Solutions for Calculus
Problem 1E:
Tangent Line Describe how to find the slope of the tangent line to the graph of a function at a...Problem 5E:
Estimating Slope In Exercises 5 and 6, estimate the slope of the graph at the points (x1,y1) and...Problem 6E:
Estimating Slope In Exercises 5 and 6, estimate the slope of the graph at the points (x1,y1) and...Problem 7E:
Slopes of Secant Lines In Exercises 7 and 8, use the graph shown in the figure. To print an enlarged...Problem 8E:
Slopes of Secant Lines In Exercises 7 and 8. use the graph shown in the figure. To print an enlarged...Problem 9E:
Finding the Slope of a Tangent Line In Exercises 9-14, find the slope of the tangent line to the...Problem 10E:
Finding the Slope of a Tangent Line In Exercises 9-14, find the slope of the tangent line to the...Problem 12E:
Finding the Slope of a Tangent Line In Exercises 9-14, find the slope of the tangent line to the...Problem 13E:
Finding the Slope of a Tangent Line In Exercises 9-14, find the slope of the tangent line to the...Problem 14E:
Finding the Slope of a Tangent Line In Exercises 9-14, find the slope of the tangent line to the...Problem 15E:
Finding the Derivative by the Limit Process In Exercises 15-28, Find the derivative of the function...Problem 16E:
Finding the Derivative by the Limit Process In Exercises 15-28, Find the derivative of the function...Problem 18E:
Finding the Derivative by the Limit Process In Exercises 15-28, find the derivative of the function...Problem 19E:
Finding the Derivative by the Limit Process In Exercises 15-28, Find the derivative of the function...Problem 21E:
Finding the Derivative by the Limit Process In Exercises 15-28, Find the derivative of the function...Problem 22E:
Finding the Derivative by the Limit Process In Exercises 15-28, Find the derivative of the function...Problem 25E:
Finding the Derivative by the Limit Process In Exercises 15-28, Find the derivative of the function...Problem 29E:
Finding an Equation of a Tangent Line In Exercises 29-36, (a) find an equation of the tangent line...Problem 31E:
Finding an Equation of a Tangent Line In Exercises 29-36, (a) find an equation of the tangent line...Problem 34E:
Finding an Equation of a Tangent Line In Exercises 29-36, (a) find an equation of the tangent line...Problem 35E:
Finding an Equation of a Tangent Line In Exercises 29-36, (a) find an equation of the tangent line...Problem 36E:
Finding an Equation of a Tangent Line In Exercises 29-36, (a) find an equation of the tangent line...Problem 38E:
Finding an Equation of a Tangent Line In Exercises 37-42. find an equation of the line that is...Problem 39E:
Finding an Equation of a Tangent Line In Exercises 37-42. find an equation of the line that is...Problem 40E:
Finding an Equation of a Tangent Line In Exercises 37-42. find an equation of the line that is...Problem 47E:
Sketching a Derivative In Exercises 43-48, sketch the graph of fExplain how you found your answer.Problem 49E:
Sketching a Graph Sketch a graph of a function whose derivative is always negative. Explain how you...Problem 50E:
Sketching a Graph Sketch a graph of a function whose derivative is zero at exactly two points....Problem 54E:
Using a Tangent Line The tangent line to the graph of y=h(x) at the point (-1, 4) passes through the...Problem 55E:
Working Backwards In Exercises 55-58, the Unlit represents f(c) Tor a function f and a number c ....Problem 58E:
Working Backwards In Exercises 55-58, the Unlit represents f(c) Tor a function f and a number c ....Problem 62E:
