Absolute Java (6th Edition)
Absolute Java (6th Edition)
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780134041674
Author: Walter Savitch, Kenrick Mock
Publisher: PEARSON

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Chapter 4, Problem 1STE

Write a method called makeItNewYears that could be added to the class DateFirstTry in Display 4.1. The method makeItNewYears has no parameters and sets the month instance variable to "January" and the day instance variable to 1. It does not change the year instance variable.

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Question reference: The method, makeItNewYears, which having the no parameter, also sets the instance variable named month to “January� and set the current day to 1.

Program Description Answer

Method Explanation:

The definition of the method, makeItNewYears, sets the value of month and day.

Month and day are the instance variables of class, DateFirstTry.

The method sets the month variable to January, the day variable to 1.

Explanation of Solution


//Method definition

public void makeItNewYears()


            month=�January�; //sets the month variable

           day=1; //sets the day variable


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Chapter 4 Solutions

Absolute Java (6th Edition)

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