Solutions for University Physics Volume 1
Problem 17.1CYU:
Check Your Understanding Imagine you observe two firework shells explode. You hear the explosion of...Problem 17.2CYU:
Check Your Understanding Identify common sounds at the levels of 10 dB, 50 dB, and 100 dB.Problem 17.3CYU:
Check Your Understanding Describe how amplitude is related to the loudness of a sound.Problem 17.4CYU:
Check Your Understanding If you walk around two speakers playing music, how come you do not notice...Problem 17.5CYU:
Check Your Understanding Describe how noise-canceling headphones differ from standard headphones...Problem 17.6CYU:
Check Your Understanding How is it possible to use a standing wave’s node and antinode to determine...Problem 17.7CYU:
Check Your Understanding You observe two musical instruments that you cannot identify. One plays...Problem 17.8CYU:
Check Your Understanding What would happen if more than two frequencies interacted? Consider three...Problem 17.9CYU:
Check Your Understanding Describe a situation in your life when you might rely on the Doppler shift...Problem 1CQ:
What is the difference between sound and hearing?Problem 2CQ:
You will learn that light is an electromagnetic wave that can travel through a vacuum. Can sound...Problem 3CQ:
Sound waves can be modeled as a change in pressure. Why is the change in pressure used and not the...Problem 5CQ:
When sound passes from one medium to another where its propagation speed is different, does its...Problem 6CQ:
A popular party trick is to inhale helium and speak in a high-frequency, funny voice. Explain this...Problem 7CQ:
You may have used a sonic range finder in lab to measure the distance of an object using a clicking...Problem 8CQ:
The sonic range finder discussed in the preceding question often needs to be calibrated. During the...Problem 9CQ:
Six members of a synchronized swim team wear earplugs to protect themselves against water pressure...Problem 10CQ:
A community is concerned about a plan to bring train service to their downtown from the town’s...Problem 11CQ:
You are given two wind instruments of identical length. One is open at both ends, whereas the other...Problem 12CQ:
What is the difference between an overtone and a harmonic? Are all harmonics overtones? Are all...Problem 13CQ:
Two identical columns, open at both ends, are in separate rooms. In room A, the temperature is T=20C...Problem 14CQ:
How does an unamplified guitar produce sounds so much more intense than those of a plucked string...Problem 15CQ:
Consider three pipes of the same length (L). Pipe A is open at both ends, pipe B is closed at both...Problem 16CQ:
Pipe A has a length L and is open at both ends. Pipe B has a length L/2 and has one open end and one...Problem 17CQ:
A string is tied between two lab posts a distance L apart. The tension in the string and the linear...Problem 18CQ:
Two speakers are attached to variable-frequency signal generator. Speaker A produces a...Problem 19CQ:
The label has been scratched off a tuning fork and you need to know its frequency. From its size,...Problem 20CQ:
Referring to the preceding question, if you had only the 250-Hz fork, could you come up with a...Problem 21CQ:
A “showy” custom-built car has two brass horns that are supposed to produce the same frequency but...Problem 22CQ:
Is the Doppler shift real or just a sensory illusion?Problem 23CQ:
Three stationary observers observe the Doppler shift from a source moving at a constant velocity....Problem 24CQ:
Shown below is a stationary source and moving observers. Describe the frequencies observed by the...Problem 25CQ:
Prior to 1980, conventional radar was used by weather forecasters. In the 1960s, weather forecasters...Problem 27CQ:
Due to efficiency considerations related to its bow wake, the supersonic transport aircraft must...Problem 29P:
Consider a sound wave modeled with the equation s(x,t)=4.00nmcos(3.66m1x1256s1t) . What is the...Problem 31P:
Consider a diagnostic ultrasound of frequency 5.00 MHz that is used to examine an irregularity in...Problem 32P:
A sound wave is modeled as P=1.80Pasin(55.41m1x18,840s1t) . What is the maximum change in pressure,...Problem 33P:
A sound wave is modeled with the wave function P=1.20Pasin(kx6.28104s1t) and the sound wave travels...Problem 34P:
The displacement of the air molecules in sound wave is modeled with the wave function...Problem 35P:
A speaker is placed at the opening of a long horizontal tube. The speaker oscillates at a frequency...Problem 36P:
A 250-Hz tuning fork is struck and begins to vibrate. A sound-level meter is located 34.00 m away....Problem 37P:
A sound wave produced by an ultrasonic transducer, moving in air, is modeled with the wave equation...Problem 38P:
Porpoises emit sound waves that they use for navigation. If the wavelength of the sound wave emitted...Problem 39P:
Bats use sound waves to catch insects. Bats can detect frequencies up to 100 kHz. If the sound waves...Problem 40P:
A bat sends of a sound wave 100 kHz and the sound waves travel through air at a speed of v=343 m/s....Problem 41P:
Consider the graph shown below of a compression wave. Shown are snapshots of the wave function for...Problem 42P:
Consider the graph in the preceding problem of a compression wave. Shown are snapshots of the wave...Problem 43P:
A guitar string oscillates at a frequency of 100 Hz and produces a sound wave. (a) What do you think...Problem 44P:
When poked by a spear, an operatic soprano lets out a 1200-Hz shriek. What is its wavelength if the...Problem 46P:
Calculate the speed of sound on a day when a 1500-Hz frequency has a wavelength of 0.221 m.Problem 47P:
(a) What is the speed of sound in a medium where a 100-kHz frequency produces a 5.96-cm wavelength?...Problem 49P:
Air temperature in the Sahara Desert can reach 56.0° C (about 134°F ). What is the speed of sound in...Problem 50P:
Dolphins make sounds in air and water. What is the ratio of the wavelength of a sound in air to its...Problem 51P:
A sonar echo returns to a submarine 1.20 s after being emitted. What is the distance to the object...Problem 52P:
(a) If a submarine’s sonar can measure echo times with a precision of 0.0100 s, what is the smallest...Problem 53P:
Ultrasonic sound waves are often used in methods of nondestructive testing. For example, this method...Problem 54P:
A physicist at a fireworks display times the lag between seeing an explosion and hearing its sound,...Problem 55P:
During a 4th of July celebration, an M80 firework explodes on the ground, producing a bright flash...Problem 56P:
The density of a sample of water is =998.00kg/m3 and the bulk modulus is =2.15GPa . What is the...Problem 57P:
Suppose a bat uses sound echoes to locate its insect prey, 3.00 m away. (See Figure 17.6.) (a)...Problem 59P:
The warning tag on a lawn mower states that it produces noise at a level of 91.0 dB. What is this in...Problem 60P:
A sound wave traveling in air has a pressure amplitude of 0.5 Pa. What is the intensity of the wave?Problem 62P:
What sound intensity level in dB is produced by earphones that create an intensity of 4.00102W/m2 ?Problem 63P:
What is the decibel level of a sound that is twice as intense as a 90.0-dB sound? (b) What is the...Problem 64P:
What is the intensity of a sound that has a level 7.00 dB lower than a 4.00109-W/m2 sound? (b) What...Problem 65P:
People with good hearing can perceive sounds as low as -8.00 dB at a frequency of 3000 Hz. What is...Problem 66P:
If a large housefly 3.0 m away from you makes a noise of 40.0 dB, what is the noise level of 1000...Problem 67P:
Ten cars in a circle at a boom box competition produce a 120-dB sound intensity level at the center...Problem 68P:
The amplitude of a sound wave is measured in terms of its maximum gauge pressure. By what factor...Problem 69P:
If a sound intensity level of 0 dB at 1000 Hz corresponds to a maximum gauge pressure (sound...Problem 70P:
An 8-hour exposure to a sound intensity level of 90.0 dB may cause hearing damage. What energy in...Problem 71P:
Sound is more effectively transmitted into a stethoscope by direct contact rather than through the...Problem 72P:
Loudspeakers can produce intense sounds with surprisingly small energy input in spite of their low...Problem 73P:
The factor of 10-12 in the range of intensities to which the ear can respond, from threshold to that...Problem 74P:
What are the closest frequencies to 500 Hz that an average person can clearly distinguish as being...Problem 75P:
YY13Can you tell that your roommate turned up the sound on the TV if its average sound intensity...Problem 76P:
If a woman needs an amplification of 5.0105 times the threshold intensity to enable her to hear at...Problem 77P:
A person has a hearing threshold 10 dB above normal at 100 Hz and 50 dB above normal at 4000 Hz. How...Problem 78P:
(a) What is the fundamental frequency of a 0.672-mlong tube, open at both ends, on a day when the...Problem 79P:
What is the length of a tube that has a fundamental frequency of 176 Hz and a first overtone of 352...Problem 80P:
The ear canal resonates like a tube closed at one end. (See [link]Figure 17_03_HumEar[/link].) If...Problem 81P:
Calculate the first overtone in an ear canal, which resonates like a 2.40-cm-long tube closed at one...Problem 82P:
A crude approximation of voice production is to consider the breathing passages and mouth to be a...Problem 83P:
A 4.0-m-long pipe, open at one end and closed at one end, is in a room where the temperature is...Problem 84P:
A 4.0-m-long pipe, open at both ends, is placed in a room where the temperature is T=25C . A speaker...Problem 85P:
A nylon guitar string is fixed between two lab posts 2.00 m apart. The string has a linear mass...Problem 86P:
A 512-Hz tuning fork is struck and placed next to a tube with a movable piston, creating a tube with...Problem 87P:
Students in a physics lab are asked to find the length of an air column in a tube closed at one end...Problem 88P:
If a wind instrument, such as a tuba, has a fundamental frequency of 32.0 Hz, what are its first...Problem 89P:
What are the first three overtones of a bassoon that has a fundamental frequency of 90.0 Hz? It is...Problem 90P:
How long must a flute be in order to have a fundamental frequency of 262 Hz (this frequency...Problem 91P:
What length should an oboe have to produce a fundamental frequency of 110 Hz on a day when the speed...Problem 92P:
(a) Find the length of an organ pipe closed at one end that produces a fundamental frequency of 256...Problem 93P:
An organ pipe (L=3.00m) is closed at both ends. Compute the wavelengths and frequencies of the first...Problem 94P:
An organ pipe (L=3.00m) is closed at one end. Compute the wavelengths and frequencies of the first...Problem 95P:
A sound wave of a frequency of 2.00 kHz is produced by a string oscillating in the n=6 mode. The...Problem 96P:
Consider the sound created by resonating the tube shown below. The air temperature is TC=30.00C ....Problem 97P:
A student holds an 80.00-cm lab pole one quarter of the length from the end of the pole. The lab...Problem 98P:
A string on the violin has a length of 24.00 cm and a mass of 0.860 g. The fundamental frequency of...Problem 99P:
By what fraction will the frequencies produced by a wind instrument change when air temperature goes...Problem 100P:
What beat frequencies are present: (a) If the musical notes A and C are played together (frequencies...Problem 101P:
What beat frequencies result if a piano hammer hits three strings that emit frequencies of 127.8,...Problem 102P:
A piano tuner hears a beat every 2.00 s when listening to a 264.0-Hz tuning fork and a single piano...Problem 103P:
Two identical strings, of identical lengths of 2.00 m and linear mass density of =0.0065 kg/m, are...Problem 104P:
A piano tuner uses a 512-Hz tuning fork to tune a piano. He strikes the fork and hits a key on the...Problem 105P:
A string with a linear mass density of =0.0062 kg/m is stretched between two posts 1.30 m apart. The...Problem 106P:
A car has two horns, one emitting a frequency of 199 Hz and the other emitting a frequency of 203...Problem 107P:
The middle C hammer of a piano hits two strings, producing beats of 1.50 Hz. One of the strings is...Problem 108P:
Two tuning forks having frequencies of 460 and 464 Hz are struck simultaneously. What average...Problem 109P:
Twin jet engines on an airplane are producing an average sound frequency of 4100 Hz with a beat...Problem 110P:
Three adjacent keys on a piano (F, F-sharp, and G) are struck simultaneously, producing frequencies...Problem 111P:
(a) What frequency is received by a person watching an oncoming ambulance moving at 110 km/h and...Problem 112P:
(a) At an air show a jet flies directly toward the stands at a speed of 1200 km/h, emitting a...Problem 113P:
What frequency is received by a mouse just before being dispatched by a hawk flying at it at 25.0...Problem 114P:
A spectator at a parade receives an 888-Hz tone from an oncoming trumpeter who is playing an 880-Hz...Problem 115P:
A commuter train blows its 200-Hz horn as it approaches a crossing. The speed of sound is 335 m/s....Problem 116P:
Can you perceive the shift in frequency produced when you pull a tuning fork toward you at 10.0 m/s...Problem 117P:
Two eagles fly directly toward one another, the first at 15.0 m/s and the second at 20.0 m/s. Both...Problem 118P:
Student A runs down the hallway of the school at a speed of vo=5.00 m/s, carrying a ringing...Problem 119P:
An ambulance with a siren (f=1.00kHz) blaring is approaching an accident scene. The ambulance is...Problem 120P:
The frequency of the siren of an ambulance is 900 Hz and is approaching you. You are standing on a...Problem 121P:
What is the minimum speed at which a source must travel toward you for you to be able to hear that...Problem 122P:
An airplane is flying at Mach 1.50 at an altitude of 7500.00 meters, where the speed of sound is...Problem 123P:
A jet flying at an altitude of 8.50 km has a speed of Mach 2.00, where the speed of sound is...Problem 124P:
The shock wave off the front of a fighter jet has an angle of =70.00 . The jet is flying at 1200...Problem 125P:
A plane is flying at Mach 1.2, and an observer on the ground hears the sonic boom 15.00 seconds...Problem 126P:
A bullet is fired and moves at a speed of 1342 mph. Assume the speed of sound is v=340.00 m/s. What...Problem 127P:
A speaker is placed at the opening of a long horizontal tube. The speaker oscillates at a frequency...Problem 128P:
An airplane moves at Mach 1.2 and produces a shock wave. (a) What is the speed of the plane in...Problem 129AP:
A 0.80-m-long tube is opened at both ends. The air temperature is 26°C. The air in the tube is...Problem 130AP:
A tube filled with water has a valve at the bottom to allow the water to flow out of the tube. As...Problem 131AP:
Consider the following figure. The length of the string between the string vibrator and the pulley...Problem 132AP:
Early Doppler shift experiments were conducted using a band playing music on a train. A trumpet...Problem 133AP:
Two cars move toward one another, both sounding their horns (fs=800Hz) . Car A is moving at 65 mph...Problem 134AP:
Student A runs after Student B. Student A carries a tuning fork ringing at 1024 Hz, and student B...Problem 135AP:
Suppose that the sound level from a source is 75 dB and then drops to 52 dB, with a frequency of 600...Problem 136AP:
The Doppler shift for a Doppler radar is found by f=fR(1+vc1vc) , where fR is the frequency of the...Problem 137AP:
A stationary observer hears a frequency of 1000.00 Hz as a source approaches and a frequency of...Problem 138AP:
A flute plays a note with a frequency of 600 Hz. The flute can be modeled as a pipe open at both...Problem 139CP:
Two sound speakers are separated by a distance d, each sounding a frequency f. An observer stands at...Problem 140CP:
Consider the beats shown below. This is a graph of the gauge pressure versus time for the position...Problem 141CP:
Two speakers producing the same frequency of sound are a distance of d apart. Consider an arc along...Problem 142CP:
A string has a length of 1.5 m, a linear mass density =0.008 kg/m, , and a tension of 120 N. If the...Problem 143CP:
A string (=0.006kgm,L=1.50m) is fixed at both ends and is under a tension of 155 N. It oscillates in...Problem 144CP:
A string has a linear mass density µ, a length L, and a tension of FT, and oscillates in a mode n at...Problem 145CP:
A string has a linear mass density =0.007 kg/m, a length L=0.70 m, a tension of FT=110 N, and...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Units And MeasurementChapter 2 - VectorsChapter 3 - Motion Along A Straight LineChapter 4 - Motion In Two And Three DimensionsChapter 5 - Newton's Law Of MotionChapter 6 - Applications Of Newton's LawsChapter 7 - Work And Kinetic EnergyChapter 8 - Potential Energy And Conservation Of EnergyChapter 9 - Linear Momentum And CollisionsChapter 10 - Fixed-axis Rotation
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