Finding an Equation of a Tangent Line In Exercises 61 and 62, find equations of the two tangent...Problem 64E:
HOW DO YOU SEE IT? The figure shows die graph of g. (a) g(0)= (b) g(3)= (c) What can you conclude...Problem 69E:
Using the Alternative Form of the Derivative In Exercises 69-76, use the alternative form of the...Problem 76E:
Using the Alternative Form of the Derivative In Exercises 69-76, use the alternative form of the...Problem 77E:
Determining Differentiability In Exercises 77-80, describe the x -values at which f is...Problem 78E:
Determining Differentiability In Exercises 77-80, describe the x -values at which f is...Problem 80E:
Determining Differentiability In Exercises 77-80, describe the x -values at which f is...Problem 86E:
Determining Differentiability In Exercises 85-88, find the derivatives from the left and from the...Problem 90E:
Determining Differentiability In Exercises 89 and 90, determine whether the function is...Problem 92E:
Conjecture Consider the functions f(x)=x2 and g(x)=x3. (a) Graph f and f on the same set of axes....Problem 93E:
True or False? In Exercises 93-96, determine whether the statement is true or false. If it is false,...Problem 96E:
True or False? In Exercises 93-96. determine whether the statement is true or false. If it is false,...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter P - Preparation For CalculusChapter P.1 - Graphs And ModelsChapter P.2 - Linear Models And Rates Of ChangeChapter P.3 - Functions And Their GraphsChapter P.4 - Review Of Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 1 - Limits And Their PropertiesChapter 1.1 - A Preview Of CalculusChapter 1.2 - Finding Limits Graphically And NumericallyChapter 1.3 - Evaluating Limits AnalyticallyChapter 1.4 - Continuity And One-sided Limits
Chapter 1.5 - Infinite LimitsChapter 2 - DifferentiationChapter 2.1 - The Derivative And The Tangent Line ProblemChapter 2.2 - Basic Differentiation Rules And Rates Of ChangeChapter 2.3 - Product And Quotient Rules And Higher-order DerivativesChapter 2.4 - The Chain RuleChapter 2.5 - Implicit DifferentiationChapter 2.6 - Related RatesChapter 3 - Applications Of DifferentiationChapter 3.1 - Extrema On An IntervalChapter 3.2 - Rolle’s Theorem And The Mean Value TheoremChapter 3.3 - Increasing And Decreasing Functions And The First Derivative TestChapter 3.4 - Concavity And The Second Derivative TestChapter 3.5 - Limits At InfinityChapter 3.6 - A Summary Of Curve SketchingChapter 3.7 - Optimization ProblemsChapter 3.8 - Newton’s MethodChapter 3.9 - DifferentialsChapter 4 - IntegrationChapter 4.1 - Antiderivatives And Indefinite IntegrationChapter 4.2 - AreaChapter 4.3 - Riemann Sums And Definite IntegralsChapter 4.4 - The Fundamental Theorem Of CalculusChapter 4.5 - Integration By SubstitutionChapter 5 - Logarithmic, Exponential, And Other Transcendental FunctionsChapter 5.1 - The Natural Logarithmic Function: DifferentiationChapter 5.2 - The Natural Logarithmic Function: IntegrationChapter 5.3 - Inverse FunctionsChapter 5.4 - Exponential Functions: Differentiation And IntegrationChapter 5.5 - Bases Other Than E And ApplicationsChapter 5.6 - Indeterminate Forms And L’hôpital’s RuleChapter 5.7 - Inverse Trigonometric Functions: DifferentiationChapter 5.8 - Inverse Trigonometric Functions: IntegrationChapter 5.9 - Hyperbolic FunctionsChapter 6 - Differential EquationsChapter 6.1 - Slope Fields And Euler’s MethodChapter 6.2 - Growth