Microeconomics (Book Only) - 12th Edition - by Roger A. Arnold - ISBN 9781285738307

Microeconomics (Book Only)
12th Edition
Roger A. Arnold
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781285738307

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Chapter 3.3 - The Market: Putting Supply And Demand TogetherChapter 4 - Prices: Free, Controlled, And RelativeChapter 4.1 - PriceChapter 4.2 - Price ControlsChapter 4.3 - Two Prices: Absolute And RelativeChapter 5 - Supply, Demand, And Price: ApplicationsChapter 5.1 - Application 1: Tickets To The Big Bang TheoryChapter 5.2 - Application 2: Easier To Obtain Loans And Ghigher Housing PricesChapter 5.3 - Application 3: The Price Of An Aisle SeatChapter 5.4 - Application 4: What Will Happen To The Price Of Marijuna If The Purchase And Sale Of Marijuna Are LegalizedChapter 5.5 - Application 5: Speculators, Price Variability, And PatternsChapter 5.6 - Application 6: Why Is Medical Care So Expensive?Chapter 5.7 - Application 7: Why Do Colleges Use Gpa,s Actss, And Sats, For Purposes Of Admission?Chapter 5.8 - Application 8: Supply And Demand On A FreewayChapter 5.9 - Application 9: Are Renters Better Off?Chapter 5.10 - Application 10: Do You Pay For Good WeatherChapter 5.11 - Application 11: College Super AthletsChapter 5.12 - Application 12: 10 A. M. Classes In CollegeChapter 5.13 - Application 13: Salsa, Chips And BeerChapter 6 - ElasticityChapter 6.1 - Elasticity: Part 1Chapter 6.2 - Elasticity: Part 2Chapter 6.4 - The Relationship Between Taxes And ElasticityChapter 7 - Consumer Choice: Maximizing Utility And Behavioral EconomicsChapter 7.1 - Utility TheoryChapter 7.2 - Consumer Equilibrium And DemandChapter 7.3 - Behavioral EconomicsChapter C - Budget Constraint And Indifference Curve AnalysisChapter 8 - Production And CostsChapter 8.2 - Two Sides To Every Business FirmChapter 8.3 - ProductionChapter 8.4 - Costs Of Production: Total, Average, MarginalChapter 8.5 - Production And Costs In The Long RunChapter 9 - Perfect CompetitionChapter 9.1 - The Theory Of Perfect CompetitionChapter 9.2 - Perfect Competition In The Short RunChapter 9.3 - Perfect Competition In The Long RunChapter 9.4 - Topics For Analysis In The Theory Of Perfect CompetitionChapter 10 - MonopolyChapter 10.1 - The Theory Of MonopolyChapter 10.3 - Perfect Competition And MonopolyChapter 10.5 - Price DiscriminationChapter 11 - Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, And Game TheoryChapter 11.1 - The Theory Of Monopolistic CompetitionChapter 11.3 - Price And Output Under Cartel TheoryChapter 12 - Government And Product Markets: Antitrust And RegulationChapter 12.1 - AntitrustChapter 12.2 - RegulationChapter 13 - Factor Markets: With Emphasis On The Labor MarketChapter 13.1 - Factor MarketChapter 13.2 - The Labor MarketChapter 14 - Wages, Unions, And LaborChapter 14.2 - Practices Of Labor UnionsChapter 14.3 - Effects Of Labor UnionsChapter 15 - The Distribution Of Income And PovertyChapter 15.1 - Some Facts About Income DistributionChapter 15.2 - Measuring Income EqualityChapter 15.3 - Why Income Inequality ExistsChapter 15.4 - PovertyChapter 16 - Interest, Rent, And ProfitChapter 16.1 - InterestChapter 16.2 - RentChapter 16.4 - The EntrepreneurChapter 17 - Market Failure: Externalities, Public Goods, And Asymmetric InformationChapter 17.1 - ExternaliesChapter 17.2 - Internalizing ExternalitiesChapter 17.3 - Environmental PolicyChapter 17.4 - Publig Goods: Excludable And Non ExcludableChapter 17.5 - Asymmetric InformationChapter 18 - Public Choice And Special Interet Group PoliticsChapter 18.3 - Voters And Rational IgnoranceChapter 18.4 - More About VotingChapter 18.6 - Constitutional EconomicsChapter 19 - Building Theories To Explain Eveday Life: From Observations To Questions To Theories To PredictionsChapter 19.3 - Observation/thought 1: The Birthrates In Various Countries Are DifferentChapter 19.6 - Observation/thought 4: Criminals Are Not RationalChapter 19.10 - Observation/thought 8: People Who Give To Others Often Complain That They End Up Giving Too MuchChapter 20 - International TradeChapter 20.1 - International Trade TheoryChapter 20.2 - Trade RestictionsChapter 21 - International FinanceChapter 21.2 - Flexible Exchange RateChapter 21.3 - Fixed Exchange Rate

Book Details

Ever wonder why you have the number of friends that you do? Would a tax on soda really reduce obesity? What is going on with the financial problems in Greece? Is a tax rebate is better than a tax bonus? MICROECONOMICS, 12E answers these questions and many more as this book opens up the world of economic analysis. This edition offers more detailed coverage of the financial and economic crisis than any other microeconomics book of its kind on the market. Memorable examples from pop culture illustrate the unexpected places microeconomics occur and show how economic forces link to every day events. This edition offers complete video assets ideal for self-study. "Video Office Hours" digital lectures walk you through worked problems, while brief "Working with Diagrams" videos demonstrate key concepts in graphing that you can play and replay. A new Adaptive Test Prep Tool available on MindTap™ enables you to assess your personal economic understanding. Powerful digital resources, including Aplia™ and MindTap™, work with the book's latest content to reflect today's changing economy and equip you with a thorough understanding of contemporary microeconomics.

Sample Solutions for this Textbook

We offer sample solutions for Microeconomics (Book Only) homework problems. See examples below:

Since the income is $4,000 and price of good X is $50, the quantity of good X can be calculated as...This theory was developed by the economists Armen Alchian and Harold Demsetz. They suggest that a...Price is always equal to the marginal revenue of a firm in a perfectly competitive market. This is...Monopolists can earn a profit when its price is greater than the average total cost. A monopoly will...The monopolistic market is a blend of monopoly and perfect competition. In the short run, the...There are five firms in the industry namely A, B, C, D, and E. Each firms’ market share is shown in...The marginal revenue product (MRP) shows the market value of the product, and the value marginal...Decline in employment for a given wage increases because of the elasticity of demand for laborers....It cannot be agreed that the total income earned by different income groups must be always earned...Future value (FV) is $1,000. Interest rate (i) is 5%. Time period (n) is 2. Present value (PV) can...The present value (PV) can be calculated using the formula given below: PV=∑An(1+i)n (1) Here An is...The major reason for market failure is negative externality, that is, a third party suffers from the...Suppose the government decides to make a cost benefit analysis in the economy, it takes 6 persons...No theory cannot perfectly describe the reality because the main job of a theory is to find why the...The production of countries A and B is shown in the table below: Table 1 Country Commodity...Suppose there are two countries, namely A and B. If Country A wants to make trade with Country B, A...

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