Problem 1TFR:
For items aj, decide if the given statement is true or false, and give a brief justification for...Problem 2TFR:
For items aj, decide if the given statement is true or false, and give a brief justification for...Problem 3TFR:
For items aj, decide if the given statement is true or false, and give a brief justification for...Problem 4TFR:
For items aj, decide if the given statement is true or false, and give a brief justification for...Problem 5TFR:
For items aj, decide if the given statement is true or false, and give a brief justification for...Problem 8TFR:
For items aj, decide if the given statement is true or false, and give a brief justification for...Problem 9TFR:
For items aj, decide if the given statement is true or false, and give a brief justification for...Problem 10TFR:
For items aj, decide if the given statement is true or false, and give a brief justification for...Problem 1P:
The number of bacteria in a culture grows at a rate that is proportional to the number present....Problem 2P:
The number of bacteria in a culture grows at a rate that is proportional to the number present....Problem 3P:
A certain cell culture has a doubling time of 4 hours. Initially there were 2000 cells present....Problem 6P:
An animal sanctuary had an initial population of 50 animals. After two years, the population was 62,...Problem 7P:
aUsing Equations 1.5.5 and 1.5.6, and the fact that r and C are positive, derive two inequalities...Problem 8P:
Of the 1500 passengers, crew, and staff that board a cruise ship, 5 have the flu. After one day of...Problem 9P:
Consider the population model dPdt=r(PT)P,P(0)=P0,(1.5.7) where r, T, and P0 are positive constants....Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1.1 - Differential Equations EverywhereChapter 1.2 - Basic Ideas And TerminologyChapter 1.3 - The Geometry Of First-order Differential EquationsChapter 1.4 - Separable Differential EquationsChapter 1.5 - Some Simple Population ModelsChapter 1.6 - First-order Linear Differential EquationsChapter 1.7 - Modeling Problems Using First-order Linear Differential EquationsChapter 1.8 - Change Of VariablesChapter 1.9 - Exact Differential EquationsChapter 1.10 - Numerical Solution To First-order Differential Equations
Chapter 1.11 - Some Higher-order Differential EquationsChapter 1.12 - Chapter ReviewChapter 2.1 - Matrices: Definitions And NotationChapter 2.2 - Matrix AlgebraChapter 2.3 - Terminology For Systems Of Linear EquationsChapter 2.4 - Row-echelon Matrices And Elementary Row OperationsChapter 2.5 - Gaussian EliminationChapter 2.6 - The Inverse Of A Square MatrixChapter 2.7 - Elementary Matrices And The Lu FactorizationChapter 2.8 - The Invertible Matrix Theorem IChapter 2.9 - Chapter ReviewChapter 3.1 - The Definition Of The DeterminantChapter 3.2 - Properties Of DeterminantsChapter 3.3 - Cofactor ExpansionsChapter 3.4 - Summary Of DeterminantsChapter 3.5 - Chapter ReviewChapter 4.1 - Vectors In R.nChapter 4.2 - Definition Of A Vector SpaceChapter 4.3 - SubspacesChapter 4.4 - Spanning SetsChapter 4.5 - Linear Dependence And Linear IndependenceChapter 4.6 - Bases And DimensionChapter 4.7 - Change Of BasisChapter 4.8 - Row Space And Column SpaceChapter 4.9 - The Rank-nullity TheoremChapter 4.11 - Chapter ReviewChapter 5.1 - Definition Of An Inner Product SpaceChapter 5.2 - Orthogonal Sets Of Vectors And Orthogonal ProjectionsChapter 5.3 - The Gram-schmidt ProcessChapter 5.4 - Least Squares ApproximationChapter 5.5 - Chapter ReviewChapter 6.1 - Definition Of A Linear TransformationChapter 6.2 - Transformations Of R.2Chapter 6.3 - The Kernel And Range Of A Linear TransformationChapter 6.4 - Additional Properties Of Linear TransformationsChapter 6.5 - The Matrix Of A Linear TransformationChapter 6.6 - Chapter ReviewChapter 7.1 - The Eigenvalue/eigenvector ProblemChapter 7.2 - General Results For Eigenvalues And EigenvectorsChapter 7.3 - DiagonalizationChapter 7.4 - An Introduction To The Matrix