Solutions for Intermediate Algebra
Problem 1.89TI:
Simplify: 23r+14s+9r+15s .Problem 1.90TI:
Simplify: 37m+21n+4m15n .Problem 1.91TI:
Simplify: (715+58)+38 .Problem 1.92TI:
Simplify: (29+712)+512 .Problem 1.93TI:
Simplify: 27a+(48a)+27a .Problem 1.94TI:
Simplify: 39x+(92x)+(39x) .Problem 1.95TI:
Simplify: 916549169 .Problem 1.96TI:
Simplify: 6171125176 .Problem 1.97TI:
Simplify: (a) 0m+7 , where m7, (b) 186c0 ,where 186c0 .Problem 1.98TI:
Simplify: (a) 0d4 where d4 (b) 154q0 , where 154q0 .Problem 1.99TI:
Simplify: 4(x+2) .Problem 1.100TI:
Simplify: 6(x+7) .Problem 1.101TI:
Simplify: 6(56y+12) .Problem 1.102TI:
Simplify: 12(13n+34) .Problem 1.103TI:
Simplify: 100(0.7+0.15p) .Problem 1.104TI:
Simplify: 100(0.04+0.35d) .Problem 1.105TI:
Simplify: 5(23a) .Problem 1.106TI:
Simplify: 7(815y) .Problem 1.107TI:
Simplify: (z11) .Problem 1.108TI:
Simplify: (x4) .Problem 1.109TI:
Simplify: 93(x+2) .Problem 1.110TI:
Simplify: 7x5(x+4) .Problem 1.111TI:
Simplify: 6(x9)(x+12) .Problem 1.112TI:
Simplify: 8(x1)(x+5) .Problem 319E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 319. 24738Problem 320E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 320. 361149Problem 321E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 321. (56+815)+715Problem 322E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 322. (1112+49)+59Problem 323E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 323. 17(0.25)(4)Problem 324E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 324. 36(0.2)(5)Problem 327E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 327. 12(56p)Problem 328E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 328. 20(35q)Problem 329E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 329. 19a+4419aProblem 330E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 330. 27c+1627cProblem 331E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 331. 12+78+(12)Problem 332E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 332. 25+512+(25)Problem 333E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 333. 10(0.1d)Problem 334E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 334. 100(0.01p)Problem 335E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 335. 3204911203Problem 336E:
In the following exercises, simplify. 336. 13182571813Problem 353E:
In the following exercises, simplify using the Distributive Property. 353. 1535(4d+10)Problem 354E:
In the following exercises, simplify using the Distributive Property. 354. 1856(15h+24)Problem 375E:
In the following exercises, simplify using the Distributive Property. 375. 5(2n+9)+12(n3)Problem 376E:
In the following exercises, simplify using the Distributive Property. 376. 9(5u+8)+2(u6)Problem 377E:
In the following exercises, simplify using the Distributive Property. 377. 14(c1)8(c6)Problem 378E:
In the following exercises, simplify using the Distributive Property. 378. 11(n7)5(n1)Problem 379E:
In the following exercises, simplify using the Distributive Property. 379. 6(7y+8)(30y15)Problem 380E:
In the following exercises, simplify using the Distributive Property. 380. 7(3n+9)(4n13)Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - FoundationsChapter 1.1 - Use The Language Of AlgebraChapter 1.2 - IntegersChapter 1.3 - FractionsChapter 1.4 - DecimalsChapter 1.5 - Properties Of Real NumbersChapter 2 - Solving Linear EquationsChapter 2.1 - Use A General Strategy To Solve Linear EquationsChapter 2.2 - Use A Problem Solving StrategyChapter 2.3 - Solve A Formula For A Specific Variable
