Solutions for Statics: Engineering Mechanics Statics COE 2001
Problem 61P:
A uniform steel plate 18 in. square weighing 68 lb is suspended in the horizontal plane by the three...Problem 62P:
The uniform I-beam has a mass of 60 kg per meter of its length. Determine the tension in the two...Problem 63P:
Determine the tensions in cables AB, AC, and AD.Problem 64P:
An 80-lb sheet of plywood rests on two small wooden blocks as shown. It is allowed to lean 200 from...Problem 65P:
The vertical and horizontal poles at the traffic-light assembly are erected first. Determine the...Problem 66P:
The body is constructed of uniform slender rod which has mass per unit length. Determine the...Problem 67P:
In order to make an adjustment, engineering students remove leg D from a laboratory worktable. To...Problem 68P:
The rectangular solid is loaded by a force which has been resolved into three given components...Problem 69P:
When on level ground, the car is placed on four individual scales—one under each tire. The four...Problem 70P:
The uniform rectangular plate of mass m is suspended by three cables. Determine the tension in each...Problem 71P:
A uniform right-circular cylinder of mass m is supported by two cables and a vertical wall as shown....Problem 72P:
The uniform square plate is suspended by three equal-length cables as shown. Determine the tension...Problem 73P:
A three-legged stool is subjected to the load L as shown. Determine the vertical force reaction...Problem 74P:
The uniform slender rod of mass m is suspended by a ball-and-socket joint at O and two cables....Problem 75P:
One of the vertical walls supporting end B of the 200-kg uniform shaft of Sample Problem 3/5 is...Problem 76P:
The light right-angle boom which supports the 400-kg cylinder is supported by three cables and a...Problem 77P:
The mass center of the 30-kg door is in the center of the panel. If the weight of the door is...Problem 78P:
The two I-beams are welded together and are initially supported by the three cables of equal length...Problem 79P:
The 50-kg uniform triangular plate is supported by two small hinges A and B and the cable system...Problem 80P:
The large bracket is constructed of heavy plate which has a mass per unit area. Determine the force...Problem 81P:
The 800-lb tree trunk is known to have insect damage near point O, so the winch arrangement shown is...Problem 82P:
The smooth homogeneous sphere rests in the 120 groove and bears against the end plate, which is...Problem 83P:
Determine the magnitudes of the force R and couple M exerted by the nut and bolt on the loaded...Problem 84P:
The 25-kg rectangular access door is held in the 90 open position by the single prop CD. Determine...Problem 85P:
As part of a check on its design, a lower A-arm (part of an automobile suspension) is supported by...Problem 86P:
The shaft, lever, and handle are welded together and constitute a single rigid body. Their combined...Problem 87P:
During a test, the left engine of the twin-engine air-plane is revved up and a 2-kN thrust is...Problem 88P:
The bent rod ACDB is supported by a sleeve at A and a ball-and-socket joint at B. Determine the...Problem 89P:
Turnbuckle T1 is tightened to a tension of 750 N and turnbuckle T2 is tightened to 500 N. Determine...Problem 90P:
The spring of modulus k=900N/m is stretched a distance =60 mm when the mechanism is in the position...Problem 91P:
A homogeneous door of mass m, height h, and width w is leaned against a wall for painting. Small...Problem 92P:
Consider the rudder assembly of a radio-controlled model airplane. For the 15 position shown in the...Problem 93P:
The upper ends of the vertical coil springs in the stock racecar can be moved up and down by means...Problem 94P:
The uniform 30- by 40-in. trap door weighs 200 lb and is propped open by the light strut AB at the...Problem 95P:
A uniform bar of length b and mass m is suspended at its ends by two wires, each of length b, from...Problem 96P:
A rectangular sign over a store has a mass of 100 kg, with the center of mass in the center of the...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
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