Solutions for Calculus
Problem 1E:
Limits and Continuity In Exercises 5-10, use the graph to determine each limit, and discuss the...Problem 2E:
Limits and Continuity In Exercises 5-10, use the graph to determine each limit, and discuss the...Problem 3E:
Limits and Continuity In Exercises 5-10, use the graph to determine each limit, and discuss the...Problem 4E:
Limits and Continuity In Exercises 5-10, use the graph to determine each limit, and discuss the...Problem 5E:
Limits and Continuity In Exercises 5-10, use the graph to determine each limit, and discuss the...Problem 6E:
Limits and Continuity In Exercises 5-10, use the graph to determine each limit, and discuss the...Problem 8E:
Finding a Limit In Exercises 726, find the limit (if it exists). If it does not exist, explain why....Problem 10E:
Finding a Limit In Exercises 11-30, find the limit (if it exists). If it docs not exist, explain...Problem 11E:
Finding a Limit In Exercises 11-30, find the limit (if it exists). If it does not exist, explain...Problem 12E:
Finding a Limit In Exercises 11-30, find the limit (if it exists). If it does not exist, explain...Problem 14E:
Finding a Limit In Exercises 11-30, find the limit (if it exists). If it does not exist, explain...Problem 15E:
Finding a Limit In Exercises 11-30, find the limit (if it exists). If it does not exist, explain...Problem 16E:
Finding a Limit In Exercises 11-30, find the limit (if it exists). If it does not exist, explain...Problem 18E:
Finding a Limit In Exercises 11-30, find the limit (if it exists). If it does not exist, explain...Problem 21E:
Finding a Limit In Exercises 11-30, find the limit (if it exists). If it does not exist, explain...Problem 25E:
Finding a Limit In Exercises 726, find the limit (if it exists). If it does not exist, explain why....Problem 27E:
Continuity of a Function In Exercises 31-34, discuss the continuity of the function. f(x)=1x24Problem 28E:
Continuity of a Function In Exercises 31-34, discuss the continuity of the function. f(x)=x21x+1Problem 29E:
Continuity of a Function In Exercises 31-34, discuss the continuity of the function. f(x)=12x+xProblem 30E:
Continuity of a Function In Exercises 31-34, discuss the continuity of the function. f(x)={...Problem 31E:
Continuity on a Closed Interval In Exercises 35-38, discuss the continuity of the function on the...Problem 32E:
Continuity on a Closed Interval In Exercises 35-38, discuss the continuity of the function on the...Problem 33E:
Continuity on a Closed Interval In Exercises 35-38, discuss the continuity of the function on the...Problem 34E:
Continuity on a Closed Interval In Exercises 35-38, discuss the continuity of the function on the...Problem 35E:
Removable and Nonremovable Discontinuities In Exercises 39-58, find the x -values (if any) at which...Problem 39E:
Removable and Nonremovable Discontinuities In Exercises 39-58, find the x -values (if any) at which...Problem 44E:
Removable and Nonremovable Discontinuities In Exercises 39-58, find the x -values (if any) at which...Problem 46E:
Removable and Nonremovable Discontinuities In Exercises 3560, find the x-values (if any) at which f...Problem 47E:
Removable and Nonremovable Discontinuities In Exercises 39-58, find the x -values (if any) at which...Problem 48E:
Removable and Nonremovable Discontinuities In Exercises 39-58, find the x -values (if any) at which...Problem 53E:
Removable and Nonremovable Discontinuities In Exercises 39-58, find the x -values (if any) at which...Problem 54E:
Removable and Nonremovable Discontinuities In Exercises 39-58, find the x -values (if any) at which...Problem 56E:
Removable and Nonremovable Discontinuities In Exercises 39-58, find the x -values (if any) at which...Problem 62E:
Making a Function Continuous In Exercises 59-64, find the constant a , or the constants a and b ,...Problem 63E:
Making a Function Continuous In Exercises 59-64, find the constant a, or the constants a and b, such...Problem 64E:
