A car dealership wants a database to track sales by customer, vehicle, and sales person.
Customer (CustomerID, CustomerLastName, CustomerFirstName, CustomerEmail)
Primary Key: CustomerID
Vehicle (VehicleID, VehicleName, VehicleType, VehicleColor, CustomerID)
Primary Key: VehicleID
Sales Person (SalePersonID, LastName, FirstName, SalesEmail, VehicleID, CustomerID)
Primary Key: SalePersonID
A YouTube subscriber wants a database to track videos by subject, YouTuber, and playlist.
Youtuber (AccountID, YoutuberLastName, FirstName, YoutuberEmail)
Primary Key: AccountID
Playlist (GenreType, DateCreated, PlaylistName, AccountID, ArtistName)
Primary Key: GenreType
Subject (GenreID, ArtistID, AccountID, GenreName, GenreType)
Primary Key: GenreID
In this assignment, I learned different ways to write data type (table names and field names). The importance of different NFs and that database normalization is a progressive process using different normal forms. A higher level of database normalization cannot be achieved unless the previous levels have been satisfied. Any relation that is in BCNF satisfies 3NF. Any relation in 3NF
satisfies 2NF. Any relation in 2NF satisfies 1NF. A fully normalized database allows its structure to be extended to accommodate new types of data with slight changes to the existing structure. This can be used in Excel in future as well.