A Year in the Life (Serial Case Podcast): At the End of the Day
If you were Amy, what would you do in this situation? If I were Amy I would already not stay late if I knew I was exhausted and couldn’t give 110% of my care to my patients. I would also talk through my feelings with my coworkers I could discuss with. 2.
Could you provide unbiased care?
I could provide unbiased care to this patient. It would be hard to do, but I could do it. I personally feel that
providing unbiased care is something you have to be able to do in order to be a healthcare worker. 3.
What factors make this ethical scenario complex?
Some factors that make this an ethical scenario is the understaffing and Amy staying over. Another factor that makes this an ethical scenario is patient addiction. 4.
What are three strategies you can use to achieve work-life balance?
Three strategies you can use to achieve a better work-life balance are to set boundaries with your workplace. Another strategy you could use if you work 12-hour shifts is stacking up your shifts so you can have multiple days off in a row. Another strategy you can use is ensuring you leave your work at work, so when you are at home with family you can be present with family. Finger on the Pulse (Talk Show Podcast): Falling Asleep at the Wheel of Work-Life Balance
Did the conversation that took place during the forum meeting exemplify a healthy relationship?
The conversation that took place during the forum meeting did not exemplify a healthy relationship. This conversation did not exemplify a healthy relationship because the character had a really bad work life balance.