e) 23.4 f) 45.0 g) 66.6 Question 7 1/ 1 point Q7: Where was the noon altitude of the Sun highest and lowest on the equinoxes? Your answer should be either a latitude or a name for a specific latitude. Highest: Equator, Brazil (0.0) Lowest: Antarctic Circle, Antarctica and Arctic Circle, Canada (66.6) Question 8 1/ 1 point Q8: Approximately how many hours of daylight did each of the locations receive on the two equinoxes? 12 hours Question 9 1/ 1 point Q9: Where was the noon altitude of the Sun highest and lowest on June 21? Your answer should be either a latitude or a name for a specific latitude. Lowest: Malspina, Argentina Highest: Tropic of Cancer Atlantic Ocean Question 10 1/ 1 point Q10: Where was the noon altitude of the Sun highest and lowest on December 21? Your answer should be either a latitude or a name for a specific latitude. Lowest: Richardson NB Canada Highest: Tropic of Capricorn, Argentina