Making a Function Continuous In Exercises 59-64, find the constant a , or the constants a and b ,...Problem 65E:
Making a Function Continuous In Exercises 5964. find the constant a, or the constants a and b, such...Problem 66E:
Making a Function Continuous In Exercises 59-64, find the constant a , or the constants a and b ,...Problem 71E:
Continuity of a Composite Function In Exercises 65-70, discuss the continuity of the composite...Problem 80E:
Testing for Continuity In Exercises 75-82, describe the interval (s) on which the function is...Problem 82E:
Testing for Continuity In Exercises 75-82, describe the interval(s) on which the function is...Problem 85E:
Writing In Exercises 85 and 86, use a graphing utility to graph the function on the interval [4, 4]....Problem 88E:
Existence of a Zero In Exercises 83-86, explain why the function has at least one zero in the given...Problem 89E:
Existence of a Zero In Exercises 83-86, explain why the function has at least one zero in the given...Problem 90E:
Existence of a Zero In Exercises 83-86, explain why the function has at least one zero in the given...Problem 92E:
Using the Intermediate Value Theorem In Exercises 89-94, use the Intermediate Value Theorem and a...Problem 95E:
Using the Intermediate Value Theorem In Exercises 95-100, verify that the Intermediate Value Theorem...Problem 96E:
Using the Intermediate Value Theorem In Exercises 95-100, verify that the Intermediate Value Theorem...Problem 97E:
Using the Intermediate Value Theorem In Exercises 9598, verify that the Intermediate Value Theorem...Problem 99E:
57095-1.4-99E-Question-Digital.docx WRITING ABOUT CONCEPTS Using the Definition of Continuity State...Problem 105E:
True or False? In Exercises 105-110. determine whether the statement is true or false. If it is...Problem 108E:
HOW DO YOU SEE IT? Every day you dissolve 28 ounces of chlorine in a swimming pool. The graph shows...Problem 109E:
Telephone Charges A long distance phone service charges $0.40 for the first 10 minutes and $0.05 for...Problem 111E:
Dj Vu At 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, a nun begins running up the side of a mountain to his weekend...Problem 112E:
Volume Use the Intermediate Value Theorem to show that for all spheres with radii in the interval...Problem 116E:
Signum Function The signum function is defined by sgn(x)={1,x00,x=01,x0 Sketch a graph of sgn(x) and...Problem 118E:
Creating Models A swimmer crosses a pool of width b by swimming in a straight line from (0, 0) to...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter P - Preparation For CalculusChapter P.1 - Graphs And ModelsChapter P.2 - Linear Models And Rates Of ChangeChapter P.3 - Functions And Their GraphsChapter P.4 - Review Of Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 1 - Limits And Their PropertiesChapter 1.1 - A Preview Of CalculusChapter 1.2 - Finding Limits Graphically And NumericallyChapter 1.3 - Evaluating Limits AnalyticallyChapter 1.4 - Continuity And One-sided Limits
Chapter 1.5 - Infinite LimitsChapter 2 - DifferentiationChapter 2.1 - The Derivative And The Tangent Line ProblemChapter 2.2 - Basic Differentiation Rules And Rates Of ChangeChapter 2.3 - Product And Quotient Rules And Higher-order DerivativesChapter 2.4 - The Chain RuleChapter 2.5 - Implicit DifferentiationChapter 2.6 - Related RatesChapter 3 - Applications Of DifferentiationChapter 3.1 - Extrema On An IntervalChapter 3.2 - Rolle’s Theorem And The Mean Value TheoremChapter 3.3 - Increasing And Decreasing Functions And The First Derivative TestChapter 3.4 - Concavity And The Second Derivative TestChapter 3.5 - Limits At InfinityChapter 3.6 - A Summary Of Curve SketchingChapter 3.7 - Optimization ProblemsChapter 3.8 - Newton’s MethodChapter 3.9 - DifferentialsChapter 4 - IntegrationChapter 4.1 - Antiderivatives And Indefinite IntegrationChapter 4.2 - AreaChapter 4.3 - Riemann Sums And Definite