Fall 2023 Check List for the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) of the Warehouse Project
The following checklist is to be used by each team to prepare for their Preliminary
Design Review (PDR). You will be in teams of 3 or 4 and each team member is
expected to contribute to the design process for the project. This PDR is intended to
provide an opportunity for the Faculty/TA to provide feedback on your initial concepts for
achieving the mission.
The PDR will be held during lab time on the week scheduled in the syllabus. It is
expected that each team will be prepared to describe their concept for the project. The
presentation should be 8 to 10 minutes long. Groups will need to present efficiently in
order for the whole class to complete their presentations within the class period. Please,
determine in advance who will speak to what topics. Each person is expected to speak.
You should have sketches of your complete vehicle concept. You must have some
subsystems of your design created with Legos. Please, be sure to cover the following:
Presentation checklist
Overview of your concept including:
Sketch of the proposed vehicle (10 pts)
Overview of the vehicle control methodology for each section of
the course (20 pts)
Locate hallways and chutes
Navigate to hallways and chutes
Store package
Dispense packages
Navigate around can
Follow lines
Overview of your software planning (10 pts)
Description of the package release concept (10 pts)
Demonstrate a functioning subsystem (e.g. the drivetrain, the
package mechanism, etc) (20 pts)
Overview of individual responsibilities - For which aspect of the
design and the competition is each individual responsible?
should have backup personnel for each task! (10 pts)
Engineering Notebook available for viewing (10 pts)
Presentation style, clarity, and flow (10 pts)