
A circular coil of radius 5.0 cm is wound with five turns and carries a current of 5.0 A. If the...Problem 85AP:
Acircularcoiofwireofradius5.Ocmhas2Otums and carries a current of 2.0 A. The coil lies in a magnetic...Problem 86AP:
A current-carrying coil in a magnetic field experiences a torque that is 75% of the maximum possible...Problem 87AP:
A 40-cm by 6.0-cm rectangular current loop carries a current of 10 A. What Is the magnetic dipole...Problem 88AP:
A circular coil with 200 turns Las a radius of 2.0 cm. (a) What current through tire coil results in...Problem 89AP:
The current through a circular wire loop of radius 10 cm is 5.0 A. (a) Calculate themagnetic dipole...Problem 90AP:
A wire of length 1.0 m is wound into a single-turn planar loop. The loop carries a current of 5.0 A,...Problem 91AP:
Consider an electron rotating in a circular orbit of radius r. Show that the magnitudes of the...Problem 92AP:
The Hall effect is to be used to find the sign of charge carries in a semiconductor sample. The...Problem 93AP:
The density of charge carriers far copper is 8.471028 electrons per cubic meter. What will be the...Problem 94AP:
The Hall effect is to be used to find the density of charge carriers in an unknown material. A Hall...Problem 95AP:
Show tliat the Hall voltage across wires made of the same material, carrying identical currents, and...Problem 96AP:
A velocity selector in a mass spectrometer uses a 0.100-T magnetic field, (a) What electric field...Problem 97AP:
Find the radius of curvature of the path of a 25.0-MeV proton moving peipendicularly to the 1,20-T...Problem 98AP:
Unreasonable results To construct a non-mechanical water meter, a 0.500-T magnetic field is placed...Problem 99AP:
Unreasonable results A charged particle having mass 6.641027kg (that of a helium atom) moving at...Problem 100AP:
Unreasonable results An inventor wants to generate 120-V power by moving a 1.00-m-long wire...Problem 101AP:
Unreasonable results Frustrated by the small Hall voltage obtained in blood flow measurements, a...Problem 102CP:
A particle of charge +q and mass m moves with velocity v0 pointed In the +y-direction as It crosses...Problem 103CP:
A proton of speed v=6105m/s enters a region of uniform magnetic field of B = 0.5 T at an angle of q...Problem 104CP:
A particle’s path is bent when it passes through a region of non-zero magnetic field although its...Problem 105CP:
In a region a non-uniform magnetic field exists such that Bx=0,By=0,andBz=ax where a is a Constant....Problem 106CP:
A copper rod of mass in and length L is hung from the ceiling using two springs of spring constant...Problem 107CP:
The accompanied figure shows an arrangement for measuring mass of ions by an instrument called the...Problem 108CP:
A wire ismade into a circular shape of radius R and pivoted along a central support.The two ends of...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Temperature And HeatChapter 2 - The Kinetic Theory Of GasesChapter 3 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 4 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 5 - Electric Charges And FieldsChapter 6 - Gauss's LawChapter 7 - Electric PotentialChapter 8 - CapacitanceChapter 9 - Current And ResistanceChapter 10 - Direct-current Circuits
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