Discuss who you believe generated the data. Is it credible?
The United States Census Bureau is recognized as a credible source of information. The U.S Census Bureau operates under the dept of Commerce and functions independently to conduct a decennial census. It collects, analyzes, and disseminates demographic data about the United States impartially. (Guathier, n.d)
Discuss what the graph reveals about the variable.
There are two variables in this info graph; the percentage of women in a particular field of work and median earnings between women and men compared in thousands. The graph has a good amount of information in it, but a big takeaway is how women’s compensation is lagging behind their male counterparts in every variable that is being analyzed on the graph.
Explain any unusual aspects, as well as the shape, center, and spread of the distribution.
The distribution for percentages of females in certain occupations should not be considered a formal distribution as it describes the percentage of a categorical value.