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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 0 - Preparing For Advanced AlgebraChapter 0.1 - Representing FunctionsChapter 0.2 - FoilChapter 0.3 - Factoring PolynomialsChapter 0.4 - The Counting PrincipleChapter 0.5 - Permutations And CombinationsChapter 0.6 - Congruent And Similar FiguresChapter 0.7 - The Pythagorean TheoremChapter 1 - Equations And InequalitiesChapter 1.1 - Expressions And Formulas
Chapter 1.2 - Properties Of Real NumbersChapter 1.3 - Solving EquationsChapter 1.4 - Solving Absolute Value EquationsChapter 1.5 - Solving InequalitiesChapter 1.6 - Solving Compound And Absolute Value InequalitiesChapter 2 - Linear Relations And FunctionsChapter 2.1 - Relations And FunctionsChapter 2.2 - Linear Relations And FunctionsChapter 2.3 - Rate Of Change And SlopeChapter 2.4 - Writing Linear EquationsChapter 2.5 - Scatter Plots And Lines Of RegressionChapter 2.6 - Special FunctionsChapter 2.7 - Parent Functions And TransformationsChapter 2.8 - Graphing Linear And Absolute Value InequalitiesChapter 3 - Systems Of Equations And InequalitiesChapter 3.1 - Solving Systems Of Equations By GraphingChapter 3.2 - Solving Systems Of Equations AlgebraicallyChapter 3.3 - Solving Systems Of Inequalities By GraphingChapter 3.4 - Optimization With Linear ProgrammingChapter 3.5 - Systems Of Equations In Three VariablesChapter 4 - MatricesChapter 4.1 - Introduction To MatricesChapter 4.2 - Operations With MatricesChapter 4.3 - Multiplying MatricesChapter 4.4 - Transformations With MatricesChapter 4.5 - Determinants And Cramer's RuleChapter 4.6 - Inverse Matrices And Systems Of EquationsChapter 5 - Quadratic Functions And RelationsChapter 5.1 - Graphing Quadratic FunctionsChapter 5.2 - Solving Quadratic Equations By GraphingChapter 5.3 - Solving Quadratic Equations By FactoringChapter 5.4 - Complex NumbersChapter 5.5 - Completing The SquareChapter 5.6 - The Quadratic Formula And The DiscriminantChapter 5.7 - Transformations With Quadratic FunctionsChapter 5.8 - Quadratic InequalitiesChapter 6 - Polynomials And Polynomial FunctionsChapter 6.1 - Operations With PolynomialChapter 6.2 - Dividing PolynomialsChapter 6.3 - Polynomial FunctionsChapter 6.4 - Analyzing Graphs Of Polynomial FunctionsChapter 6.5 - Solving Polynomial EquationsChapter 6.6 - The Remainder And Factor TheoremsChapter 6.7 - Roots And ZerosChapter 6.8 - Rational Zero TheoremChapter 7 - Inverses And Radical Functions And RelationsChapter 7.1 - Operations On FunctionsChapter 7.2 - Inverse Functions And RelationsChapter 7.3 - Square Root Functions And InequalitiesChapter 7.4 - Nth RootsChapter 7.5 - Operations With Radical ExpressionsChapter 7.6 - Rational ExponentsChapter 7.7 - Solving Radical Equations And InequalitiesChapter 8 - Exponential And Logarithmic Functions And RelationsChapter 8.1 - Graphing Exponential FunctionsChapter 8.2 - Solving Exponential Equations And InequalitiesChapter 8.3 - Logarithms And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 8.4 - Solving Logarithmic Equations And InequalitiesChapter 8.5 - Properties Of LogarithmsChapter 8.6 - Common LogarithmsChapter 8.7 - Base E And Natural LogarithmChapter 8.8 - Using Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 9 - Rational Functions And RelationsChapter 9.1 - Multiplying And Dividing Rational ExpressionsChapter 9.2 - Adding And Subtracting Rational ExpressionsChapter 9.3 - Graphing Reciprocal FunctionsChapter 9.4 - Graphing Rational FunctionsChapter 9.5 - Variation FunctionsChapter 9.6 - Solving Rational Equations And InequalitiesChapter 10 - Conic SectionsChapter 10.1 - Midpoint And Distance FormulasChapter 10.2 - ParabolasChapter 10.3 - CirclesChapter 10.4 - EllipsesChapter 10.5 - HyperbolasChapter 10.6 - Identifying Conic SectionsChapter 10.7 - Solving Quadratic SystemsChapter 11 - Sequences And SeriesChapter 11.1 - Sequences As FunctionsChapter 11.2 - Arithmetic Sequences And SeriesChapter 11.3 - Geometric Sequences And SeriesChapter 11.4 - Infinite Geometric SeriesChapter 11.5 - Recursion And LterationChapter 11.6 - The Binomial TheoremChapter 11.7 - Proof By Mathematical InductionChapter 12 - Probability And StatisticsChapter 12.1 - Experiments, Surveys, And Observational StudiesChapter 12.2 - Statistical AnalysisChapter 12.3 - Conditional ProbabilityChapter 12.4 - Probability And Probability DistributionsChapter 12.5 - The Normal DistributionChapter 12.6 - Hypothesis TestingChapter 12.7 - Binomial DistributionsChapter 13 - Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 13.1 - Trigonometric Functions In Right TrianglesChapter 13.2 - Angles And Angle MeasureChapter 13.3 - Trigonometric Functions Of General AnglesChapter 13.4 - Law Of SinesChapter 13.5 - Law Of CosinesChapter 13.6 - Circular FunctionsChapter 13.7 - Graphing Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 13.8 - Translations Of Trigonometric GraphsChapter 13.9 - Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 14 - Trigonometric Identities And EquationsChapter 14.1 - TrigonometricChapter 14.2 - Verifying TrigonometricChapter 14.3 - Sum And DifferenceChapter 14.4 - Double-angle And Halg-angle IndentitiesChapter 14.5 - Solving Triginimetric EquationsChapter CSB - Concepts And Skills BnakChapter EP - Extra PracticeChapter MPS - Mixed Problem SolvingChapter PS - Problem-solving Handbook
Book Details
ENGAGING MATHEMATICS, SUPPORTING ALL LEARNERS, DELIVERING THE CONTENT NEEDED TO MEET TODAY'S STANDARDS . .Glencoe Algebra 2delivers the depth of content required to meet the new changes in your state's standards; provides relevant applications for teens; unique instructional resources for teachers.
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