T.0. 1A-10A-1 CDU DISPLAY, MISSION PAGE AHIDIST ENTRY SELECTED INDICATOR STEERPOINT MAGNETIC _ HEADING PAGE \ SELECTED COORD MISSION POINT DISTANCE ~ LABEL DESTINATION FORMAT ¢OORDINATE lSJ[T)f:EGF(f)l?)AND FORMAT e OFFSET LINE KEY LINE KEY Woon = = i a— g 7 OFFSET MAGNETIC [e=msnp,0253 - uiesf (= ‘;//POINT HEADING T e GRID AND DISTANCE ' SPHEROID P B LINE KEY ELEVATION LINE KEY L st (= | LINE KEY =0 || e eriss s @=L LINE EASTINGS AND NORTHINGS | ONGITUDE LINE KEY LINE KEY ELEVATION OFFSET OFFSET POINT | OFFSET POINT AREA, SCRATCHPAD POINT LONGITUDE DIRECTION EASTINGS AND NORTHINGS ~ LINE LATITUDE fren MISSION (MSN) PAGE (UTM) MISSION IMSN) PAGE (LILL) MISSION PAGE LABEL/LINE SELECT KEY FUNCTION Page label Selected destination Selected steerpoint MH/DIST entry indicator Offset line key Coordinate format *Alternate coordinate format line key Mission page label. Mission is from selected destination 2, selected steerpoint 3. Line select key performs no function. DEST and STR toggle switches increment or decrement sclected destination and steerpoint, respectively. Indicates last entry on MSN page was MH/DIST and will not appear when L/L-UTM coordinates are entered. Allows entry of offset point as selected stecrpoint. Offset point 1s selectable as steerpoint only after offset point bearing and distance or coordinates (L/L-UTM) arc entered and arrow appears on page label line. If the offset point is sclected as steerpoint, GCS steering mode will automatically be selected. L/L for latitude/longitude or UTM for universal transverse mercator. Allows sclection of either L/L or UTM coordinates. Figure 1-50. (Shect 1 of 2) 1-103