Domestic: Liberal version argues that, while mythic, religion can be used to define human needs (Entwistle, 2015, p. 218)
Conservative version argues importance of scripture in defining and improving human welfare (Entwistle, 2015, p. 222)
Foreign: Views religion from an outsider's perspective: to be studied
and learned from
Picks and chooses aspects of religion to implement and ignore (Entwistle, 2015, p. 219)
Colonialists believe that scripture is the ultimate
source of truth. They use psychology as a means
of supporting scripture. If something in scripture
does not seem to support scripture, Colonialists ignore it.
Rebuilders believe that psychology needs to be rebuilt from its foundation. They argue that psychology does not properly recognize its Christian and philosophical roots and looks to rebuild the discipline of psychology with a firm religious foundation. They especially reject