Solutions for Linear Algebra With Applications (classic Version)
Problem 1E:
The polynomials of degree less than 7 form a seven dimensional subspace of the linear space of all...Problem 5E:
The space 23 is five-dimensional.Problem 9E:
If W1 and W2 are subspaces of a linear space V, then the intersection W1W2 must be a subspace of V...Problem 10E:
If T is a linear transformation from P6 to 22 , then the kernel of T must be three-dimensional.Problem 15E:
If T is a linear transformation from V to V, then the intersection of im(T) and ker(T) must be {0} .Problem 17E:
Every polynomial of degree 3 can be expressed as a linear combination of the polynomial (t3),(t3)2 ,...Problem 20E:
There exists a 22 matrix A such that the space V of all matrices commuting with A is...Problem 31E:
If W is a subspace of V, and if W is finite dimensional, then V must be finite dimensional as well.Problem 43E:
If T is a linear transformation from P4 to W with im(T)=W , then the inequality dim(W)5 must hold.Problem 44E:
The kernel of the linear transformation T(f(t))=01f(t)dt from P to is finite dimensional.Problem 45E:
If T is a linear transformation from V to V, then {finV:T(f)=f} must be a subspace of V.Problem 46E:
If T is a linear transformation from P6 to P6 that transforms tk into a polynomial of degree k (for...Problem 47E:
There exist invertible 22 matrices P and Q such that the linear transformation T(M)=PMMQ is an...Problem 49E:
If f1,f2,f3 is a basis of a linear space V, and if f is any element of V, then the elements...Problem 50E:
There exists a two-dimensional subspace of 22 whose nonzero elements are all invertible.Problem 51E:
The space P11 is isomorphic to 34 .Problem 52E:
If T is a linear transformation from V to W, and if both im(T) and ker(T) are finite dimensional,...Problem 53E:
If T is a linear transformation from V to 22 with ker(T)={0} , then the inequality dim(V)4 must...Problem 56E:
If the matrix of a linear transformation T (with respect to some basis) [3504] , then there must...Problem 57E:
If the image of a linear transformation T is infinite dimensional, then the domain of T must be...Problem 59E:
If A, B, C, and D are noninvertible 22 matrices, then the matrices AB, AC, and AD must be linearly...Problem 60E:
There exist two distinct three-dimensional subspaces W1 and W2 of P4 such that the union W1W2 is a...Problem 61E:
the elements f1,...,fn , (where f10 ) are linearly dependent, then one element fk can be expressed...Problem 62E:
There exists a 33 matrix P such that the linear transformation T(M)=MPPM from 33 to 33 is an...Problem 63E:
If f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 are elements of a linear space V, and if there are exactly two redundant elements...Problem 64E:
There exists a linear transformation T from P6 to P6 such that the kernel of T is isomorphic to the...Problem 65E:
If T is a linear transformation from V to W, and if both im(T) and ker(T) are finite dimensional,...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Linear EquationsChapter 1.1 - Introduction To Linear SystemsChapter 1.2 - Matrices, Vectors, And Gauss–jordan EliminationChapter 1.3 - On The Solutions Of Linear Systems; Matrix AlgebraChapter 2 - Linear TransformationsChapter 2.1 - Introduction To Linear Transformations And Their InversesChapter 2.2 - Linear Transformations In GeometryChapter 2.3 - Matrix ProductsChapter 2.4 - The Inverse Of A Linear TransformationChapter 3 - Subspaces Of Rn And Their Dimensions
Chapter 3.1 - Image And Kernel Of A Linear TransformationChapter 3.2 - Subspaces Of Rn; Bases And Linear IndependenceChapter 3.3 - The Dimension Of A Subspace Of RnChapter 3.4 - CoordinatesChapter 4 - Linear SpacesChapter 4.1 - Introduction To Linear SpacesChapter 4.2 - Linear Transformations And IsomorphismsChapter 4.3 - The Matrix Of A Linear TransformationChapter 5 - Orthogonality And Least SquaresChapter 5.1 - Orthogonal Projections And Orthonormal BasesChapter 5.2 - Gram–schmidt Process And Qr FactorizationChapter 5.3 - Orthogonal Transformations And Orthogonal MatricesChapter 5.4 - Least Squares And Data FittingChapter 5.5 - Inner Product SpacesChapter 6 - DeterminantsChapter 6.1 - Introduction To DeterminantsChapter 6.2 - Properties Of The DeterminantChapter 6.3 - Geometrical Interpretations Of The Determinant; Cramer’s RuleChapter 7 - Eigenvalues And EigenvectorsChapter 7.1 - DiagonalizationChapter 7.2 - Finding The Eigenvalues Of A MatrixChapter 7.3 - Finding The Eigenvectors Of A MatrixChapter 7.4 - More On Dynamical SystemsChapter 7.5 - Complex EigenvaluesChapter 7.6 - StabilityChapter 8 - Symmetric Matrices And Quadratic FormsChapter 8.1 - Symmetric MatricesChapter 8.2 - Quadratic FormsChapter 8.3 - Singular ValuesChapter 9.1 - An Introduction To Continuous Dynamical SystemsChapter 9.2 - The Complex Case: Euler’s FormulaChapter 9.3 - Linear Differential Operators And Linear Differential Equations
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