Solutions for A GUIDE TO SQL
Problem 2RQ:
What is an attribute?Problem 5RQ:
What is a relation?Problem 10RQ:
What is a primary key? What is the primary key for each of the tables in the Colonial Adventure...Problem 13RQ:
Define second normal form. What types of problems might you encounter using tables that are not in...Problem 14RQ:
Define third normal form. What types of problems might you encounter using tables that are not in...Problem 17RQ:
List the changes you would need to make to your answer for Question 11 if the requirements change so...Problem 2CAT:
Identify the functional dependencies in the following unnormalized table. Convert the table to third...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Introduction To Tal Distributors, Colonial Adventure Tours, And Solmaris Condominium GroupChapter 2 - Database Design FundamentalsChapter 3 - Creating TablesChapter 4 - Single-table QueriesChapter 5 - Multiple-table QueriesChapter 6 - Updating DataChapter 7 - Database AdministrationChapter 8 - Sql Functions And Procedures
Sample Solutions for this Textbook
We offer sample solutions for A GUIDE TO SQL homework problems. See examples below:
SQL code: The SQL code used to list the customer name whose credit limit is “$7500” or less is as...Entity: Entity refers to the basic building block of data collected regarding a person, place,...Table Creation: Creating table comes under Data Definition Language (DDL). The “CREATE TABLE”...Basic form of the SQL SELECT command: The basic form of the SQL SELECT command is given below: Basic...Joining tables in SQL: Joining is done in order to retrieve information from more than one table. In...Table Creation: Creating table comes under Data Definition Language (DDL). The “CREATE” command is...Chapter 7, Problem 1RQDisplay letters in uppercase in Oracle, Access, and SQL Server: Display letters in uppercase using...Query to create stored procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE DISP_CUST_CRED (I_CUSTOMER_NUM IN...
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