Animal Farm
Author: George Orwell
Genre: Allegorical novel
Publication Date: 1945
Animal Farm, a timeless classic, cannot be understood outside the context of twentieth-century European history. The talking, thinking animals in Animal Farm quite clearly reference the events leading up to the Second World War. Orwell was an ardent critique of totalitarianism of all forms, and Animal Farm makes this very clear. However, Orwell’s critique is a rather unique one. While Orwell was against Stalinism, he nonetheless believed in communist and socialist ideals. He was thoroughly disappointed by the turn of events in communist-run Soviet Union and eventually became disillusioned with Soviet communism. Animal Farm, a prime example of anti-utopian literature, reflects Orwell’s arc—for instance, Old Major’s proposed ideals of animal equality are laudable, but the turn of events once the animals assume leadership sheds light on the difficulties of putting ideals into action. In the book, the animals’ leadership takes an anti-utopian turn.
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