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May 14, 2024





Uploaded by JusticeBoulder2109

Name: _____________________________________ Section: _______ Laboratory 9: Fluvial Landforms Description: This lab gives you an opportunity to examine landforms associated with fluvial (river-related) erosion and deposition. On a global basis, rivers are the most significant agent shaping earth’s surface features. Rivers erode sediment from their bed and banks, transport sediment as bedload, suspended load and dissolved load, and deposit sediment on floodplains, alluvial fans, and deltas. By examining topographic maps and aerial photographs of rivers you will be able to identify specific shapes of fluvial landforms. Landform morphology will also help interpret the dominant geomorphic processes active on the landscape. Key Terms: Fluvial Meandering Braided Floodplain Lateral accretion deposits Vertical accretion deposits Levee Backswamp Oxbow lake Point bar Meander scar Alluvial fan Bajada Basin floor Fault scarp Exercise 9-A: Floodplains Examine the map and aerial photograph of the Red River near Campti, Louisiana from Atlas of Landforms (located with the Module 3 Lab09 module in Canvas ). 1. Is the Red River a meandering or braided river? How do you know? 2. Is Smith Island a true island? Why or why not? 11-1
3. “Old River” surrounds most of Smith Island. What kind of landform is this? How is it related to the Red River? 4. Notice the cartographic symbol used on the inside of meander bends. What does this symbol represent? What is the name of this deposit? Use Google Earth ( to find Campti, Louisiana. Zoom out a little to see the two oxbow lakes located just east of Campti (see photo below for reference). Make sure you have reviewed the lab lecture slides that accompanies Lab09. 5. Measure the radius of curvature in miles (distance from center of oxbow lake to outer bank of the lake at Old River) of the oxbow lake around Smith Island on the Red River. Average these values and convert the average values to units of miles. Show all calculations below. The radius of curvature for two additional oxbow lakes (A and B) along the Red River has been calculated for you. Old River Oxbow Lake A (Miles) Oxbow Lake B (Miles) Measurement 1 0.5 0.4 Measurement 2 0.68 0.87 Measurement 3 0.58 0.75 Measurement 4 0.45 0.48 Measurement 5 0.44 0.74 Average (Miles) 0.53 0.65 Average Radius of Curvature for oxbow lakes on the Red River: ________________________________ 11-2
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