IntegralsChapter 4.4 - The Fundamental Theorem Of CalculusChapter 4.5 - Integration By SubstitutionChapter 4.6 - Numerical IntegrationChapter 5 - Logarithmic, Exponential, And Other Transcendental FunctionsChapter 5.1 - The Natural Logarithmic Function: DifferentiationChapter 5.2 - The Natural Logarithmic Function: IntegrationChapter 5.3 - Inverse FunctionsChapter 5.4 - Exponential Functions: Differentiation And IntegrationChapter 5.5 - Bases Other Than E And ApplicationsChapter 5.6 - Inverse Trigonometric Functions: DifferentiationChapter 5.7 - Inverse Trigonometric Functions: IntegrationChapter 5.8 - Hyperbolic FunctionsChapter 6 - Differential EquationsChapter 6.1 - Slope Fields And Euler’s MethodChapter 6.2 - Differential Equations: Growth And DecayChapter 6.3 - Separation Of Variables And The Logistic EquationChapter 6.4 - First-order Linear Differential EquationsChapter 7 - Applications Of IntegrationChapter 7.1 - Area Of A Region Between Two CurvesChapter 7.2 - Volume: The Disk MethodChapter 7.3 - Volume: The Shell MethodChapter 7.4 - Arc Length And Surfaces Of RevolutionChapter 7.5 - WorkChapter 7.6 - Moments, Centers Of Mass, And CentroidsChapter 7.7 - Fluid Pressure And Fluid ForceChapter 8 - Integration Techniques, L’hopital’s Rule, And Improper IntegralsChapter 8.1 - Basic Integration RulesChapter 8.2 - Integration By PartsChapter 8.3 - Trigonometric IntegralsChapter 8.4 - Trigonometric SubstitutionChapter 8.5 - Partial FractionsChapter 8.6 - Integration By Tables And Other Integration TechniquesChapter 8.7 - Indeterminate Forms And L’hopital’s RuleChapter 8.8 - Improper IntegralsChapter 9 - Infinite SeriesChapter 9.1 - SequencesChapter 9.2 - Series And ConvergenceChapter 9.3 - The Integral Test And P-seriesChapter 9.4 - Comparisons Of SeriesChapter 9.5 - Alternating SeriesChapter 9.6 - The Ratio And Root TestsChapter 9.7 - Taylor Polynomials And ApproximationsChapter 9.8 - Power SeriesChapter 9.9 - Representation Of Functions By Power SeriesChapter 9.10 - Taylor And Maclaurin SeriesChapter 10 - Conics, Parametric Equations, And Polar CoordinatesChapter 10.1 - Conics And CalculusChapter 10.2 - Plane Curves And Parametric EquationsChapter 10.3 - Parametric Equations And CalculusChapter 10.4 - Polar Coordinates And Polar GraphsChapter 10.5 - Area And Arc Length In Polar CoordinatesChapter 10.6 - Polar Equations Of Conics And Kepler’s LawsChapter 11 - Vectors And The Geometry Of SpaceChapter 11.1 - Vectors In The PlaneChapter 11.2 - Space Coordinates And Vectors In SpaceChapter 11.3 - The Dot Product Of Two VectorsChapter 11.4 - The Cross Product Of Two Vectors In SpaceChapter 11.5 - Lines And Planes In SpaceChapter 11.6 - Surfaces In SpaceChapter 11.7 - Cylindrical And Spherical CoordinatesChapter 12 - Vector-valued FunctionsChapter 12.1 - Vector-valued FunctionsChapter 12.2 - Differentiation And Integration Of Vector-valued FunctionsChapter 12.3 - Velocity And AccelerationChapter 12.4 - Tangent Vectors And Normal VectorsChapter 12.5 - Arc Length And CurvatureChapter 13 - Functions Of Several VariablesChapter 13.1 - Introduction To Functions Of Several VariablesChapter 13.2 - Limits And ContinuityChapter 13.3 - Partial DerivativesChapter 13.4 - DifferentialsChapter 13.5 - Chain Rules For Functions Of Several VariablesChapter 13.6 - Directional Derivatives And GradientsChapter 13.7 - Tangent Planes And Normal LinesChapter 13.8 - Extrema Of Functions Of Two VariablesChapter 13.9 - Applications Of ExtremaChapter 13.10 - Lagrange MultipliersChapter 14 - Multiple IntegrationChapter 14.1 - Iterated Integrals And Area In The PlaneChapter 14.2 - Double Integrals And VolumeChapter 14.3 - Change Of Variables: Polar CoordinatesChapter 14.4 - Center Of Mass And Moments Of InertiaChapter 14.5 - Surface AreaChapter 14.6 - Triple Integrals And ApplicationsChapter 14.7 - Triple Integrals In Other CoordinatesChapter 14.8 - Change Of Variables: JacobiansChapter 15 - Vector AnalysisChapter 15.1 - Vector FieldsChapter 15.2 - Line IntegralsChapter 15.3 - Conservative Vector Fields And Independence Of PathChapter 15.4 - Green’s TheoremChapter 15.5 - Parametric SurfacesChapter 15.6 - Surface IntegralsChapter 15.7 - Divergence TheoremChapter 15.8 - Stokes’s Theorem
