Why it is Important to Study the Bible
The Bible has so much wisdom, knowledge, and a guide to how we should live out our life. Also,
the Bible is a book of instructions that is comprised of sixty-six books and letters that multiple authors write. From a personal perspective, reading the Bible gives me great joy and allows me to reflect on God’s words. From that, I can see how my life has transformed in a way that I feel is pleasing to God. God’s word in Joshua 1:8 says, “Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it” (
Holy Bible, New International Version,
1973/2011, Joshua 1:8). Also, in the reading for this week, it stated, “It’s a fundamental and foundational belief that the Bible is God’s Word written and thus
the primary source for all spiritual truth” (Session 1 Biblical Perspective, 2023). God wants us to
get boldly and wholeheartedly to know Him more intimately and personally. So, in conclusion, there are significant benefits to studying the Bible. Studying the Bible leads to spiritual growth, allows you to gain a deeper understanding of God’s role in your life, and allows you to engage in conversation with God. Lastly, it gives you hope for eternal life in Heaven. These are all reasons why it is essential to study the Bible. I am reminded of the scripture “For thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” (
Holy Bible
, New International Version
, 1973/2011, Psalms 119:105).