And DecayChapter 6.3 - Separation Of Variables And The Logistic EquationChapter 6.4 - First-order Linear Differential EquationsChapter 7 - Applications Of IntegrationChapter 7.1 - Area Of A Region Between Two CurvesChapter 7.2 - Volume: The Disk MethodChapter 7.3 - Volume: The Shell MethodChapter 7.4 - Arc Length And Surfaces Of RevolutionChapter 7.5 - WorkChapter 7.6 - Moments, Centers Of Mass, And CentroidsChapter 7.7 - Fluid Pressure And Fluid ForceChapter 8 - Integration Techniques And Improper IntegralsChapter 8.1 - Basic Integration RulesChapter 8.2 - Integration By PartsChapter 8.3 - Trigonometric IntegralsChapter 8.4 - Trigonometric SubstitutionChapter 8.5 - Partial FractionsChapter 8.6 - Numerical IntegrationChapter 8.7 - Integration By Tables And Other Integration TechniquesChapter 8.8 - Improper IntegralsChapter 9 - Infinite SeriesChapter 9.1 - SequencesChapter 9.2 - Series And ConvergenceChapter 9.3 - The Integral Test And P-seriesChapter 9.4 - Comparisons Of SeriesChapter 9.5 - Alternating SeriesChapter 9.6 - The Ratio And Root TestsChapter 9.7 - Taylor Polynomials And ApproximationsChapter 9.8 - Power SeriesChapter 9.9 - Representation Of Functions By Power SeriesChapter 9.10 - Taylor And Maclaurin SeriesChapter 10 - Conics, Parametric Equations, And Polar CoordinatesChapter 10.1 - Conics And CalculusChapter 10.2 - Plane Curves And Parametric EquationsChapter 10.3 - Parametric Equations And CalculusChapter 10.4 - Polar Coordinates And Polar GraphsChapter 10.5 - Area And Arc Length In Polar CoordinatesChapter 10.6 - Polar Equations Of Conics And Kepler’s LawsChapter 11 - Vectors And The Geometry Of SpaceChapter 11.1 - Vectors In The PlaneChapter 11.2 - Space Coordinates And Vectors In SpaceChapter 11.3 - The Dot Product Of Two VectorsChapter 11.4 - The Cross Product Of Two Vectors In SpaceChapter 11.5 - Lines And Planes In SpaceChapter 11.6 - Surfaces In SpaceChapter 11.7 - Cylindrical And Spherical CoordinatesChapter 12 - Vector-valued FunctionsChapter 12.1 - Vector-valued FunctionsChapter 12.2 - Differentiation And Integration Of Vector-valued FunctionsChapter 12.3 - Velocity And AccelerationChapter 12.4 - Tangent Vectors And Normal VectorsChapter 12.5 - Arc Length And CurvatureChapter 13 - Functions Of Several VariablesChapter 13.1 - Introduction To Functions Of Several VariablesChapter 13.2 - Limits And ContinuityChapter 13.3 - Partial DerivativesChapter 13.4 - DifferentialsChapter 13.5 - Chain Rules For Functions Of Several VariablesChapter 13.6 - Directional Derivatives And GradientsChapter 13.7 - Tangent Planes And Normal LinesChapter 13.8 - Extrema Of Functions Of Two VariablesChapter 13.9 - Applications Of ExtremaChapter 13.10 - Lagrange MultipliersChapter 14 - Multiple IntegrationChapter 14.1 - Iterated Integrals And Area In The PlaneChapter 14.2 - Double Integrals And VolumeChapter 14.3 - Change Of Variables: Polar CoordinatesChapter 14.4 - Center Of Mass And Moments Of InertiaChapter 14.5 - Surface AreaChapter 14.6 - Triple Integrals And ApplicationsChapter 14.7 - Triple Integrals In Other CoordinatesChapter 14.8 - Change Of Variables: JacobiansChapter 15 - Vector AnalysisChapter 15.1 - Vector FieldsChapter 15.2 - Line IntegralsChapter 15.3 - Conservative Vector Fields And Independence Of PathChapter 15.4 - Green’s TheoremChapter 15.5 - Parametric SurfacesChapter 15.6 - Surface IntegralsChapter 15.7 - Divergence TheoremChapter 15.8 - Stokes’s Theorem
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