ic operator: + - * / rem ** Every relational operat
Provide a
- Integer, Real and Boolean literals
- Every arithmetic operator: + - * / rem **
- Every relational operator: = /= > >= < <=
- Every logical operator: and or not
- An if statement
- A case statement
- A reduce statement
- Multiple variable declarations
- Multiple parameter declarations
In addition, your program should be written in a such a way that it test the associativity and precedence of all operators. It should also include nested statements.
Also provide several sets of input (values for the parameters) to the program, enough so that every line of code within the program is executed at least once. For each input supplied, provide the corresponding output.
Is this correct ANSWER and how can I improve it…PLEASE HELP
Provide a program in the target language of our compiler/interpreter that incorporates all elements of the language.
This program calculates the value of a parabolic function given the coefficients a, b, and c, and a value of x. It tests the associativity and precedence of all the arithmetic operators and the logical operators, as well as the if statement, case statement, and reduce statement. It also includes multiple variable and parameter declarations.
Also provide several sets of input (values for the parameters) to the program, enough so that every line of code within the program is executed at least once. For each input supplied, provide the corresponding output.
$ ./compile < test.txt 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.0
Compiled Successfully Result = 13.0
$ ./compile < test.txt -1.0 0.0 3.0 0.0
Compiled Successfully Result = 10.0
$ ./compile < test.txt 1.0 2.0 3.0 10.0
Compiled Successfully Result = 123.0
Step by step
Solved in 3 steps