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All Textbook Solutions for Precalculus
For Exercises 23-30, solve the equation on the interval [0,2) . 6csc2x17cscx+10=0For Exercises 23-30, solve the equation on the interval [0,2) . 6sin2x5cosx2=026T27T28T29TFor Exercises 23-30, solve the equation on the interval [0,2) . sinx+sin3xsin2x=031TFor a projectile launched from ground level at an angle of elevation with an initial velocity v0 , the maximum horizontal range is given by xmax=v02sin2g , where g is the acceleration due to gravity g=32ft/sec2org=9.8m/sec2 . If a toy rocket is launched from the ground with an initial velocity of 50ft/sec and lands 73 ft from the launch point, find the angle of elevation of the rocket at launch. Round to the nearest tenth of a degree.1CRE2CRE3CRE4CRE5CRE6CRE7CRE8CRE9CRE10CRE11CRE12CRE13CRE14CRE15CRE16CREGiven fx=log3x, a. Write the domain and range in interval notation. b. Write an equation of the asymptote. c. Find the intercepts. d. Determine the intervals over which f is increasing, decreasing, and constant.18CRE19CRE20CRESimplify. Write the final form with no fractions. tanxcos2xsecxSimplify. Write the final form with no fractions. cossin+sin1+cosSimplify. Write the final form with no fractions. 1sec2ttanttantsectVerify that the equation is an identity. sinxcotxcosx=15SP6SPVerify that the equation is an identity. lncotx+lnsinx=lncosx8SP9SPThe value tan is the quotient of and , and cot is the quotient of .2PEGiven the Pythagorean identitysin2x+cos2x=1 , write two alternative forms that involve the difference of squares.Given the Pythagorean identity tan2x+1=sec2x , write two alternative forms that involve the difference of squares.5PEAn equation that is true for all values of the variable except where the individual expressions are not defined is called an .For Exercises 7-10, find the least common denominator. Then rewrite each expression with the new denominator. a. 1a;1b b. 1cosx;1sinx8PEFor Exercises 7-10, find the least common denominator. Then rewrite each expression with the new denominator. a. 11+a;ab b. 11+sinx;sinxcosx10PEFor Exercises 11-12, multiply. a. a+b2 b. cosx+cotx212PE13PE14PE15PE16PE17PEFor Exercises 13-20, factor each expression. a. a22ab+b2 b. sin2x2sinxtanx+tan2x19PE20PE21PEFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) cosxtanxcscxFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) sinxsecxtanxFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) sinxsecxcotxFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) tan2xcotxcscxFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) csc2xtan2xsecxFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) tan2xsinxsec2xFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) tanxsinxsec2xFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) cos2x+1sinx+sinxFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) sin2x+1cos2x+1For Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) cscsincscFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) cossecsecFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) sin2x+2sinx+1sin2x+sinxFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) sinxsec2xsinxsinxsecx+sinxFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) cos2x2cosx+1sinxcosxsinxFor Exercises 21-36, simplify the expression. Write the final form with no fractions. (See Example 1-3) tan2x+2tanx+1sinxtanx+sinxFor Exercises 37-40, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 4) sinx+cscx=cotxcosxFor Exercises 37-40, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 4) sinx+cotxcosx=cscxFor Exercises 37-40, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 4) cotxcotx+tanx=csc2xFor Exercises 37-40, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 4) csc2xtanxcotx=sec2xFor Exercises 41-46, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 5) secxtanxtanxsecx=cosxcotxFor Exercises 41-46, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 5) cotxcscxcscxcotx=sinxtanxFor Exercises 41-46, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 5) 11+sint=11sint=2sec2tFor Exercises 41-46, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 5) 1sect11sect+1=2cot2tFor Exercises 41-46, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 5) 11+secx11secx=2cotxcscxFor Exercises 47-52, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 5) 11cscx11+cscx=2tanxsecxFor Exercises 47-52, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 6) sincsccot=1+cosFor Exercises 47-52, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 6) costan+sec=1sinFor Exercises 47-52, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 6) 