Book Details
P. PREPARATION FOR CALCULUS. Graphs and Models. Linear Models and Rates of Change. Functions and Their Graphs. Fitting Models to Data. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 1. LIMITS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. A Preview of Calculus. Finding Limits Graphically and Numerically. Evaluating Limits Analytically. Continuity and One-Sided Limits. Infinite Limits. Section Project: Graphs and Limits of Trigonometric Functions. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 2. DIFFERENTIATION. The Derivative and the Tangent Line Problem. Basic Differentiation Rules and Rates of Change. Product and Quotient Rules and Higher-Order Derivatives. The Chain Rule. Implicit Differentiation. Section Project: Optical Illusions. Related Rates. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 3. APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION. Extrema on an Interval. Rolle's Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem. Increasing and Decreasing Functions and the First Derivative Test. Section Project: Rainbows. Concavity and the Second Derivative Test. Limits at Infinity. A Summary of Curve Sketching. Optimization Problems. Section Project: Connecticut River. Newton's Method. Differentials. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 4. INTEGRATION. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integration. Area. Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Section Project: Demonstrating the Fundamental Theorem. Integration by Substitution. Numerical Integration. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 5. LOGARITHMIC, EXPONENTIAL, AND OTHER TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Differentiation. The Natural Logarithmic Function: Integration. Inverse Functions. Exponential Functions: Differentiation and Integration. Bases Other than e and Applications. Section Project: Using Graphing Utilities to Estimate Slope. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Differentiation. Inverse Trigonometric Functions: Integration. Hyperbolic Functions. Section Project: St. Louis Arch. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 6. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Slope Fields and Euler's Method. Differential Equations: Growth and Decay. Separation of Variables and the Logistic Equation. First-Order Linear Differential Equations. Section Project: Weight Loss. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 7. APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION. Area of a Region Between Two Curves. Volume: The Disk Method. Volume: The Shell Method. Section Project: Saturn. Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution. Work. Section Project: Tidal Energy. Moments, Centers of Mass, and Centroids. Fluid Pressure and Fluid Force. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 8. INTEGRATION TECHNIQUES, L'HOPITAL'S RULE, AND IMPROPER INTEGRALS. Basic Integration Rules. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. Section Project: Power Lines. Trigonometric Substitution. Partial Fractions. Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques. Indeterminate Forms and L'Hopital's Rule. Improper Integrals. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 9. INFINITE SERIES. Sequences. Series and Convergence. Section Project: Cantor's Disappearing Table. The Integral Test and p-Series. Section Project: The Harmonic Series. Comparisons of Series. Section Project: Solera Method. Alternating Series. The Ratio and Root Tests. Taylor Polynomials and Approximations. Power Series. Representation of Functions by Power Series. Taylor and Maclaurin Series. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 10. CONICS, PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS, AND POLAR COORDINATES. Conics and Calculus. Plane Curves and Parametric Equations. Section Project: Cycloids. Parametric Equations and Calculus. Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs. Section Project: Anamorphic Art. Area and Arc Length in Polar Coordinates. 10.6 Polar Equations of Conics and Kepler's Laws. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 11. VECTORS AND THE GEOMETRY OF SPACE. Vectors in the Plane. Space Coordinates and Vectors in Space. The Dot Product of Two Vectors. The Cross Product of Two Vectors in Space. Lines and Planes in Space. Section Project: Distances in Space. Surfaces in Space. Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 12. VECTOR-VALUED FUNCTIONS. Vector-Valued Functions. Section Project: Witch of Agnesi. Differentiation and Integration of Vector-Valued Functions. Velocity and Acceleration. Tangent Vectors and Normal Vectors. Arc Length and Curvature. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 13. FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES. Introduction to Functions of Several Variables. Limits and Continuity. Partial Derivatives. Section Project: Moire Fringes. Differentials. Chain Rules for Functions of Several Variables. Directional Derivatives and Gradients. Tangent Planes and Normal Lines. Section Project: Wildflowers. Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Applications of Extrema of Functions of Two Variables. Section Project: Building a Pipeline. Lagrange Multipliers. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 14. MULTIPLE INTEGRATION. Iterated Integrals and Area in the Plane. Double Integrals and Volume. Change of Variables: Polar Coordinates. Center of Mass and Moments of Inertia. Section Project: Center of Pressure on a Sail. Surface Area. Section Project: Capillary Action. Triple Integrals and Applications. Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. Section Project: Wrinkled and Bumpy Spheres. Change of Variables: Jacobians. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. 15. VECTOR ANALYSIS. Vector Fields. Line Integrals. Conservative Vector Fields and Independence of Path. Green's Theorem. Section Project: Hyperbolic and Trigonometric Functions. Parametric Surfaces. Surface Integrals. Section Project: Hyperboloid of One Sheet. Divergence Theorem. Stokes's Theorem. Review Exercises. Section Project: The Planimeter. P.S. Problem Solving. 16. SECOND ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS* ONLINE. Exact First-Order Equations. Second-Order Homogeneous Linear Equations. Second-Order Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations. Series Solutions of Differential Equations. Review Exercises. P.S. Problem Solving. APPENDIX. A. Proofs of Selected Theorems. B. Integration Tables. C. Precalculus Review (Web). C.1 Real Numbers and the Real Number Line. C.2 The Cartesian Plane. C.3 Review of Trigonometric Functions. D. Rotation and the General Second-Degree Equation (Web). E. Complex Numbers (Web). F. Business and Economic Applications (Web).
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Chapter P, Problem 1REChapter 1, Problem 1REChapter 2, Problem 1REChapter 3, Problem 1REChapter 4, Problem 1REChapter 5, Problem 1REChapter 6, Problem 1REChapter 7, Problem 1REGiven: The integral is ∫xx2−36dx. Formula used: The power formula, ∫undu=un+1n+1+C Calculation:...
Given: The provided sequence is an=5n. Calculation: Consider the expression: an=5n …… (1) To find...Chapter 10, Problem 1REChapter 11, Problem 1REChapter 12, Problem 1REGiven: The function f(x,y)=3x2y. Calculation: Consider the function, f(x,y)=3x2y. So,...Given: The integral is ∫02xxy3dy. Formula used: The rule of integration: ∫xndx=xn+1n+1+C, where C is...Chapter 15, Problem 1RE
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