Problem 10.1CYU:
Check Your Understanding If you place a wire directly across the two terminal of a battery,...Problem 10.2CYU:
Check Your Understanding Some strings of miniature holiday lights are made to short out when a bulb...Problem 10.3CYU:
Check Your Understanding Consider the same potential difference (V = 3.00 V) applied to the same...Problem 10.4CYU:
Check Your Understanding How would you use a river and two waterfalls to model a parallel...Problem 10.5CYU:
Check Your Understanding Consider the electrical circuits in your home. Give at least two of...Problem 10.6CYU:
Check Your Understanding In considering the following schematic and the power supplied and consumed...Problem 10.7CYU:
Check Your Understanding When using Kirchhoff’s laws, you need to decide which loops to use and the...Problem 10.8CYU:
Check Your Understanding Digital meters are able to detect smaller currents than analog meters...Problem 1CQ:
What effect will the internal resistance of a rechargeable battery have on the energy being used to...Problem 2CQ:
A battery with an internal resistance of r and an emf of 10.00 V is connected to a load resistor R =...Problem 3CQ:
Show that the power dissipated by the load resistor is maximum when the resistance of the load...Problem 4CQ:
A voltage occurs across an open switch. What is the power dissipated by the open switch?Problem 5CQ:
The severity of a shock depends on die magnitude of the current through your body. Would you prefer...Problem 6CQ:
Suppose you are doing a physics lab that asks you to put a resistor into a circuit, but all the...Problem 7CQ:
Some light bulbs have three power settings (not including zero), obtained from multiple filaments...Problem 9CQ:
Consider the circuit shown below. Does the analysis of the circuit require Kirchhoff’s method, or...Problem 10CQ:
Do batteries in a circuit always supply power to a circuit, or can they absorb power in a circuit?...Problem 11CQ:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of connecting batteries in series? In parallel?Problem 12CQ:
Semi-truck or trucks use four large 12-V batteries. The starter systemrequires 24 V, while normal...Problem 15CQ:
Why should you not connect an ammeter directly across a voltage source as shown below?Problem 16CQ:
A battery, switch, capacitor, and lamp are connected in series. Describe what happens to the Lamp...Problem 17CQ:
When making an ECG measurement, it is important to measure voltage variations over small time...Problem 18CQ:
Why isn’t a short circuit necessarily a shock hazard?Problem 19CQ:
We are often advised to not flick electric switches with wet hands, dry your hand first. We are also...Problem 20P:
A car battery with a 12-V emf and an internal resistance of 0.050 is being charged with a current...Problem 21P:
The label on a battery-powered radio recommends the use of a rechargeable nickel-cadmium cell...Problem 22P:
An automobile starter motor has an equivalent resistance of 0.0500 and is supplied by a 12.0-V...Problem 23P:
(a) What is the internal resistance of a voltage source if its terminal potential drops by 2.00 V...Problem 24P:
A person with body resistance between his hands of 10.0k accidentally grasps the terminals of...Problem 25P:
A 12.0-V emf automobile battery has a terminal voltage of 16.0 V when being charged by a current of...Problem 26P:
(a) What is the resistance of a 1.00102 , a 2.50k , and a 4.00k resistor connected in series? (b) In...Problem 27P:
What are the largest and smallest resistances yon can obtain by connecting a 36.0- , a 50.0- , and...Problem 28P:
An 1800-W toaster, a 1400-W speaker, and a 75-W lamp are plugged into the same outlet in a 15-A fuse...Problem 29P:
Your car’s 30.0-W headlight and 2.40-kW starter are ordinarily connected in parallel in a 12.O-V...Problem 30P:
(a) Given a 48.0-V battery and 24.0- and 96.0- resistors,find die current and power for each when...Problem 31P:
Referring to the example combining series and parallel circuits and Figure 10.16, calculate in the...Problem 32P:
Referring to Figure 10.16, (a) Calculate P3and notehow it compares with P3found in the first two...Problem 33P:
Refer to Figure 10.17 and the discussion of lights dimming when a heavy appliance comes on. (a)...Problem 34P:
Show that if two resistors R1 and R2 are combined and one is much greater than the other (R1R2) (a)...Problem 35P:
Consider the circuit shown below. The terminal voltage of the battery is V = 18.00 V. (a) Find the...Problem 36P:
Consider the circuit shown below, (a) Find the voltage across each resistor. (b)What is the power...Problem 37P:
Consider the circuits shown below, (a) What is the current through each resistor in part (a)? (b)...Problem 41P:
Consider the circuit shown below, (a) I1,I2,I3,I4,andI5 (b) Find the power supplied by thevoltage...Problem 43P:
Consider the circuit shown below. Write equations for the three currents in terms of R and V.Problem 44P:
Consider the circuit shown in the preceding problem. Write equations for the power supplied by the...Problem 45P:
A child's electronic toy is supplied by three 1.58-V alkaline cells having internal resistances of...Problem 46P:
Apply the junction rule to Junction b shown below. Is any new information gained by applying the...Problem 48P:
Suppose you measure the terminal voltage of a 1.585-V alkaline cell having an internal resistance of...Problem 49P:
The timing device in an automobile's intermittent wiper system is based on an RC rime constant and...Problem 50P:
A heart pacemaker fires 72 times a minute, each time a 25.0-nF capacitor is charged (by a battery in...Problem 51P:
The duration of a photographic flash is related to an RC time constant, which is 0.100F for a...Problem 52P:
A 2.00- and a 7.50F capacitor can be connected in series or parallel, as can a 25.0- and a 100k...Problem 53P:
A 500 resistor, an uncharged 1.50F capacitor,and a 6.16-V emf are connected in series, (a) What is...Problem 54P:
A heart defibrillator being used on a patient has an RC time constant of 10.0 ms due to the...Problem 55P:
An ECG monitor must have an KC time constant lessthan 1.00102s to be able to measure variations...Problem 56P:
Using the exact exponential treatment, determine how much time is required to charge an initially...Problem 57P:
If you wish to take a picture of a bullet traveling at 500 m/s, then a very brief flash of light...Problem 58P:
(a) How much power is dissipated in a short circuit of 240-V ac through a resistance of 0.250 ? (b)...Problem 60P:
Find the current through a person and identify the likely effect on her if she touches a 120-V ac...Problem 61P:
While taking a bath, a person touches the metal case of a radio. The path through the person to the...Problem 62P:
A man foolishly tries to fish a burning piece of bread from a toaster with a metal butter knife and...Problem 63P:
(a) During surgery, a current as small as 20.0A applied directly to the heart may cause ventricular...Problem 64P:
(a) What is the resistance of a 220-V ac short circuit that generates a peak power of 96.8 kW? (b)...Problem 65P:
A heart defibrillator passes 10.0 A through a patient’s torso for 5.00 ms in an attempt to restore...Problem 66P:
A short circuit in a 120-V appliance cord has a0.500- resistance. Calculate the temperature rise of...Problem 67AP:
A circuit contains a D cell battery, a switch, a 20- resistor, and four 20-mF capacitors connected...Problem 68AP:
A circuit contains a D-cell battery, a switch, a 20- resistor, and three 20-mF capacitors. The...Problem 69AP:
Consider the circuit below. The battery has an emf of = 30.00 V and an internal resistance of r =...Problem 70AP:
A homemade capacitor is constructed of 2 sheets of aluminum foil with an area of 2.00 square meters,...Problem 71AP:
A student makes a homemade resistor from a graphite pencil 5.00 cm long, where the graphite is 0.05...Problem 72AP:
The rather simple circuit shown below is known as a voltage divider. The symbol consisting of three...Problem 73AP:
Three 300- resistors areconnect in series with anAAA battery with a rating of 3 AmpHours. (a) How...Problem 74AP:
Consider a circuit that consists of a real battery with an emf and an internal resistance of r...Problem 75AP:
Consider the circuit shown below. What is the energy Stored in each capacitor after the switch has...Problem 76AP:
Consider a circuit consisting of a battery with an emf l and an internal resistance of r connected...Problem 77AP:
Consider the circuit shown below. The terminal voltages of the batteries are shown, (a) Find the...Problem 78AP:
Consider the circuit shown below. (a) What is the terminal voltage of the battery? (b) What is the...Problem 79AP:
Consider the circuit shown below. (a)Determine the equivalent resistance and the current from the...Problem 80AP:
Two resistors, one having a resistance of 145 , are connected in parallel to produce a total...Problem 81AP:
Two resistors, one having a resistance of 900k are connected in series to produce a total resistance...Problem 82AP:
Apply the junction rule at point G shown below.Problem 84AP:
Find the currants flowing in the circuit in the preceding problem. Explicitly show how you follow...Problem 85AP:
Consider the circuit shown below, (a) Find the current through each resistor, (b) Check the...Problem 86AP:
A flashing lamp in a Christmas earring is based on an RC discharge of a capacitor through its...Problem 87AP:
A 160F capacitor charged to 450 V is dischargedthrough a 31.2k resistor, (a) Find the time...Problem 88CP:
Some camera flashes use flash tubes that requite a high voltage. They obtain a high voltage by...Problem 89CP:
Consider the circuit shown below. Each battery has an emf of 1.50 V and an internal resistance of...Problem 90CP:
Analog meters use a galvanometer, which essentially consists of a coil of wire with a small...Problem 91CP:
Analog meters use a galvanometer, which essentially consists of a coil of wire with a small...Problem 93CP:
Consider the circuit below.(a) What is the RC time constant of the circuit? (b) What is the initial...Problem 94CP:
Consider the circuit below, (a) What is the initial current through resistor R2? when the switch is...Problem 95CP:
Consider the infinitely long chain of resistors shown below. What is the resistance between...Problem 96CP:
Consider the circuit below. The capacitor has a capacitance of 10 mF. The switch is closed and after...Problem 97CP:
A 120-V immersion heater consists of a coil of wire that is placed in a cup to boil the water. The...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Temperature And HeatChapter 2 - The Kinetic Theory Of GasesChapter 3 - The First Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 4 - The Second Law Of ThermodynamicsChapter 5 - Electric Charges And FieldsChapter 6 - Gauss's LawChapter 7 - Electric PotentialChapter 8 - CapacitanceChapter 9 - Current And ResistanceChapter 10 - Direct-current Circuits
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