Solutions for University Physics Volume 1
Problem 9.1CYU:
Check Your Understanding The U.S. Air Force uses “10gs” (an acceleration equal to 109.8m/s2 ) as the...Problem 9.2CYU:
Check Your Understanding What if we had assumed the phone did bounce on impact? Would this have...Problem 9.3CYU:
Check Your Understanding Suppose the second, smaller cart had been initially moving to the left....Problem 9.4CYU:
Check Your Understanding Would the ball’s change of momentum have been larger, smaller, or the same,...Problem 9.5CYU:
Check Your Understanding Even if there were some friction on the ice, it is still possible to use...Problem 9.6CYU:
Check Your Understanding The changes of momentum for Philae and for Comet 67/P were equal (in...Problem 9.7CYU:
Check Your Understanding There is a second solution to the system of equations solved in this...Problem 9.8CYU:
Check Your Understanding Suppose there had been no friction (the collision happened on ice); that...Problem 9.9CYU:
Check Your Understanding Suppose the initial velocities were not at right angles to each other. How...Problem 9.10CYU:
Check Your Understanding Notice that the mass of the air in the tank was neglected in the analysis...Problem 9.11CYU:
Check Your Understanding Suppose we included the sun in the system. Approximately where would the...Problem 9.12CYU:
Check Your Understanding Suppose you have a macroscopic salt crystal (that is, a crystal that is...Problem 9.13CYU:
Check Your Understanding How would the firework display change in deep space, far away from any...Problem 9.14CYU:
Check Your Understanding What is the physical difference ( or relationship) between dmdt and dmgdt...Problem 1CQ:
An object that has a small mass and an object that has a large mass have the same momentum. Which...Problem 2CQ:
An object that has a small mass and an object that has a large mass have the same kinetic energy....Problem 3CQ:
Is it possible for a small force to produce a larger impulse on a given object than a large force?...Problem 5CQ:
What external force is responsible for changing the momentum of a car moving along a horizontal...Problem 6CQ:
A piece of putty and a tennis ball with the same mass are thrown against a wall with the same...Problem 7CQ:
Under what circumstances is momentum conserved?Problem 8CQ:
Can momentum be conserved for a system if there are external forces acting on the system? If so,...Problem 9CQ:
Explain in terms of momentum and Newton’s laws how a car’s air resistance is due in part to the fact...Problem 10CQ:
Can objects in a system have momentum while the momentum of the system is zero? Explain your answer.Problem 11CQ:
A sprinter accelerates out of the starting blocks. Can you consider him as a closed system? Explain.Problem 12CQ:
A rocket in deep space (zero gravity) accelerates by firing hot gas out of its thrusters. Does the...Problem 13CQ:
Two objects of equal mass are moving with equal and opposite velocities when they collide. Can all...Problem 14CQ:
Describe a system for which momentum is conserved but mechanical energy is not. Now the reverse:...Problem 15CQ:
Momentum for a system can be conserved in one direction while not being conserved in another. What...Problem 16CQ:
Suppose a fireworks shell explodes, breaking into three large pieces for which air resistance is...Problem 17CQ:
It is possible for the velocity of a rocket to be greater than the exhaust velocity of the gases it...Problem 18P:
An elephant and a hunter are having a confrontation. a. Calculate the momentum of the 2000.0-kg...Problem 19P:
A skater of mass 40 kg is carrying a box of mass 5 kg. The skater has a speed of 5 m/s with respect...Problem 20P:
A car of mass 2000 kg is moving with a constant velocity of 10 m/s due east. What is the momentum of...Problem 21P:
The mass of Earth is 5.971024kg and its orbital radius is an average of 1.501011m . Calculate the...Problem 22P:
If a rainstorm drops 1 cm of rain over an area of 10km2 in the period of 1 hour, what is the...Problem 23P:
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 40-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of...Problem 25P:
A 75.0-kg person is riding in a car moving at 20.0 m/s when the car runs into a bridge abutment (see...Problem 26P:
One hazard of space travel is debris left by previous missions. There are several thousand objects...Problem 27P:
A cruise ship with a mass of 1.00107kg strikes a pier at a speed of 0.750 m/s. It comes to rest...Problem 28P:
Calculate the final speed of a 110-kg rugby player who is initially running at 8.00 m/s butt...Problem 29P:
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 50.0 kg/s and a speed of...Problem 30P:
