Having a theoretical model for a real-life situation can be extremely useful. A theoretical model is a key element in research as it helps define the purpose, develop a perspective, and analyze data. A theoretical model can provide a deeper understanding of a phenomenon by breaking down its known regularities into more basic components. This goes beyond just expressing those regularities in quantitative terms or relating known properties to those of different objects or systems. By doing so, this theory can be applied to real-life situations (Alfaisal University Library, 2016).
For Example:
Impact of COVID-19 on health systems.
Analyze research on the impact of COVID-19 on health systems. Emphasize the need for public hygiene infrastructure for vulnerable populations.
The following fields could be
analyzed: the impact of the pandemic on health systems and public infrastructure, the precariousness of resources, and the spread of infections.
Actions: The following actions are crucial for optimal care and to prevent the spread of infections:
enhancing information system governance implementing multi-sector management mechanisms, improving technological infrastructure, and processing data and information.
Having a theoretical model is important in situations because it can help interpret data and put research into a broader context. Developing a theoretical model typically involves reviewing the work of others to form our ideas. This process can help you conduct relevant and useful research, while also identifying areas that may require further examination.
Alfaisal University Library, (2016).
Research Methods Information: Theoretical Models (Using Theory).