Solutions for Statics: Engineering Mechanics Statics COE 2001
Problem 1P:
The force F has a magnitude of 800 N. Express F as a vector in terms of the unit vectors i and j....Problem 2P:
The force F has a magnitude of 7 kN and acts at the location indicated. Express F as a vector in...Problem 3P:
The slope of the 6.5-kN force F is specified as shown in the figure. Express F as a vector in terms...Problem 4P:
The force F has a magnitude of 1250 lb and has the indicated line of action. Write the unit vector n...Problem 5P:
The control rod AP exerts a force F on the sector as shown. Determine both the x-y and the n-t...Problem 6P:
Two forces are applied to the construction bracket as shown. Determine the angle which makes the...Problem 7P:
Two individuals are attempting to relocate a sofa by applying forces in the indicated directions. If...Problem 8P:
A small probe P is gently forced against the circular surface with a vertical force F as shown....Problem 9P:
The y-component of the force F which a person exerts on the handle of the box wrench is known to be...Problem 10P:
Determine the x-y and n-t components of the 13-kip force F acting on the simply-supported beam.Problem 11P:
The two structural members, one of which is in tension and the other in compression, exert the...Problem 12P:
The guy cables AB and AC are attached to the top of the transmission tower. The tension in cable AB...Problem 13P:
If the equal tensions T in the pulley cable are 400 N, express in vector notation the force R...Problem 14P:
Two people exert the forces shown on the potted shrub. Determine the vector expression for the...Problem 15P:
A compressive force F is transmitted via the coupler arm AB to disk OA. Develop the general...Problem 16P:
A force F of magnitude 800 lb is applied to point C of the bar AB as shown. Determine both the x-y...Problem 17P:
The two forces shown act in the x-y plane of the T-beam cross section. If it is known that the...Problem 18P:
Determine the x- and y-components of the tension T which is applied to point A of the bar OA....Problem 19P:
Refer to the mechanism of the previous problem. Develop general expressions for the n- and...Problem 20P:
Determine the magnitude Fs of the tensile spring force in order that the resultant of Fs and F is a...Problem 21P:
Determine the resultant R of the two forces applied to the bracket. Write R in terms of unit vectors...Problem 22P:
A sheet of an experimental composite is subjected to a simple tension test to determine its strength...Problem 23P:
Determine the scalar components Ra and Rb of the force R along the nonrectangular axes a and b. Also...Problem 24P:
Determine the components Fa and Fb of the 4-kN force along the oblique axes a and b. Determine the...Problem 25P:
If the projection Pa and component Fb of the force F along oblique axes a and b are both 325 N,...Problem 26P:
It is desired to remove the spike from the timber by applying force along its horizontal axis. An...Problem 27P:
At what angle must the 800-lb force be applied in order that the resultant R of the two forces have...Problem 28P:
Power is to be transferred from the pinion A to the output gear C inside a mechanical drive. Because...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
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