1cosx+sinxcosx=1sinxcos3xFor Exercises 47-52, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 6) 1sinxsin2x=1+sinxsinxcos2xFor Exercises 47-52, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 6) secx+1secx1=(cscx+cotx)2For Exercises 47-52, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 6) sinx+cosxsinxcosx=1+2sinxcosx12cos2xFor Exercises 53-56, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 7) lncostlncott=lnsintFor Exercises 53-56, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 7) lncottlntant=2lncottFor Exercises 53-56, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 7) lnsec+tan=lnsectanFor Exercises 53-56, verify that the equation is an identity. (See Example 6) lncsc+cot=lncsccotFor Exercises 57-60, simplify each side of the equation independently to reach a common equivalent expression. (See Example 8) cosx1sinx=secx+tanxFor Exercises 57-60, simplify each side of the equation independently to reach a common equivalent expression. (See Example 8) 1+tan2xtanx=cosxsinxsin3xFor Exercises 57-60, simplify each side of the equation independently to reach a common equivalent expression. (See Example 8) cot2tcot2t=csc2tcos2tcos2tFor Exercises 57-60, simplify each side of the equation independently to reach a common equivalent expression. (See Example 8) tan2t+sin2t=sec2tcos2tFor Exercises 61-68, write the given algebraic expression as a function of , where 02, by making the given substitution. (See Example 9) x2+25; Substitutex=5tan .For Exercises 61-68, write the given algebraic expression as a function of , where 02, by making the given substitution. (See Example 9) 49x2; Substitute x=7sin .For Exercises 61-68, write the given algebraic expression as a function of , where 02, by making the given substitution. (See Example 9) 16x12; Substitute x=4sin+1 .For Exercises 61-68, write the given algebraic expression as a function of , where 02, by making the given substitution. (See Example 9) x+2236; Substitute x=6sec2 .For Exercises 61-68, write the given algebraic expression as a function of , where 02, by making the given substitution. (See Example 9) 9x2x ; Substitute x=3sec .For Exercises 61-68, write the given algebraic expression as a function of , where 02, by making the given substitution. (See Example 9) x2+16x ; Substitute x=4tan .For Exercises 61-68, write the given algebraic expression as a function of , where 02, by making the given substitution. (See Example 9) 149x213/2; Substitute x=17sec .68PE69PE70PE71PE72PE73PEFor Exercises 73-104, verify that the equation is an identity. 1sin21+tan2=1For Exercises 73-104, verify that the equation is an identity. secxtanxsinx=sec2xFor Exercises 73-104, verify that the equation is an identity. secxcotxsinx=csc2xFor Exercises 73-104, verify that the equation is an identity. secxsinxcscxcosx=tan2xFor Exercises 73-104, verify that the equation is an identity. sinxcotxcosxtanx=cotx79PEFor Exercises 73-104, verify that the equation is an identity. 2tan4x+7tan2x+5sec2x=2tan2x+581PEFor Exercises 73-104, verify that the equation is an identity. cscxcosxcscxsinx=secx83PEFor Exercises 73-104, verify that the equation is an identity. csct+cott2=1+cost1cost85PE86PE87PEFor Exercises 73-104, verify that the equation is an identity. tanxsecx1=secx+1tanx89PE90PE91PE92PE93PE94PE95PE96PEFor Exercises 73-104, verify that the equation is an identity. cosxtanxsecxcotx=cotxcosx98PE99PE100PE101PEFor Exercises 73-104, verify that the equation is an identity. log100sinx=2sinx103PE104PE105PE106PE107PE108PE109PE110PE111PE112PE113PE114PE115PE116PE117PE118PEFind the exact values. a. sin195 b. cos512Find the exact value of the expression. cos99cos36sin99sin363SP4SPFind the exact value of tan165 .Verify the identity. cos32=sinVerify the identity. sinx+ysinxy=2cosxsinyWrite 4sinx+3cosx in the form ksinx+ .1PE2PEFill in the boxes to complete each identity. tanu+v=1tanutanv;tanuv=tanutanv4PE5PE6PEFor Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. cos165For Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. sin512For Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. sin12For Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. tan1912For Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. cos1912For Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. sin15For Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. tan712For Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. cos712For Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. sin105For Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. tan105For Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. tan15For Exercises 