video content that will only grow in the near and far future. Because of the highly
segmented consumer preferences and large consumer base, there is plenty of space for
multiple players in the video streaming industry to satisfy the many niches of Indian
Five main substitutes to SVoDs in India include ad video support on demand, traditional
TV, local streaming SVoD,
video pirating websites, and electronic sell-through apps. Ad-
supported video on demand (ADVoD) sites like YouTube pose a significant threat to
SVoD services like Netflix due to their lower cost (essentially free) and large variety of
content. In 2015, YouTube was the most popular on-demand video content site in India.
However, as addressed above, this may change as internet infrastructure advances.
Traditional cable TV poses a smaller threat to SVoD in India. While many Indian
streaming platforms grew their SVoD services out of their already existing TV networks,
the increase in SVoD viewership did not initially effect TV viewership.
While this may
seem like a threat, the fact that SVoD viewership did not effect TV viewership shows that
perhaps the two are compliments, or that they can at least vie for demand without too
much competition. However, in the future, it seems that SVoD services will win out
against traditional TV as it has in America. Another threat to traditional SVoD services is
localized, SVoD services. The more local players fill niches that others cannot, offering
catalogues in less popular languages and cultures such as Bengali. As streaming
platforms like Netflix grow larger, build out their business and content in India, they may
be able to grab some of the niche market share from the local players. Finally, piracy
poses a large threat to streaming services in India not only because so many Indians
engage in it, but also because it is very difficult to prohibit, especially for foreign players
with whom the Indian government and law enforcement are less keen on supporting.
Lastly, electronic sell through apps like iTunes and Google Play pose a credible threat in
the short term as their price per video is so cheap. However, as internet infrastructure
advances and SVoD becomes more efficient and cheaper, sell-through apps will lose their
What are the major entry barriers into the industry and will those entry barriers change over the
relevant time horizon?
How do these entry barriers challenge domestic versus foreign competitors?
Who are the suppliers to Netflix in India?
How strong are those suppliers, and what do you think
will happen to their power in the future?
The major entry barriers within the steaming industry in India include licensing contracts, capital
costs for server hosting cloud services and original content and production costs, and building
subscriber bases. The cost of licensing contracts for Indian content should increase in the future just
as contracts for content in the U.S. have as competition between providers becomes stronger. As
competition grows and the industry advances, licensing contracts will only become more expensive.
Additionally, data hosting costs may decrease in the future due to economies of scale as they have in
the U.S. As the industry grows, competitors will require higher production costs if they choose to
produce their own content as higher quality content is demanded by viewers as the standard of living
in India increases. Additionally, garnering a subscriber base, which already poses a high entry barrier
in India, will only increase in the future as larger players snatch up most of the viewer base. Foreign
competitors, who are more out-of-touch with local customs and desires will require additional costs