A 0.450-kg hammer is moving horizontally at 7.00 m/s when it strikes a nail and comes to rest after...Problem 32P:
The x-component of a force on a 46-g golf ball by a 7-iron versus time is plotted in the following...Problem 33P:
A hockey puck of mass 150 g is sliding due east on a frictionless table with a speed of 10 m/s....Problem 34P:
A ball of mass 250 g is thrown with an initial velocity of 25 m/s at an angle of 30 with the...Problem 36P:
Two identical pucks collide elastically on an air hockey table. Puck 1 was originally at rest; puck...Problem 37P:
The figure below shows a bullet of mass 200 g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 400...Problem 38P:
A 20-kg child is coasting at 3.3 m/s over flat ground in a 4.0-kg wagon. The child drops a 1.0-kg...Problem 39P:
A 4.5 kg puffer fish expands to 40 of its mass by taking in water. When the puffer fish is...Problem 40P:
Explain why a cannon recoils when it fires a shell.Problem 41P:
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.5 m/s and...Problem 42P:
A 2000-kg railway freight car coasts at 4.4 m/s underneath a grain terminal, which dumps grain...Problem 43P:
A 5.50-kg bowling ball moving at 9.00 m/s collides with a 0.850-kg bowling pin, which is scattered...Problem 44P:
Ernest Rutherford (the first New Zealander to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry) demonstrated...Problem 45P:
A 90.0-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.150-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 45.0 m/s. If both...Problem 46P:
A 100-g firecracker is launched vertically into the air and explodes into two pieces at the peak of...Problem 47P:
In an elastic collision, a 400-kg bumper car collides directly from behind with a second, identical...Problem 48P:
Repeat the preceding problem if the mass of the leading bumper car is 30.0 greater than that of the...Problem 49P:
An alpha particle (4He) undergoes an elastic collision with a stationary uranium nucleus (235U) ....Problem 50P:
You are standing on a very slippery icy surface and throw a 1-kg football horizontally at a speed of...Problem 51P:
A 35-kg child rides a relatively massless sled down a hill and then coasts along the flat section at...Problem 52P:
A boy sleds down a hill and onto a frictionless ice- covered lake at 10.0 m/s. In the middle of the...Problem 54P:
A billiard ball, labeled 1, moving horizontally strikes another billiard ball, labeled 2, at rest....Problem 55P:
A projectile of mass 2.0 kg is fired in the air at an angle of 40.0 to the horizon at a speed of...Problem 56P:
Two asteroids collide and stick together. The first asteroid has mass of 15103kg and is initially...Problem 58P:
A proton traveling at 3.0106m/s scatters elastically from an initially stationary alpha particle and...Problem 60P:
A family is skating. The father (75 kg) skates at 8.2 m/s and collides and sticks to the mother (50...Problem 62P:
Two cars of the same mass approach an extremely icy four-way perpendicular intersection. Car A...Problem 63P:
Three point masses are placed at the corners of a triangle as shown in the figure below. Find the...Problem 64P:
Two particles of masses m1 and m2 separated by a horizontal distance D are released from the same...Problem 65P:
Two particles of masses m1 and m2 separated by a horizontal distance D are let go from the same...Problem 66P:
Two particles of masses m1 and m2 , move uniformly in different circles of radii R1 and R2 R2 about...Problem 67P:
Two particles of masses m1 and m2 move uniformly in different circles of radii R1 and R1 about the...Problem 68P:
Find the center of mass of a one-meter long rod, made of 50 cm of iron (density 8gcm3 ) and 50 cm of...Problem 69P:
Find the center of mass of a rod of length L whose mass density changes from one end to the other...Problem 70P:
Find the center of mass of a rectangular block of length a and width b that has a nonuniform density...Problem 71P:
Find the center of mass of a rectangular material of length a and width b made up of a material of...Problem 72P:
A cube of side a is cut out of another cube of side b as shown in the figure below. Find the...Problem 73P:
Find the center of mass of a cone of uniform density that has a radius R at the base, height h, and...Problem 74P:
Find the center of mass of a thin wire of mass in and length L bent in a semicircular shape. Let the...Problem 75P:
Find the center of mass of a uniform thin semicircular plate of radius R. Let the origin be at the...Problem 76P:
Find the center of mass of a sphere of mass M and radius R and a cylinder of mass in, radius r, and...Problem 77P:
