For assignment 3, the writer must prepare a consise report about the problem
and provide and possible solutions. The report must follow the approved
template and contains all the required components. The report also must list
citiatons for any resources used and must be in APA 7th format. Lastly, the
writer must ensure the report is within the word length requirement.
4. Writing on the same topic for WA#2 and WA#3 make the writing of the
research report an easier task than it would have been if different topics had
been chosen. Comment on how the writing on the same topic for both these
assignments can help you as you write your research report. Answer in several
complete sentences.
Writing on the same topic makes it easier because you would already have an
idea of what you want to write. You already done the researched on the topic
and summarized how the resources agree/disagree with the solution you are
proposing. So by having this already completed, when writing the report it
would allow you to expand on your topic and provide additional information
that you didn't list in the WA#2 assignment
Examine the Research Proposal Memo (WA#1) instructions.
What permission must you request? To whom should your
memo be addressed? What information about your research
must you provide?
The writer must have the topic approved by Dr. Parmelee. Once permission is
granted, the writer is to research their topic and write a 800-word Proposal
Memo. The memo is addressed to a desired decision-maker and should
include their title. In the proposal memo, the writer will define a problem in
their workplace or community with accuracy and brevity, then propose a
solution(s) for the aforementioned problem. In the body of the memo, the
writer will discuss the research that was conducted and their origins (utilizing
UMGC’s library, professional/trade sources, and scholarly sources).