Chapter 2.4 - Solve Mixture And Uniform Motion ApplicationsChapter 2.5 - Solve Linear InequalitiesChapter 2.6 - Solve Compound InequalitiesChapter 2.7 - Solve Absolute Value InequalitiesChapter 3 - Graphs And FunctionsChapter 3.1 - Graph Linear Equations In Two VariablesChapter 3.2 - Slope Of A LineChapter 3.3 - Find The Equation Of A LineChapter 3.4 - Graph Linear Inequalities In Two VariablesChapter 3.5 - Relations And FunctionsChapter 3.6 - Graphs Of FunctionsChapter 4 - Systems Of Linear EquationsChapter 4.1 - Solve Systems Of Linear Equations With Two VariablesChapter 4.2 - Solve Applications With Systems Of EquationsChapter 4.3 - Solve Mixture Applications With Systems Of EquationsChapter 4.4 - Solve Systems Of Equations With Three VariablesChapter 4.5 - Solve Systems Of Equations Using MatricesChapter 4.6 - Solve Systems Of Equations Using DeterminantsChapter 4.7 - Graphing Systems Of Linear InequalitiesChapter 5 - Polynomials And Polynomial FunctionsChapter 5.1 - Add And Subtract PolynomialsChapter 5.2 - Properties Of Exponents And Scientific NotationChapter 5.3 - Multiply PolynomialsChapter 5.4 - Dividing PolynomialsChapter 6 - FactoringChapter 6.1 - Greatest Common Factor And Factor By GroupingChapter 6.2 - Factor TrinomialsChapter 6.3 - Factor Special ProductsChapter 6.4 - General Strategy For Factoring PolynomialsChapter 6.5 - Polynomial EquationsChapter 7 - Rational Expressions And FunctionsChapter 7.1 - Multiply And Divide Rational ExpressionsChapter 7.2 - Add And Subtract Rational ExpressionsChapter 7.3 - Simplify Complex Rational ExpressionsChapter 7.4 - Solve Rational EquationsChapter 7.5 - Solve Applications With Rational EquationsChapter 7.6 - Solve Rational InequalitiesChapter 8 - Roots And RadicalsChapter 8.1 - Simplify Expressions With RootsChapter 8.2 - Simplify Radical ExpressionsChapter 8.3 - Simplify Rational ExponentsChapter 8.4 - Add, Subtract, And Multiply Radical ExpressionsChapter 8.5 - Divide Radical ExpressionsChapter 8.6 - Solve Radical EquationsChapter 8.7 - Use Radicals In FunctionsChapter 8.8 - Use The Complex Number SystemChapter 9 - Quadratic Equations And FunctionsChapter 9.1 - Solve Quadratic Equations Using The Square Root PropertyChapter 9.2 - Solve Quadratic Equations By Completing The SquareChapter 9.3 - Solve Quadratic Equations Using The Quadratic FormulaChapter 9.4 - Solve Quadratic Equations In Quadratic FormChapter 9.5 - Solve Applications Of Quadratic EquationsChapter 9.6 - Graph Quadratic Functions Using PropertiesChapter 9.7 - Graph Quadratic Functions Using TransformationsChapter 9.8 - Solve Quadratic InequalitiesChapter 10 - Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 10.1 - Finding Composite And Inverse FunctionsChapter 10.2 - Evaluate And Graph Exponential FunctionsChapter 10.3 - Evaluate And Graph Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 10.4 - Use The Properties Of LogarithmsChapter 10.5 - Solve Exponential And Logarithmic EquationsChapter 11 - ConicsChapter 11.1 - Distance And Midpoint Formulas; CirclesChapter 11.2 - ParabolasChapter 11.3 - EllipsesChapter 11.4 - HyperbolasChapter 11.5 - Solve Systems Of Nonlinear EquationsChapter 12 - Sequences, Series And Binomial TheoremChapter 12.1 - SequencesChapter 12.2 - Arithmetic SequencesChapter 12.3 - Geometric Sequences And SeriesChapter 12.4 - Binomial Theorem
Book Details
Intermediate Algebra is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a one-semester intermediate algebra course. The book's organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. The material is presented as a sequence of clear steps, building on concepts presented in prealgebra and elementary algebra courses.
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