(a) A 5.00-kg squid initially at rest ejects 0.250 kg of fluid with a velocity of 10.0 m/s. What is...Problem 78P:
A rocket takes off from Earth and reaches a speed of 100 m/s in 10.0 s. If the exhaust speed is 1500...Problem 79P:
Repeat the preceding problem but for a rocket that takes off from a space station, where there is no...Problem 80P:
How much fuel would be needed for a 1000-kg rocket (this is its mass with no fuel) to take off from...Problem 81P:
What exhaust speed is required to accelerate a rocket in deep space from 800 m/s to 1000 m/s in 5.0...Problem 82P:
Unreasonable Results Squids have been reported to jump from the ocean and travel 30.0 m (measured...Problem 83AP:
Two 70-kg canoers paddle in a single, 50-kg canoe. Their paddling moves the canoe at 1.2 m/s with...Problem 84AP:
Which has a larger magnitude of momentum: a 3000-kg elephant moving at 40 km/h or a 60-kg cheetah...Problem 85AP:
A driver applies the brakes and reduces the speed of her car by 20 , without changing the direction...Problem 86AP:
You friend claims that momentum is mass multiplied by velocity, so things with more mass have more...Problem 87AP:
Dropping a glass on a cement floor is more likely to break the glass than if it is dropped from the...Problem 88AP:
Your 1500-kg sports car accelerates from 0 to 30 m/s in 10 s. What average force is exerted on it...Problem 89AP:
A ball of mass m is dropped. What is the formula for the impulse exerted on the ball from the...Problem 91AP:
A 5.0-g egg falls from a 90-cm-high counter onto the floor and breaks. What impulse is exerted by...Problem 92AP:
A car crashes into a large tree that does not move. The car goes from 30 m/s to 0 in 1.3 m. (a) What...Problem 93AP:
Two hockey players approach each other head on, each traveling at the same speed Vi . They collide...Problem 94AP:
You are coasting on your 10-kg bicycle at 15 m/s and a 5.0-g bug splatters on your helmet. The bug...Problem 95AP:
A load of gravel is dumped straight down into a 30000-kg freight car coasting at 2.2 m/s on a...Problem 96AP:
Two carts on a straight track collide head on. The first cart was moving at 3.6 m/s in the positive...Problem 97AP:
A 100-kg astronaut finds himself separated from his spaceship by 10 m and moving away from the...Problem 98AP:
Derive the equations giving the final speeds for two objects that collide elastically, with the mass...Problem 99AP:
Repeat the preceding problem for the case when the initial speed of the second object is nonzero.Problem 100AP:
A child sleds down a hill and collides at 5.6 m/s into a stationary sled that is identical to his....Problem 101AP:
For the preceding problem, find the final speed of the case of each sled for the case of an elastic...Problem 102AP:
A 90-kg football player jumps vertically into the air to catch a 0.50-kg football that is thrown...Problem 103AP:
Three skydivers are plummeting earthward. They are initially holding onto each other, but then push...Problem 104AP:
Two billiard balls are at rest and touching each other on a pool table. The cue ball travels at 3.8...Problem 107AP:
Repeat the preceding problem if the balls collide when the center of ball 1 is at the origin and the...Problem 108AP:
Repeat the preceding problem if the balls collide when the center of ball 1 is at the origin and the...Problem 109AP:
Where is the center of mass of a semicircular wire of radius R that is centered on the origin,...Problem 110AP:
Where is the center of mass of a slice of pizza that was cut into eight equal slices? Assume the...Problem 111AP:
If 1 of the Earth’s mass were transferred to the Moon, how far would the center of mass of the...Problem 112AP:
You friend wonders how a rocket continues to climb into the sky once it is sufficiently high above...Problem 113AP:
To increase the acceleration of a rocket, should you throw rocks out of the front window of the...Problem 114CP:
A 65-kg person jumps from the first floor window of a burning building and lands almost vertically...Problem 115CP:
Two projectiles of mass m1 and m2 , are fired at the same speed but in opposite directions from two...Problem 116CP:
Two identical objects (such as billiard balls) have a one-dimensional collision in which one is...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Units And MeasurementChapter 2 - VectorsChapter 3 - Motion Along A Straight LineChapter 4 - Motion In Two And Three DimensionsChapter 5 - Newton's Law Of MotionChapter 6 - Applications Of Newton's LawsChapter 7 - Work And Kinetic EnergyChapter 8 - Potential Energy And Conservation Of EnergyChapter 9 - Linear Momentum And CollisionsChapter 10 - Fixed-axis Rotation
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