7-18, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. cos195For Exercises 19-26, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. sin140cos20cos140sin20For Exercises 19-26, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. cos3518cos518+sin3518sin518For Exercises 19-26, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. tan54tan121tan54tan12For Exercises 19-26, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. sin3536cos1318cos3536sin1318For Exercises 19-26, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. cos23cos76sin23sin76For Exercises 19-26, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. tan15tan451+tan15tan45For Exercises 19-26, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. cos200cos25sin200sin25For Exercises 19-26, use an addition or subtraction formula to find the exact value. sin109cos718+cos109sin718For Exercises 27-32, find the exact value for the expression under the given conditions. cos+;sin=35 for in Quadrant III and cos=34 for in Quadrant II.For Exercises 27-32, find the exact value for the expression under the given conditions. sin+;sin=38 for in Quadrant II and cos=1213 for in Quadrant IV.For Exercises 27-32, find the exact value for the expression under the given conditions. tan+;sin=817 for in Quadrant II and cos=941 for in Quadrant III.30PE31PE32PE33PE34PE35PE36PE37PEFor Exercises 33-40, find the exact value. sincos11213+tan14339PE40PE41PE42PE43PEFor Exercises 41-62, verify the identity. cosx=cosx45PE46PE47PEFor Exercises 41-62, verify the identity. cos(xy)cos(x+y)=2sinxsiny49PE50PE51PEFor Exercises 41-62, verify the identity. cosx=4cosx4=2sinx53PE54PE55PEFor Exercises 41-62, verify the identity. sinsin+=tantantan+tan57PE58PE59PE60PE61PE62PE63PEFor Exercises 63-66, a. Write the given expression in the form ksinx+for02. Round to 3 decimal places. (See Example 8) b. Verify the result from part (a) by applying the sum formula for sine. 15sinx+8cosx65PE66PE67PE68PE69PE70PE71PEa. Is it true that cos245=2cos45 ? b. Expand cos245 as cos45+45 using the sum formula for cosine. Then simplify the result.Derive cosu+v=cosucosvsinusinv by using the identity for cosuv and the odd and even function identities for sine and cosine.Derive tanuv=tanutanv1+tanutanv by using the identity for tanu+v and the odd function identity for tangent.Derive sinu+v=sinucosv+cosusinv76PEFor fx=sinx , show that fx+hfxh=sin1coshh+cosxsinhhForfx=cosx , show that fx+hfxh=cosx1coshhsinxsinhh79PE80PE81PE82PE83PEDescribe the pattern for the expansions of cosu+v and cosuv .85PE86PE87PE88PE89PE90PE91PE92PE93PE94PE95PE96PE97PESuppose that ABC contains no right angle. Show tanA+tanB+tanC=tanAtanBtanC .Let L be a line defined by y=mx+b with a positive slope, and let be the acute angle formed by L and the horizontal. Let px1,mx1+b and Qx2,mx2+b be arbitrary points on L . Show that m=tan .100PE101PE102PEGiven that sin=45 for in Quadrant II, find the exact function values. a. sin2 b. cos2 c. tan22SP3SPUse the half-angle formula to find the exact value of sin165 .Show that 1cos1+cos=sin1+cos.6SP1PE2PE3PE4PEFrom the relationship sin2=1cos22, it follows that sinu2 = .From the relationship cos2=1+cos22 , it follows that cos u2 = .For Exercises 7-14, use the given information to find the exact function values. a.sin2b.cos2c.tan2 sin=1213, in Quadrant IVFor Exercises 7-14, use the given information to find the exact function values. a.sin2b.cos2c.tan2 sin=47 , tan0For Exercises 7-14, use the given information to find the exact function values. a.sin2b.cos2c.tan2 cos=55,sin0For Exercises 7-14, use the given information to find the exact function values. a.sin2b.cos2c.tan2 cos=58, in Quadrant IIIFor Exercises 7-14, use the given information to find the exact function values. a.sin2b.cos2c.tan2 cos=52, in Quadrant IIIFor Exercises 7-14, use the given information to find the exact function values. a.sin2b.cos2c.tan2 cos=26,cos0For Exercises 7-14, use the given information to find the exact function values. a.sin2b.cos2c.tan2 sec=3712, in Quadrant IVFor Exercises 7-14, use the given information to find the exact function values. a.sin2b.cos2c.tan2 csc=2524,cos0For Exercises, 15-20, find the exact value of the expression. 2tan67.51tan267.5For Exercises, 15-20, find the exact value of the expression. 2tan151tan215For Exercises, 15-20, find the exact value of the expression. 2sin12cos12For Exercises, 15-20, find the exact value of the expression. 2sin22.5cos22.5For Exercises, 15-20, find the exact value of the expression. cos28sin28For Exercises, 15-20, find the exact value of the expression. 2cos2165121PE22PE23PE24PE25PEFor Exercises, 21-34, verify the identity. sin3xsin2x=2cosx12secx27PE28PE