Capricia Withers
LG312 Unit 6
What is the price per 3D printer in USD for the Takena Electronics offer? What costs,
responsibilities, and risks does OptiShop assume under DAP, Port of Long Beach?
The price per unit for Takena Electronic is $172.41. Under DAP, Port of Long Beach, OPTiShop
assumes the risks associated with the seller's delivery of the products when they are placed at the
buyer's disposal on the incoming means of transportation, ready for unloading at the designated
place of destination.
What is the price per 3D printer in USD for the Luca Enterprises offer? What costs,
responsibilities, and risks does OptiShop assume under EXW, Bucharest?
Luca Enterprises is offering a unit price of $161.92. OptiShop's risks under EXW, Bucharest
includes taking ownership of the product and being accountable for it.
Which of the three options would you recommend? Why?
Since the seller handles all things, option 1 would be what I would recommend because it has
less compliance. I believe that is the best decision in this case.
Having options could provide
investors with a less expensive and safer way to enter the market long or shorter. Also. options
provide investors and traders access to more complicated and flexible strategies like
combinations and spreads that may be beneficial in any type of market.
Novack, R. (2018). Transportation: A Global Supply Chain Perspective (9th ed.). Cengage
Learning US.