1 Introduction To Common Fractions And Mixed Numbers 2 Addition Of Common Fractions And Mixed Numbers 3 Subtraction Of Common Fractions And Mixed Numbers 4 Multiplication Of Common Fractions And Mixed Numbers 5 Division Of Common Fractions And Mixed Numbers 6 Combined Operations Of Common Fractions And Mixed Numbers 7 Computing With A Calculator: Fractions And Mixed Numbers 8 Introduction To Decimal Fractions 9 Rounding Decimal Fractions And Equivalent Decimal And Common Fractions 10 Addition And Subtraction Of Decimal Fractions 11 Multiplication Of Decimal Fractions 12 Division Of Decimal Fractions 13 Powers 14 Roots 15 Table Of Decimal Equivalents And Combined Operations Of Decimal Fractions 16 Computing With A Calculator: Decimals 17 Achievement Review—section One 18 Ratio And Proportion 19 Direct And Inverse Proportions 20 Introduction To Percents 21 Basic Calculations Of Percentages, Percents, And Rates 22 Percent Practical Applications 23 Achievement Review—section Two 24 Customary (english) Units Of Measure 25 Metric Units Of Linear Measure 26 Degree Of Precision, Greatest Possible Error, Absolute Error, And Relative Error 27 Tolerance, Clearance, And Interference 28 Customary And Metric Steel Rules 29 Customary Vernier Calipers And Height Gages 30 Metric Vernier Calipers And Height Gages 31 Digital Calipers And Height Gages 32 Customary Micrometers 33 Metric Vernier Micrometers 34 Digital Micrometers 35 Customary And Metric Gage Blocks 36 Achievement Review—section Three 37 Symbolism And Algebraic Expressions 38 Signed Numbers 39 Algebraic Operations Of Addition, Subtraction, And Multiplication 40 Algebraic Operations Of Division, Powers, And Roots 41 Introduction To Equations 42 Solution Of Equations By The Subtraction, Addition, And Division Principles Of Equality 43 Solution Of Equations By The Multiplication, Root, And Power Principles Of Equality 44 Solution Of Equations Consisting Of Combined Operations And Rearrangement Of Formulas 45 Applications Of Formulas To Cutting Speed, Revolutions Per Minute, And Cutting Time 46 Applications Of Formulas To Spur Gears 47 Achievement Review—section Four 48 Lines And Angular Measure 49 Protractors—simple Semicircular And Vernier 50 Types Of Angles And Angular Geometric Principles 51 Introduction To Triangles 52 Geometric Principles For Triangles And Other Common Polygons 53 Introduction To Circles 54 Arcs And Angles Of Circles, Tangent Circles 55 Fundamental Geometric Constructions 56 Achievement Review—section Five 57 Areas Of Rectangles, Parallelograms, And Trapezoids 58 Areas Of Triangles 59 Areas Of Circles, Sectors, And Segments 60 Volumes Of Prisms And Cylinders 61 Volumes Of Pyramids And Cones 62 Volumes Of Spheres And Composite Solid Figures 63 Achievement Review—section Six 64 Introduction To Trigonometric Functions 65 Analysis Of Trigonometric Functions 66 Basic Calculations Of Angles And Sides Of Right Triangles 67 Simple Practical Machine Applications 68 Complex Practical Machine Applications 69 The Cartesian Coordinate System 70 Oblique Triangles: Laws Of Sines And Laws Of Cosines 71 Achievement Review—section Seven 72 Introduction To Compound Angles 73 Drilling And Boring Compound-angular Holes: Computing Angles Of Rotation And Tilt Using Given Lenghts 74 Drilling And Boring Compound-angular Holes: Computing Angles Of Rotation And Tilt Using Given Angles 75 Machining Compound-angular Surfaces: Computing Angles Of Rotation And Tilt 76 Computing Angles Made By The Intersection Of Two Angular Surfaces 77 Computing Compound Angles On Cutting And Forming Tools 78 Achievement Review—section Eight 79 Introduction To Computer Numerical Control (cnc) 80 Control Systems, Absolute Positioning, Incremental Positioning 81 Location Of Points: Polar Cordinate System 82 Binary Numeration System 83 Hexadecimal Numeration System 84 Bcd (binary Coded Decimal) Numeration Systems 85 Achievement Review—section Nine expand_more
Chapter Questions expand_more
Problem 1A: Find the area of this figure. Round your answer to 2 decimal places. Problem 2A Problem 3A: The four holes in the figure are 0.8 cm in diameter and equally spaced around the bolt circle. Find... Problem 4A Problem 5A Problem 6A Problem 7A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 8A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 9A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 10A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 11A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 12A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 13A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 14A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 15A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 16A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 17A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 18A: Find the unknown area, base, or height for each of the triangles 7 through 18. Where necessary,... Problem 19A: Given three side, find the area of each of the triangles 19 through 26. Where necessary, round the... Problem 20A: Given three side, find the area of each of the triangles 19 through 26. Where necessary, round the... Problem 21A: Given three side, find the area of each of the triangles 19 through 26. Where necessary, round the... Problem 22A: Given three side, find the area of each of the triangles 19 through 26. Where necessary, round the... Problem 23A: Given three side, find the area of each of the triangles 19 through 26. Where necessary, round the... Problem 24A: Given three side, find the area of each of the triangles 19 through 26. Where necessary, round the... Problem 25A: Given three side, find the area of each of the triangles 19 through 26. Where necessary, round the... Problem 26A: Given three side, find the area of each of the triangles 19 through 26. Where necessary, round the... Problem 27A: Solve these exercises. Find the cross-sectional area of metal in the triangular tubing shown. Round... Problem 28A: Solve these exercises. Two triangular pieces are sheared from the aluminum sheet shown. After the... Problem 29A: Solve these exercises. Determine the area of the figure shown. Round the answer to the nearest... Problem 30A: Solve these exercises. Find the area of the template shown. All dimensions are in inches. Problem 31A: Solve these exercises. The area of the irregularly shaped sheet metal piece in the following figure... format_list_bulleted