How would you physically secure an SQL server?
It is important to restrict physical access to the server room or data center where the SQL server is
housed to only authorized personnel. To achieve this, access cards, biometric authentication,
surveillance cameras, and security guards can be utilized to prevent any unauthorized entry.
Why would you, for security reasons, use Windows Only authentication mode?
With Windows authentication, SQL Server can leverage the security infrastructure in Active Directory.
This mode also enables the use of Kerberos authentication, which promotes mutual authentication and
guards against credential-forwarding attacks. Additionally, it enables SQL Server to make use of the
security infrastructure already in place from Active Directory.
Under what circumstances would you enable the SQL Mail capability?
By enabling SQL Mail capability, users can automate email notifications for specific events or conditions,
including job failures, server errors, and database backups. Additionally, the feature can be used to send
alerts and notifications when certain thresholds or conditions are met, such as reaching a predefined
disk space limit or experiencing excessive database growth.
Gupta, R. (2023). SQL Server authentication vs. Windows authentication: Which to use and when.
Quest Blog
Randal, P. (2020, December 31). Physical security - Paul S. Randal. Paul S. Randal.
Rhoat, J. (2019, November 5).
Considerations and concerns when setting up database mail for
SQL server
. SQL Shack - articles about database auditing, server performance, data
recovery, and more.