Exponential FunctionChapter 7.5 - Orthogonal Diagonalization And Quadratic FormsChapter 7.6 - Jordan Canonical FormsChapter 7.7 - Chapter ReviewChapter 8.1 - General Theory For Linear Differential EquationsChapter 8.2 - Constant Coefficient Homogeneous Linear Differential EquationsChapter 8.3 - The Method Of Undetermined Coefficients: AnnihilatorsChapter 8.5 - Oscillations Of A Mechanical SystemChapter 8.6 - Rlc CircuitsChapter 8.7 - The Variation Of Parameters MethodChapter 8.8 - A Differential Equation With Nonconstant CoefficientsChapter 8.9 - Reduction Of OrderChapter 8.10 - Chapter ReviewChapter 9.1 - First-order Linear SystemsChapter 9.2 - Vector FormulationChapter 9.3 - General Results For First-order Linear Differential SystemsChapter 9.4 - Vector Differential Equations: Nondefective Coefficient MatrixChapter 9.5 - Vector Differential Equations: Defective Coefficient MatrixChapter 9.6 - Variation-of-parameters For Linear SystemsChapter 9.7 - Some Applications Of Linear Systems Of Differential EquationsChapter 9.8 - Matrix Exponential Function And Systems Of Differential EquationsChapter 9.9 - The Phase Plane For Linear Autonomous SystemsChapter 9.10 - Nonlinear SystemsChapter 9.11 - Chapter ReviewChapter 10.1 - Definition Of The Laplace TransformChapter 10.2 - The Existence Of The Laplace Transform And The Inverse TransformChapter 10.3 - Periodic Functions And The Laplace TransformChapter 10.4 - The Transform Of Derivatives And Solution Of Initial-value ProblemsChapter 10.5 - The First Shifting TheoremChapter 10.6 - The Unit Step FunctionChapter 10.7 - The Second Shifting TheoremChapter 10.8 - Impulsive Driving Terms: The Dirac Delta FunctionChapter 10.9 - The Convolution IntegralChapter 10.10 - Chapter ReviewChapter 11.1 - A Review Of Power SeriesChapter 11.2 - Series Solutions About An Ordinary PointChapter 11.3 - The Legendre EquationChapter 11.4 - Series Solutions About A Regular Singular PointChapter 11.5 - Frobenius TheoryChapter 11.6 - Bessel's Equation Of Order PChapter 11.7 - Chapter ReviewChapter A - Review Of Complex NumbersChapter B - Review Of Partial FractionsChapter C - Review Of Integration Techniques
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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Differential Equations and Linear Algebra is designed for use in combined differential equations an
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for EBK DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND LINEAR A homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1.12, Problem 1APChapter 2.9, Problem 1APChapter 3.5, Problem 1APChapter 4.11, Problem 1APChapter 5.5, Problem 1APGiven: The given mapping is, T:ℝ2→ℝ4 defined by T(x,y)=(x+y,0,x−y,xy). Approach: The following...Given: The given matrix A is, A=[3016−1] Approach: An n×n matrix that is similar to a diagonal...Chapter 8.10, Problem 1APChapter 9.11, Problem 1AP
Given: A function f is defined on an interval [0,∞) as, f(t)=3t−4 Approach: The function F(s) is...Chapter 11.7, Problem 1APGiven: The given complex number is, z=2+5i Approach: The definition of complex conjugate states...Given: The given rational function is, 2x−1(x+1)(x+2). Approach: The standard way to find the...The given integral is, ∫xcosxdx Approach: Integration by parts: the basic formula for integration by...
More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
Differential Equations & Linear Algebra 3e
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9781292025131
Differential Equations And Linear Algebra
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780130457943
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (4th Edition)
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780321964670
Differential Equations And Linear Algebra, Books A La Carte Edition (4th Edition)
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780321985811
4th Edition
ISBN: 8220102019799
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